Revealing Powers

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Adira POV We are still in Blane's office, having a minute to think about everything I need to show and tell them. Liddy gives me a reassuring smile telling me its ok while Trixie is doing the same from her mates knee, If you had told me that not only me but also Trixie would find our ONE so soon I'd say you were crazy but especially on the same day, it feels crazy. "If you would have a seat, I need to explain our destiny, but first, I need to show you a few things!" I ask Blane, and he sits back on his chair. I look around the people in the room, and I know they will all be important to us even though we have only just met half of them today, I know we can trust them. 'we would know' Hope says, still pining for our mate, our ONE. Taking a deep breath and close my eyes and get myself ready to show our powers to them as they need to know "please keep an open mind and give her time to show and explain" Liddy says, I know I can always count on her no matter what. I open my eyes and they are swirling gold and lavender I smile at my mate when I see his eyes are showing so many different emotions but he smiles back at me putting me at ease, I wave my hand once and a tray of drinks appeared on the table in front of Wes, he jumps up out his seat freaking out a little, I close my eyes and dissappear from where im stood and reappear near the door, when i open my eyes all the men are stood up on the other side of the desk. "Im sorry. I should have said what I was going to do!" As I say this, a tear slips from my eye. I dont want people to be afraid of us, Liddy and Trixie are there hugging me. The men are looking at me strange, and I can't help but feel sad. While I cry and let out the pain that people will think we are a monster. I just assumed that I would be ok because the only other people that I know had accepted me without freaking out or even having to think about it. "Please don't cry pumpkin we will always be here for you" Trixie said while rubbing my back, thats when I feel sparks, so I know I'm now in my mates arms, while he's kissing the top of my head. I take in his scent, calming us down, and he smells of freshly cut grass and sweet apples, I'm calmed enough that I've stopped crying. "I'm sorry my love I wasnt expecting that, thats all now, I'm over the shock I realise we upset you and I'm so sorry, me and Jack treasure you, I didnt mean to make you cry my beautiful little mate" he explained while kissing my forehead. I sat on my mates knee while Hope was yipping with happiness at being in his arms again and learning that his wolfs name was Jack. Everything is so fast. I know Hope said it's normal, but it just seems a lot. I go on to explain from my parents meeting each other to having me, the moon goddess, the prophecy, and all of our powers, which we still don't know the extent of. They were speechless but when Liddy told them about what happened to our family and that might be why they were attacked, because they were looking for me but my mum hid me. I was trying hard not cry but I miss my family so much, they went into serious mode working out what training I needed and what security checks need doing to make sure the pack was safe in the case that anyone came to attack us trying to find me, to be honest im starting to panic, what if I fail and people get hurt! 'We have each other adi and we will do whatever we need to do to protect our family and pack' Hope tried reassuring me 'Your right Hope I'm sorry we will do our best for everyone' i try and relax a little hoping all goes well. 'Wait you said our pack' I panic again 'yes Adi, we are Luna, we are mated to the Alpha' f**k I really hadn't thought about that. Wes thinks that might have been why they were attacked a few weeks before by witches, they have never been attacked by witches before so it makes sense. Blane also said it would be a good idea to contact the surrounding packs so they also can be prepared incase the witches attack their packs too. "Maybe who ever the witches are also felt the power surge the same as we felt a powerful surge weeks ago" Zane said making us all think. "Actually that makes sense as I've received numerous calls from different Alphas even from abroad asking if we know anything about the surge, but we didn't have a clue!" Blane said looking at me in wonder and also worry. So that means if the wolves and witches felt it we wont have a lot of time before we need to start training, we need to be prepared the best we can for whatever is coming. Blane's POV I cant get to the border quick enough, my head patrol said they were ordered to get their Alpha, WHO DARE ORDER MY MEN, I'm fuming but half way there I can smell vanilla and jasmine its getting stronger the closer we get and thats when we see the most gorgeous wolf not only is she white that looks like she is shimmering in the light but its the eyes, her eyes are truly beautiful they are blue and gold, thats when Jack shouts 'Mate' and as mate slips out my mouth she shifts back!. "TURN ROUND NOW, IF YOU DARE LOOK AT MY NAKED MATE YOU WILL BE PUNISHED" I shout at my men through the mind link. She is in my arms while Jack growls warningly to the men. We feel her go stiff 'we need to stop growling we are scaring our mate' I say to jack, we have waited so long for our mate I dont want to scare her now. "Stay with your backs to us and dont dare turn around until I say" I shout at my men. A girl passes her a dress to put on, after she has the dress on I notice she is our mate is beautiful, long curly hair, the most beautiful eyes the same colour as in her wolf form but minus the gold and full pink lips that I want to kiss and taste. "you are beautiful little mate" just looking at her my pants are getting tight but it's this moment that one of my men clears his throat asking if it was ok to turn around, after I agree they turn with heads down. "Why did your men attack us Alpha we did nothing wrong and we were expected today" my mate asked her voice is light and soft 'I cant wait to hear her moaning under us' Jack says making me start getting hard again, I try to focus again instead of the images in my head, this is going to be hard to do though, I take deep breaths to make me focus again and also because me and Jack are so mad that our men attacked our mate. "We apologise Alpha we thought it was another attack we should have asked but thats what happened last time and we lost good men, all we could smell was witches" the warrior explained "what happened with witches and I also apologise I hid my scent but you should have still asked you could have hurt or killed innocents" My mate said soft but also firm when she scolded them for being reckless what if it had been innocents, I'll be having words with my men later today. "Hello Alpha my name is Liddy, this is Trixie" a short girl gave a small wave "and your mate is called Adira and is the reason we are here" "welcome to you all, please follow me to my office" I replied while leading them to the pack house, grabbing my mates hand, I need to touch her, her skin is so warm and soft. On the way to the office, I mind link Zane and Wes to meet me in my office, and it was urgent, so they are not to be long. We are currently in my office, I'm sat in my chair with my mate on my knee, I could tell she was hesitant but didn't didnt try getting up so thats good, I love having her this close to us. I was loving the feeling of her relaxing into us. Just then, she jumped up when the door opened, and Wes walked in, followed by Zane. Zane growls out a "MINE" grabbing the girl Trixie in his arms inhaling her scent while she was giggling with her cheeks going red, its a very good day for our family as me and my brother have waiting for our mates for so long. My family consists of my brothers, Zane, Julian, and Gage. Julian and Gage live with their pack as Julian is the Alpha there and Gage is his Beta, it's the closest neighbouring pack to ours. Only Gage out all of us has found his mate until today. Then there's our baby sister Zoe, who lives in my pack with us. She is 16 years old, and we all adore her, she will love my mate and her family, im sure. Julian is the oldest at 25 years old, Gage is 23 years old, I'm 21 years old, and Zane is 20 years old. After everyone calmed down and was seated my mates beautiful voice cut through the silence "Alpha if I can ask, I've just realised we don't know anyones names, my name is Adira and these two beauties are my family Liddy and Trixie" s**t I forgot to introduce us 'cause you are a numpty' snickers Jack, "I was too busy staring at my beautiful mate that I didn't think to even ask, sorry" then I got lost at my mates little laugh 'she is amazing' Jack said "soooo do you plan on telling us?" They all started laughing at that and I could feel myself going red "yeah my name is Alpha Blane Black, my beta is Zane Black who is also Trixies mate and my brother, then this is Wes Carson my gamma." I introduced us, my little mate started squirming a little and blushing a lot, I wonder what she is thinking to get her like this. "Originally the meeting was to see if you could stay but we are mates so goes with out saying, is there anything anyone wants to add before we leave the office" I asked as I want to leave and have some time with my mate "actually there's a few things that I need to say and this will determine if I stay as it could put the pack in danger if it was to get out about me before I'm ready!" She says, which stops my thoughts, and I'm in alpha mode. No one will hurt my pack they will face my wrath, especially if my mates in danger, me and Jack agree. "No you will stay and I will protect you from everythi-" I was saying before I was cut off by my mate "I'm not a damsel in distress that you have to save, I'm stronger that you think I might not look much but me and Hope are destined to help all the supernatural world" We upset our mate "I'm sorry my love, I cant help wanting to protect you but I promise even though that will never change I will be by your side to face anything" I walk to her and hold her in my arms "its ok, I'm new to being a wolf and I'm not sure about how everything works and I'm still trying to wrap my head around what I'm thinking and feeling" she said in a small voice. We have been gifted the perfect mate by the moon goddess, she is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and she is so caring but also very strong and assertive, she is a true Alpha and Luna. 'we are so very lucky Jack' I say filled to the brim with love. 'We are, we need to mate and mark her now so we are completely one with her' Jack replies I roll my eyes internally 'we need to go at her speed Jack! she is new at being a wolf and I dont want us scaring her off!' I explained to Jack but he just whined and went to the back of my mind putting up a wall to cut off communication. We stayed in silence for a while just letting everything soak in "if you would have a seat I need to explain our destiny but first I need to show you a few things" my beauty asked, I sat waiting while she is looking around us all with worry until her family gives her reassuring smiles she closed her eyes "please keep an open mind and give her time to show and explain" Liddy says and when her beautiful eyes open I can't help but stare as her eyes are swirling gold and lavender i smile at my mate when her eyes land on me, she really is breathtaking I'm in awe of her, my smile seems to put her at ease, she then waves her hand once and a tray of drinks appeared on the table in front of Wes, he jumps up out his seat freaking out a little just as I'm about to tell him to relax my mate dissapears and reappears near the door I jump up initially when she dissappears as I panic slightly but then when she reappears and looks at us I realise that Zane and Wes are stood beside me looking a little freaked. "Im sorry. I should have said what I was going to do!" she says with hurt in her eyes and starts crying, thats when the women are there hugging her. 'You i***t, you upset mate, close your mouth and snap out of it go to mate now!!'Jack said snapping me out of my shock just then, I heard Trixie say, "Please don't cry pumpkin. We will always be here for you," trying to comfort her. I get a hold of myself and walk to my mate wrapping my arms around her kissing the top of her head the sparks feel amazing I just want to carry her away and get to know her more and have her to myself but I need to keep my mind on the situation at hand now. "I'm sorry my love I wasnt expecting that, that's all, now I'm over the shock, I realise we upset you and I'm so sorry, me and Jack treasure you, I didnt mean to make you cry my beautiful little mate" I say while kissing her forehead trying to calm her and I know we have a lot to talk about and that is priority at the minute but I will only continue when I know Adira is calmed enough, I hate that I caused her to cry, that was far from my intentions. I sit on my chair while my mate sits on my knee it feels so good when we have Adira in my arms enveloping me in her scent. It's a very weird concept to meet someone and instantly they feel perfect in your arms and hoe it feels like you would go crazy if you're not with them, but growing up in a pack we learn from a very young age about mates and how sacred they are. Adira obviously didn't grow up as part of a pack, so I know we need to take it at her speed. It does surprise me how comfortable with me she is. Adira then explains everything they have learned so far from the beginning of her parents meeting each other to having Adira. The moon goddess showing herself to them, the prophecy and all of the powers. I wasn't sure how to take everything in as it was a lot of information to process but then Lidia went on to explain about what happened to their family and that might be why they were attacked, because they might have been looking for Adira but as everything was being discussed, I felt her go tense and taking deep breaths, she was obviously upset about her family and I understand why. I tighten my hold on her gently, trying to give her comfort, that was when I went into serious mode working out what training needed to be done and what security checks need doing to make sure the pack was safe in the case that anyone came to attack us. Wes thinks that might have been why our pack border was attacked a few weeks before by witches, we have never been attacked by witches before, so it makes sense that it could be connected. I decided it would be a good idea to contact the surrounding packs so they can also be prepared in case the witches attack their packs, too! "Maybe whoever the witches are also felt the power surge the same as we felt a powerful surge weeks ago?" Zane voiced making us all think. "Actually, that makes sense as I've received numerous calls from different Alphas even from abroad asking if we know anything about the surge, but we didn't have a clue!" I explained while I had an uneasy feeling of worry for my mate of what might come our way but I vow that we will do everything to protect our mate and pack, training needs to be increased we all need to be ready.
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