How he became Alpha

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Adira POV It's all so much to take in and wrap my head around. I've gone from being a witch that felt like I didn't really fit in, don't get me wrong I've always felt like I was home and definitely belong with my coven but a part of me always felt like I was missing something and now that I've got a wolf I feel whole in myself, I do have a beautiful wolf at that. Now I have found my mate, I don't feel so alone, I feel complete. I know I'm new to this but its nice to feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be, it makes me feel complete but also a little scared, I've only really had Liddy and Trixie since my family died. I've always kept to myself at the coven as I'm always scared of letting people in because i don't think my heart could stand loosing anyone again, but now I've got a mate I'm happy I've got someone to spend my life with but also scared because if anything ever happened to him I feel like I wouldn't survive. Drastic, I know, who knew finding your ONE would feel like they are the air you breathe, the fibre of your being, and you would die before letting harm come to them. 'That is what a mate is,' Hope says, full of love and wanting staring at Blane. We have just finished up with the meeting and have got a plan in place. Blane, Zane, and Wes are going to do my training in wolf form and in hand to hand combat, and then I'm going to be doing my magic training with Liddy, Trixie, and Maxine. I'm hoping we will have plenty of time to get prepared in case I am the reason why the witches are attacking. It doesn't sit right with me that they are hunting and killing innocents because of me, if it is the reason I want to stop them as soon as possible. Blane has been talking to Zane for the last 5 minutes about contacting the other Alphas of the surrounding packs to explain the situation with the witches so they can also be prepared for attacks just in case. There was a knock at the door "come in" Blane said in a strong voice but as the door opened Liddy stood up and ran to the woman who walked through the door, she was tall around 5"6', brown wavy hair just past her shoulders and brown eyes, both hugging each other and crying, I stood up and walked over to them to make sure Liddy was ok, "oh Maxine I've missed you loads" Liddy cried onto Maxine's shoulder, "I've missed you lots too" she replied then she spotted me stood there and moved out of Liddy's arms and rushed to me wrapping me in a warm hug and cried more "oh my goddess I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you both and I'm sorry I couldn't make the funeral but I promise I'll be here for you both from now on please forgive me" she says in a rush " hey, hush now, honestly its ok. We understand, please don't cry! we are doing ok and there's nothing for us to forgive" I reassured her while Liddy came and joined in the hug "yes there's nothing to forgive everyone deals in there own way" Liddy also reassures her. A small cough breaks us up from our reunion when we turn around and find Trixie is looking at us with a pleading expression so I grab her and bring her into our group hug while we all start laughing. We break apart and turn around to all three men staring at us in confusion, not quite understanding why we are laughing when we were crying minutes ago, which makes us burst out laughing louder. As the laughter dies down, I'm feeling better. it's just what we needed. "If we are all in agreement with what needs to be done, we will go and get settled in. Have a couple of days to get to know each other." Everyone nods in agreement "As me and Zane have our mates will will take them to settle in our rooms and Lidia will be staying with maxine in her cottage unless you prefer having your own room here" Blane turns around to Liddy to wait for her answer, she nods yes "I would love to stay with Maxine and have a good catch up"Liddy says looking at Maxine, maxine nods and smiles so everyone leaves the office going their separate ways. Blane takes my hand leading me up the stairs, and he explains each floor as we go. We go up to the fourth floor. The first floor is living room, kitchen, dining room entertainment room. the second floor is for pack members that prefer to live in the pack house. Normally, they are single wolves or mated wolves, and the mated wolves that have pups have houses around the pack house. The third floor is for gamma and beta families, and the fourth floor is for the alpha family, there's 6 bedrooms and a little cosy living room. We reach Blanes room and my heart starts going faster and I start panicking 'deep breaths Adi, its ok he is our mate' I heard Hope trying to calm me but I can't seem to get my breathing under control, I feel sparks on my cheek but my eyes won't focus and my breathing is even heavier 'please Adi I've spoke to Jack and he said they will take everything at your pace, they have brought us here to bring our bag and just talk' Hope explains that's when I start relaxing a little bit, I hear Blane trying to get me to look at him and that everything is ok, I manage to focus on him taking deep breaths and when my eyes connect with his, everything shifts into place. I feel everything stops, and my breathing is a lot easier to control, I'm starting to relax when he pulls me into his arms. I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. "it's ok my little mate, we are just bringing your bag here and I wanted to talk for a while to get to know you but if you are not comfortable with that we can go for a walk in the garden" Blane explains trying to put me at ease but I realise now that there's nothing to worry about. I suppose growing up in a pack this is all normal but in our coven we are told about our ONE but it wasn't ever discussed to a point where I would feel this strongly as soon as we met 'that's because even though he is technically our ONE he is our mate. mates are more intense in every way possible but that's because we are human and wolf connected to our mate and so it intensified by two, if that makes sense' Hope explains trying to put me at ease of what I'm feeling is totally normal and I'm so grateful to have her 'thank you Hope' as I feel even more calmer. " I'm sorry I panicked, thats never happened before, it's just because I've never been alone with or shared a bed with anyone except Liddy and Trixie. I understand this is perfectly normal as we are mates it's just been a very tiring day and I'm still getting used to the concept of mates" I explain feeling absolutely stupid for my reaction, hoping he doesn't take offence to what I've just done, I'd hate to upset him when he's done nothing but be a gentleman. " Hey, it's ok, I understand it's a lot to process, but me and Jack are here for you and Hope and will take everything slow, ok!" Blane reassured me. With a nod from me, he opened the door. We enter the room and wow its amazing its so big with the biggest bed I've ever seen in the middle of the room in dark solid wood with matching bedside tables, the decor was light, but masculine at the same time. Grey, black and white decor, and when I stepped in, I wanted to take my shoes off and feel the lush carpet beneath my feet. It's the thickest carpet that I've seen. I walk further into the room, taking in all of it, but my eyes catch the large full wall of thick grey curtains. I think Blaze must have seen my eyes wondering. He walked to them and pulled one open and then the other. Wow, the view is breathtaking with a full wall of windows looking out to the woods. The room is truly beautiful. There are two doors in the bedroom, which I assume is a bathroom and a walk-in closet. I sit on the bed and it feels like a cloud. I just want to curl up on it and sleep. Blane puts my bag down near the doors and walks to me, sitting down beside me, looks into my eyes, and my breath catches in my throat. His eyes are so alluring that I want to never leave, Hope is sharing images of him naked laid in between my legs, all while looking into my eyes. 'Hope that's not fair behave..' I try telling her but I know my cheeks are already red and I'm getting heated down there, his eyes go dark in lust "You smell so good my little mate I can't wait to taste you" Blane says making me blush more and move my eyes to the floor "don't be shy, you are mine and I'm yours" Blane says while putting his fingers under my chin lifting my face to him. sparks shotting across my skin. I give him a smile, and he smiles back. "As much as I want to claim you right now, I know we need to take things slow.. so why don't you go get freshened up and I will go get us some food and drinks? " his voice is a little strained, and I've got a mixture of emotions, happy that he is being a gentleman and thinking about me, but I've also got a tinge of sadness at his rejection. I know I make no sense. "Ok, that sounds good, thank you." I reply because having a shower really does sound nice. Blane leaves the room and I open the door on the left and it's a really big walk in closet with one side full of Blanes clothes and shoes and the other half is empty but there's no way my few things would fill the space, I walk back out and open the other door and its a beautiful bathroom. I pick up my bag next to the door, taking it in with me, locking the door behind me. The bathroom is massive with a white bath that could fit at least three people in it, a walk-in shower, double sinks, and toilet. I turn on the shower and strip out of my clothes, well dress and boots, and put my hair up in a messy bun, I'm not washing my hair as I washed it yesterday, it's wild curls don't need to be faffed with too much. I slipped under the water, and the water felt great on my shoulders, relieving some of the tension. I stay under a while before washing my face and body, when I'm feeling clean and relaxed I turn the shower off and get out, the towel is so soft against my skin as I get dried, I wrap the towel around my body while I brush my teeth. I really do feel better, I hadn't realised how tense on edge I actually was until I'd relaxed in the hot shower. When I'm done, I slip on my underwear with black leggings and a simple over sized grey t-shirt. Taking a deep breath, I unlock the door, and that's when I notice Blane sitting on the bed with a tray of food, that smells amazing, and there's also drinks on the bedside tables. He gives me the biggest smile, and let me tell you he is gorgeous, "hi " I say feeling a little shy, he laughs while patting the bed for me to join him " hi little mate I hope you found everything you needed" he replied making me smile " I did thanks, what did you bring, I'm so hungry" my eyes lit up as I spot the pancakes and bacon with scrambled eggs it smells so good that my tummy growls, making Blane laugh again and it sounds lovely it has definitely moved up to being one of my favourite sounds. We both sat in silence while we ate, I was enjoying every morsel of food. We finish, and Blane moves the tray off the bed before adjusting to sit across from me. " Thanks for bringing food it was delicious," I say while smiling, I love being a foody. "It was my pleasure, beautiful. I've always wanted to cook for my mate, I'm glad you liked it," he replied, making me look at him with wide eyes. "You cooked that? I thought you would have a cook, " I say as I'm happy to know he cooked for me and it was yummy. "we do have cooks but I wanted to cook for you, I've waited so long to meet you I want to look after you and make you happy my little mate" Blane said making my smile wider and I don't know what came over me but I jumped on him wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him to me. 'Actually, that's a lie. You've wanted to wrap your arms around him freely since meeting him.' Hope says smugly, but I don't deny it because it's true. "If I thought feeding you would make you jump on me, I would have done it when you first got here," Blane says, making us both laugh. We lay on the bed talking and getting to know each other, and it seems like we have so much in common and have known each other for years. I tell him how I met Hope and how great she is. He told me all about Jack, and he sounds great, too. "I'm looking forward to meeting Hope properly. She sounds great," Blane says, making Hope bounce up and down yipping in my mind. She is so excited to meet our mates, too."we are excited to meet Jack too, and Hope can't wait for meeting you as well. I have a very happy wolf," I giggled. "You have made my wolf very happy," Blane says with a hearty laugh, I can't believe how much has happened in a day. "Do your parents live here? and is there only you and Zane? Do you have any other siblings?" I ask but I see him tense at my question "it's ok you don-" I try to say but he cuts me off "no its ok you should know, I have three brothers including Zane and also a little sister, she lives here with us, her room is at the end of the corridor, I will introduce you later when she is back" and I'm so happy he has a big family but I didn't miss that he hasn't mentioned his parents. "That sounds good. Do your other brothers not live in the pack?" I ask as I'm really want to know more about him and his family. I wonder what they are all like, Zane seems nice. "No, my oldest brother Julian is the Alpha of the neighbouring pack, and my other older brother Gage is his beta." "Oh ok, is that what happens in packs? If there are more than two brothers, do they build a new pack?" I ask with knitted brows. There's so much I don't know about packs. Blane laughs at me, I'm totally confused. "No, that isn't how packs work, my love, families stay together to strengthen their pack. The only time anyone leaves is two reasons! 1 - they found their mate from another pack, and if they choose, they can go to their mates pack. 2- If they commit a serious crime, then they are banished from the pack and become rogue." Blane explains, clearing my thoughts a little. "So how did you end up being an Alpha here, and if you are here with Zane does that mean that your brothers pack lost some of their strength, isn't that dangerous for them and you" I ask trying to understand everything. "Not exactly, we are still strong if not stronger as we are allied packs, and we have both built our packs to be even bigger and stronger. Would you like to hear how I became Alpha." He asks, but as I look at him, I can tell it's not a memory he shares often, but I would like to know if he is willing to share. "I would like to know if you want to share it with me," I say, taking his hand in mine. " So I grew up in the 'growling wolf pack'. Our pack was always a strong pack, and my family had always been Alpha, passing down to each generation through the years, My father had handed his title to my brother when he was 19 years old. Through the years we had been allies with a number of different packs, from strong packs to small weak packs, we would help all no matter the size or status of a pack. After Julian had been Alpha for almost a year, we was asked for an alliance with the 'howling moon' pack as they were a peaceful pack but had been suffering from more attacks from rogues over the last couple of months, so Julian gave them the alliance they needed and for a year we had helped them take care of their rogue ploblem. We had an update months later to let Julian know they had not had an attack for months and to also thank Julian and us for the help and support. We had felt a relief for them as their pack had sustained a hefty loss from the rogues. Julian had sent me and Zane to help train their warriors and to rebuild the pack so we had grown close to the Alpha and Luna over the months we were there." Blane takes a deep breath trying to hold his emotions, I put my hand on his cheek giving him a smile, he smiles back at me taking another deep breath readying to start telling me again " Me and Zane had already returned to our pack after helping them. Alpha Luke was great, he was an older Alpha because he and his Luna, Luna Kaz, wasn't able to have a child until they were older so his son was only 10years old and too young to take his father's place, they really were a great family and the whole pack loved them. Alpha Luke and Luna Kaz were kind and always making sure their whole pack was ok and made sure everyone had everything they needed. They were the ones who all the pack went to with any problems within their family, be it food, clothing, or even arguments, and they did their best to help and did it without judgment. Their son johnny was awesome, always running round with the pack kids, laughing. He was always smiling, oh, and he loved helping the cooks, never complaining ever." He said with a sad smile. This doesn't look like it's a happy story, and I don't suppose it will be if Blane became Alpha of another pack. "It's ok, if you can't tell me I understand, it looks like a hard memory to tell," I say while giving him a reassuring smile. "No, I want to tell you, it's not a fond memory, but you should know. I want you to know, " Blane replies. "So it had been almost 8 months with no attacks when we got an urgent message from Alpha Luke that they were under attack. Julian gathered half of our warriors, me and Zane included, we made the 30 minute journey but we were too late it was a devastation to arrive to, bodies of warriors laid around dead or dying but thats when we could see in front of the pack house in the garden were the bodies of the Alpha and his Luna, she had her arms around their son but they were all dead" He takes a shuddering breath trying to calm himself, I wrap my arms around him trying to soothe him. we stayed like that for a while until Blane felt ready to talk again, but this time, I could see the anger in his eyes. "We got closer and thats when we could see they had been tortured, Alpha Luke was tied to a silver spike whip marks all over his body and we could see where he had struggled to free himself and Luna Kat and Johnny was huddled together, he was wrapped in his mothers arms while she tried to protect him, she had so many whip marks oozing with blood and they were partially burnt but as we rushed to them to untie the Alpha we heard Johnny taking shallow breaths we managed to get him to the clinic but he passed away before we could help, while I was holding his hand." A stray tear came from his eyes. How horrible, how can someone be so cruel. I was crying and i couldn't stop " can som..someone be cruel" I don't understand how these things happen, what could someone get out of being that cruel, I don't understand. We are just holding each other, calming down with the comfort of one another. "It wasn't until we left the clinic that we realised that the attackers were not like the rogues from before this time it was a lot worse, we think that the rogues had some how had more in number, they must have to cause so much death and destruction. The pack house was on fire but we managed to get it out before it caused to much damaged and that was when we heard crying and coughing, we went to a hidden door but someone had jammed it shut so who ever was in there couldn't get out and escape the fire. We got the door open and inside was all the people in the pack who couldn't fight, all the babies, pups, the pregnant women, some women and elderly they were all taken to the clinic but a few elderly had already passed away from the smoke, everyone was heart broken including our pack that had become friends with this pack. We still can't find any reason for the attack, but we will find the people responsible and bring justice for our friends and family." I couldn't stop the tears falling, all the innocent people that have died is breaking my heart and thats when I know I'll be there to help find the justice they deserve "I will be by your side to bring that justice and I will give my all to helping you, I also know that you and this pack is where I belong, my heart is already here and I will protect you all until my last breath" I say with conviction and meaning every word, I look into Blanes eyes as he growls as he puts his lips on mine taking me by surprise, this is my first kiss and I'm blown away closing my eyes and going with it, his lips are so soft but firm putting all his emotions in it and I do the same, his tongue stroking my own. He stops and puts his forehead on mine, we both trying to catch our breaths and I'm blushing and smiling "how did I get lucky enough to be gifted you by the moon goddess, my little mate" Blane says kissing my forehead. "With what you have shared with me, I'd say I was the lucky one," I say as he kisses me again just as he did with the first kiss. I could get used to this. "So back to how I became Alpha," he says after lots of kissing. I groan a little at the loss of contact, causing him to chuckle. We lay side by side on the bed, my hands refusing to stay still, my fingers stroke across his covered stomach. He closed his eyes as he started talking again. "So we were taking the casualties to the clinic and dealing with the aftermath of the attack. Getting all the fires put out, collecting the dead for a proper burial, which were nearly all warriors, the few elderly and the Alpha family, it was a very devastating time. We were helping the pack the best we could, and then after the funerals, we held a pack meeting to decide what would become of everyone. At the meeting all members of the pack wanted to stay together as a pack but there was no one suitable for Alpha from what was left of the pack, that's when Julian put me forward to be Alpha as he explained I was Alpha born and had already been prepared to be an Alpha, as we all were, the pack had happily agreed as I knew them all from my stay with them from before. So that's how I became Alpha," he finishes telling me with nothing but love and determination in his eyes for his pack. We have been laying on the bed cuddling for a while just enjoying being in each others company just taking everything in that has happened and that has been told, in the warmth of being surrounded by Blanes body with his arms wrapped around me,I finally felt at peace, I could feel my eyes getting heavy and slip into darkness.
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