Meeting the Alpha

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Adira POV It's the day we leave to meet the Alpha, I hope it all goes well because I've not met any other wolves before and especially a pack. I'm so worried about fitting in and I know I'm not shy exactly, probably more quiet than anything else but since I've had Hope she is definitely more up front about what she feels and what she wants to say, even though its been more to me because nobody knows about her. I think she will be comfortable around other wolves and say what she wants without holding it in. It will be nice to be myself than hiding half of myself. Me, Liddy and Trixie are getting ready to leave, theres no way I'd leave them behind they are my everything. They have helped me in the last week to control my powers but have also been the ones to push me. The powers that have surfaced so far are : *We can hide our scent either witch scent or werewolf scent or even our whole scent *teleportation *Super speed and strength *Fast healing, werewolf, heal quicker than humans, but mine is almost instantaneous. *We can heal others, we know because Liddy cut her hand when I touched her my hand glowed with light and her hand closed up without even scarring, not sure if it will heal anything bigger but will test the theory if the opportunity comes. *My witch powers have got stronger I can do more magic and the biggest difference is I can do a portal on my own, where as normally it takes at least 3 witches to portal and even more if there is more people to go through it. We are not sure if we will get more powers, so only time can tell. My eyes also change colour when im using my powers they glow a swirling gold and lavender. I can also think of what I want, wave my hand once, and it appears. I've only tried it with small things as I'm still working to control it. I also dont have to say spells out loud to do magic like all other witches. We say goodbye to the rest of the coven and set off through the woods far enough away that I can make a portal for us to get to the pack. We arrive at the Howling moon pack borders as we walked closer we were surrounded by warriors in wolf form and before we can say anything they are growling, snapping their jaws at us and then lunge for us. I don't understand we are expected so why would they just attack us. Before they get chance to reach us Hope growls and shifts she growls louder when they all stop and bare their necks at us 'what is happening Hope' I ask a little scared, I've never met a werewolf before and wasn't expecting this! 'Dont worry Adira I wont let them hurt us or our family, WHO ARE THEY TO ATTACK US!' Hope says to me losing her temper. Wind starts to whip around us making it hard for them to stand, that's when Hope stops ' HOW DARE YOU ATTACK, WE DID NO WRONG, I WANT YOUR ALPHA HERE' Hopes voice shouts but I'm not sure what she is doing! Who is she talking to? 'Im talking to these warrior wolves so they can ask for their Alpha, it's a mind link, normally you have to be part of the pack but I think I can use it with the wolves I'm around' makes sense now Hope has explained. Within a few minutes of waiting the most handsome man I've ever seen comes walking to us he's about 6'3" with black hair that is long on the top and flopping onto his forehead and short around the back and sides, green eyes with chiselled jaw and sunkissed tan, "MATE" is all I can hear when we shift back and I'm crushed into a solid chest with arms wrapped around me feeling tingles everywhere he is touching me. He starts growling making me go stiff thinking it's at us but I think he realises it, when he shouts at his men to stay with their backs to us and dont turn around that's when I remember I'm naked and instantly started blushing so much as no man has ever seen me naked. s**t now all the men here have, I'm so embarrassed!!. All Hope is doing is purring being in our mates' arms. Liddy gives me a long summer dress out my bag, which I slip on looking at the floor in embarrassment. I feel tingles when he touches my chin to lift our face to his and I'm lost in his eyes that are showing so many emotions, love, being the most on show, "your are so beautiful little mate" his voice is a melody to my ears making my heart dance. Someone clears their throat behind us making us snap out of our daze "is it ok to turn now Alpha" one of the men asked "yes" he replied, I go to hold Liddy and Trixie hands to make sure they were ok. They both give me a small nod and a gentle squeeze on my hands. "Why did your men attack us Alpha? we did no wrong and was also expected to arrive today" I ask to which he looks angry at his men but takes deep breaths trying to calm down, one of the warriors steps forward and tried to explain "we apologise Alpha we thought it was another attack we should have asked but thats what happened last time and we lost good men, all we could smell was witches" and that makes no sense as witches are not evil beings. Dont get me wrong there are evil in all species but what a pile of s**t to assume we are all bad. "what happened with witches and I also apologise, I hid my scent but you should have still asked you could have hurt or even killed innocents" I said as I think we are both at fault. "Hello Alpha my name is Liddy, this is Trixie" Trixie gave a small wave "and your mate is called Adira and is actually the reason we are here" Liddy took charge "welcome to you all, please follow me to my office" the Alpha said grabbing hold of my hand while walking towards the pack house. Ok I would have objected but I can't get enough of him already. We enter the office and Liddy and Trixie are sat in front of the desk while the Alpha sat on the chair behind the desk pulling me on his knee, I'm still nervous and out of my depth but oddly also comfortable, I do jump up though when the door opens and two men walk in, but before I can say anything the taller of the two growls out MINE and grabs Trixie in his arms all of us just staring at them while he's got his face tucked into crook of her neck inhaling her scent with his arms around her waist and Trixie blushing and giggling with her hands round his neck! It is awesome that we both found our mates, and it means we will also always be together. Figuring life out together. After they have had 5 minutes to calm down and take a seat with Trixie on his knee and I'm back on the Alpha knee I have a thought "Alpha if I can ask, I've just realised we don't know anyones names, my name is Adira and these two beauties are my family Liddy and Trixie" I ask wanting to know his name, "I was too busy staring at my beautiful mate that I didn't think to even ask, sorry" Alpha replied still looking at me which made me laugh because he still didn't say their names "soooo do you plan on telling us?" That made everyone laugh and my mate go red, with a scratch on the back of his neck he spoke "yeah my name is Alpha Blane Black, my beta is Zane Black who is also Trixies mate and my brother then this is Wes Carson my gamma." He introduced them 'Wow his voice is so nice and mmm those lips can't wait to feel those all over our bo-' I cut her off before she went too far, horny wolf 'Hope omg dont say anymore we are in a room full of people' I say hoping she will stop because the images I'm seeing is making me feel hot and tingly and I know my face is bright red. "Originally the meeting was to see if you could stay but we are mates so goes with out saying, is there anything anyone wants to add before we leave the office" Blane asks "actually theres a few things that I need to say and this will determine if I stay as it could put the pack in danger if it was to get out about me before I'm ready!" I say "No, you will stay, and I will protect you from everythi-." "Im not a damsel in distress that you have to save, I'm stronger that you think I might not look much but me and Hope are destined to help all the supernatural world" I say a little upset that he thinks we are weak by now I'm stood in the corner of the room looking at everyone "I'm sorry my love, I cant help wanting to protect you but I promise even though that will never change I will be by your side to face anything" Blane said standing up and wrapping his arms around me inhaling my scent, "its ok, I'm new to being a wolf and I'm not sure about how everything works and I'm still trying to wrap my head around what I'm thinking and feeling" I try to explain giving a small smile 'I think im in the deep end Hope, is it normal to feeling like I want to protect what is ours when we have literally just met, I'm so confused!' I ask hopung it is sort of normal 'Of course it is Adi its part of being a wolf lets just explain to them what our destiny is!' Hope replies.
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