Sharing dark times

2110 Words
Adira POV I open my eyes as the sun is shining down on me, my skin feels so lovely and warm, my dress is flared out around me, I look around me and I'm in a beautiful clearing surrounded by wild flowers and a clear lake just relaxing enjoying the calmness of everything around me with my feet dangling into to the water. I love being out in nature. I close my eyes again, I start feeling a chill, the once warm water is turning icy cold I open my eyes, feeling dread envelope me. I look around, and it's getting darker, I can see the cold mist of each breath that I take, fanning in the air. I stand away from the water and wrap my arms around myself, trying to keep the last bit of warmth from the sun in my body. Everywhere is so dark, and I feel like someone watching me, wanting me. I don't know where I am, but as I look around, I'm in a cold, dark wood. I'm running through the woods towards my mum, who's shouting me. It's so dark and cold, running in the darkness, but I can't hear or see anything now, "PLEASE MUM.. PLEASE, WHERE ARE YOU?" I start shouting but now there's nothing, I keep running and when I see a light, I turn to the right running to the small light but then all I can hear is screaming, screaming all around me, I push harder because im scared! That's when the darkness isn't night. it's smoke filling my lungs and throat, choking me and stinging my eyes. I fall over onto my knees, I'm frantically searching around on my knees for what it was that I stumbled over, big beautiful but dead eyes are staring at me from my mum's dead body, theres screaming louder now. That's when I can feel sparks across my arms and face. Opening my eyes to see a very alarmed Blake trying to wake me, it's then that I realise it's me screaming and crying. He wraps me in his arms holding me tight, it takes me a few minutes to realise I was dreaming, I try to calm down when Blane goes to move away from me but I start to cry again clinging to him harder, why is he wanting to leave me? I need him, "shh, it's ok, my love, I'm just getting the drink. I got you earlier, from the bedside table, ok?" I nod and loosen myself from him. Only a second later, he put the glass to my lips. The cold water is just what I needed. Once I had calmed down, we sat up on the bed, but he kept his hand on me to give me comfort. "Do you want to talk about it, I was only gone 10 minutes to get drinks and sandwiches as it was already late and we didn't eat anything. I had just put the tray on the table when you scared the life out of me screaming. Are you ok now?" he explained in a hurry. I was still a little scared from thinking I was maybe hurt, I nodded yes while taking a deep breath. 'Do you think I should talk to him about mum Hope, tell what happened?' 'Yes Adi, I think it will help plus he told you a lot today too, don't be scared he will be here for you as you were for him earlier' Hope replied 'Ok thank you Hope'. "I have nightmares of my mum or should I say of the day she was murdered, my mum and grandparents were murdered" I heard him gasp but look at me in understanding, I will have to ask him about it but not now, "I grew up with my mum and grandparents in a small but beautiful house, it was in the middle of a beautiful wood with my nan, grandad, and Liddy,she is my mums younger sister. We never lived in our coven, and I never knew that wasn't a normal thing until me and Liddy went to live with them after our families murders. Me and Liddy grew up close as there wasn't much age between us, but I missed her terribly as she had gone to our coven to stay a few months to learn more magic. That day mum said we could go on a picnic to cheer me up, nan and grandad gave me cuddles and kissed my head saying they was going to stay at home as grandad wasn't feeling well but when I said we could have our picnic in the garden of our house they refused and sent us on our way, nan whispered that she had put my favourite chocolate cake in, she had made, making me smile.They both gave us extra cuddles saying they loved us all and sent us on our way. It was a normal afternoon, and me and mum had our picnic in the clearing, just playing reading and laughing. I was only 8" I say with a smile I loved spending my time with my mum. "It was getting late and when we were almost home we heard screaming and my nan and grandad was on the floor surrounded by witches, mum took me to an old tree that was hollow and shoved me in it with the her bag that she took everywhere." I stopped to ready myself to say the most heartbreaking scene I've ever witnessed, the day my heart was torn into a million pieces. "It's ok, love, take your time, it's ok." Blane said, I gave him a small smile clinging to his hand for strength. "Mum said to hide there and don't leave there and only come out for her or Liddy. Then all I could hear was screaming, it was so loud, so I pulled my knees to my chest squeezed my eyes shut and and covered my ears trying to block out the screaming of my family, I don't know how long I had hid there but I felt so alone and scared, thick black smoke was all around me by the time I heard Liddy crying and shouting me, I was coughing and crying when I crawled out the tree and ran as fast as my legs would carry me to my family, hoping everyone was ok but as soon as I reached them th..they were de..dead" I couldn't stop the tears falling, Blane pulled me in his arms laying us down on the bed while whispering that everything is ok and after crying for a while enveloped his arms against his chest, a dreamless sleep took me. Blane POV I feel lighter a little, sharing how I became Alpha with Adira, I've never spoken about it to anyone. Becoming an Alpha was a massive step, but I couldn't let anyone down as they had already been through so much, and I also wanted to honour my friends who were great leaders. since me taking the Alpha position I've vowed to protect my pack at all cost, we have grown as a pack not just in numbers but strength also, we have had the odd rogue attack but they didn't even get past our border patrol. I've been laid here next to my beautiful mate, acting a little bit like a stalker just laid here staring at her for the last 2 hours while she has been asleep, just trying to wrap my head around everything that has happened and also of everything thats been said, but even though we have got a lot to face, I'm the happiest man alive, Adira is everything I've ever wished for in a mate and more. It's already late, and we missed dinner, so I get up and head for the kitchen to grab us some sandwiches and drinks. I love looking after Adira, the way her eyes lit up at the food earlier, and how much she smiled, knowing I'd made it for her was great. She loves her food and that makes me happy as I learnt off my mum how to cook so I can care for my mate. "Hey bro, I wonder what has got you all smiley," Wes says, wiggling his brows while laughing, I just roll my eyes at him, chuckling. "I didn't hear you come in and I'm smiley, as you put it, because I've finally found my mate and I couldn't be happier" I say smiling to my self, "you didn't hear me come in the kitchen because you are too busy daydreaming about Adira" now he's full on laughing at me "funny" I muttered while leaving the kitchen with they tray of food. I get upstairs as quick as I could without spilling anything on the tray just incase Adira has woken and I'm not there but as I get into our bedroom, OUR I will never get tired of saying that, she is still sleeping. I put the tray on the table ready to lay with her again but she gives out an earpiercing scream, scaring the s**t out of me, I try waking her up but she just keeps screaming until I get my hands on her and she jolts awake taking a few seconds to focus on me and realising she is dreaming, I pull her into my arms hoping it will help, after a few minutes of Adira crying I try getting her a drink as it will help her feel better after all the screaming, but as I go to move away Adira start to cry again clinging to me more "shh its ok my love, I'm just getting the drink I got you earlier from the bedside table, ok?" After I reassure her I'm not leaving her, I grab the glass and help her drink it. It seems to soothe her. After she had calmed down, we sat up on the bed but kept my hand on her to hopefully give her comfort, knowing I'm here for her. "Do you want to talk about it, I was only gone 10 minutes to get drinks and sandwiches as it was already late and we didn't eat anything. I had just put the tray on the table when you scared the life out of me screaming. Are you ok now?" I rush out in a breath, still freaking out a little. Adira was quiet, and her eyes had glassed over, Hope must be calming her down, too. I sat here until she seemed ready to talk, and I could tell you it wasn't what I was expecting. I'm not surprised that going through that sort of trauma at a young age Adira is still suffering 'We will help our mate ' Jack said 'We will, it's going to take time though Jack' 'we are the perfect pair to do that as we know how it feels to loose loved ones at the hands of someone else' Jack says in anger with my anger rising with his 'your right jack but it's crazy to think how similar our lives have been to Adira, I just wish she hadn't had to experience it but we will help each other I'm sure' I replied in a determined voice. After telling me everything that happened to her family, Adira had tired herself out and was now snuggled in my arms sleeping. She has been asleep about an hour, and I can't get out of my thoughts. who would kill a family and why. why HER family! did they go after her family on purpose. what was they after. has this got anything to do with Adira being a hybrid. we need to find out if there have been any more attacks the same or similar to Adira's family. we need to start more intense training just in case. tomorrow we need to hold a pack meeting.. It makes me so angry that my mate had to endure so much and I have a feeling that was just the beginning and we have got no idea what we will be facing. We will be ready, I know we will, but we need to get organised. we need more intense training for our warriors. we need to start Adira training. double patrol numbers. notify all other trustworthy packs and covens. We have a lot to do but I hope I still get time with my mate, I know I'm being selfish but I can't help it. After time with my thoughts swirling round my head my eyes grow heavy and I finally let sleep take me.
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