Meeting Hope

1685 Words
Adira POV Today is my 18th birthday, and the day we shift for the first time, I'm nervous but excited at the same time. I'm definitely more nervous, though. It's been three weeks of getting to know Hope, and she really is amazing, kind, funny. I supposed everyone thinks their wolves are amazing, but Hope really is. She has been so patient with me, which has had to be hard for her to be landed with a human who has no inside knowledge about being a werewolf. 'Give yourself more credit than that.' Hope chuckled at my thoughts. s**t I do forget she can hear every thought. Don't get me wrong it's been so strange getting used to having a wolf, someone who's always there in my mind hearing all my thoughts and feel all my emotions but its also nice having her with me like that, as I'm never alone and she helps me through my thoughts if I'm struggling. So the things Hope has explained about being a wolf but also being the chosen one. 1- Wolves live in packs, which are like family. (like our coven) 2- Each pack has an Alpha, he's the strongest of all the pack, he leads them, protects them, keeps everyone safe and he is the highest ranking wolf in the pack and each Alpha has a mate that is a luna. 3- A Luna is the other half of the Alpha and takes care of the pack, she is understanding, caring, fair, but she is also the protective of the pack. She also guides the Alpha. 4- The Alphas right hand wolf is called a Beta, a Beta is the second highest ranking wolf after the Alpha couple, he helps run the pack, their mates are the Beta female. The beta along with the Gamma,who is the third in charge to the Alpha, both help run the pack smoothly with the Alpha keeping everyone safe. Helping with training etc. 5- The rest of the pack consists of warriors, doctors and omegas but all work together for the better of the pack. 6- The pack has a pack house where some of the pack lives, theres also houses for the wolf families that want to live out the pack house, theres a school, a pack clinic and then theres training grounds. 7-Since we are the chosen hybrid there will be dangers ahead of us and we will need to learn our new powers hopefully before anyone has found out about us. 8-We won't know what our powers will be but we will be safer in a pack. We will be better protected. We leave in 10 days to go to maxines pack her Alpha agreed to meet us, and then he will decide if we can stay and train with his pack warriors. We haven't told them what I am as such, just a wolf who lives with a coven and is in need of training. So back to here and now we are walking deep into the woods away from everyone in the coven, as we haven't told anyone about Hope yet. It's 15 minutes to midnight, and we have found a spot where Liddy is laying down a blanket. We sit on the blanket just waiting and chatting. The moon is so bright tonight. It sounds strange, but I feel a pull towards the moon. I start feeling aches all over my body, like when I've suffered from the hailti flu, my whole body is burning up but shaking at the same time. My teeth are clattering together so hard that my jaw is aching. I stayed this way for a while until it intensified. The shaking has stopped, but my body is too hot and ichy. I need to get the itchiness off of me, I pull at my clothes, hoping it will help. I strip down, pulling off everything down to my underwear. It's not improving. It's my skin, and no matter how much I scratch or rub my skin, it increases. After a little while of the intense aching, it turns into severe cramping in all of my muscles, I feel like my muscles, veins, and tendons are stretching and pulling off each bone. I'm trying so hard to keep my noise down but its getting worse but then i cant hold my screams in anymore as I can feel every bone breaking and re-shaping while my skin feels like its burning, melting and ripping from off my body 'just a little while longer Adi take deep breaths I'm sorry it's hurting but it will get easier. Its because it's the first time shifting' I hear Hope saying which is giving me more strength, it finally feels like the ripping and heat and pain are finally coming to a dying end but s**t, no I'm wrong. it's worse it's my head. I feel my skull break, splitting in two, my nose snaps, and everything feels like it's growing bigger and bigger, snapping and splintering all my facial bones. my ears stretching and after what felt like forever, the pain just stopped, but i stayed where I was taking deep breaths, trying to calm myself. When we open our eyes its so surreal everything is so clear we can see every little detail, from the leaves and the different shades of browns and blacks of the soft soil beneath us, we can see every line and grooves in the bark of the trees surrounding us. I can smell every little smell from the soil, the different wild flowers, the trees, and also the scents from rabbits that have scurried over the soil earlier in the day of where we lay. I can hear everything aswell like the beating of owls wings flying high above us, as it hunts. To the tiny wings beating from the night bugs and even the stream thats tucked away in the woods, thats when we hear the beating of two strong but different heartbeats, we stand on all four paws and turn slowly to look at Liddy and Trixie, their eyes wide, and mouthswide open with tears on their cheeks. When we see their expressions, Hope lays on her belly again and whines as we dont wont to scare them but as we do this Liddy wipes her face and comes to us and says "We are not scared of you, we know you wouldn't hurt us, its ok we were upset because you were in pain and there was nothing we could do to help. But WOW, your a beautiful wolf" Liddy said placing her hand on Hopes head. "yeah you look amazing Hope, and I'm not sure what happened but we felt a powerful surge when you shifted completely, I never knew you would be this big either and its like you are sparkling in the moon light,WOW!" Trixie says so fast with wonder in her eyes. Hope stands and bends her head to nuzzle their cheeks. "Go and explore but please be careful, we can't stay long because the coven may have felt the surge of power also, we will wait here for you to go for a run" Liddy explained and with that we sprint off, it felt so great and free to run with the wind wrapping around us dodging trees and jumping over logs, drinking from the stream. 'it's amazing' was all I could say as I took everything in. 'It truly is' and we head back to Liddy and Trixie. They are laughing and enjoying the night. When they see us, they stand ready with my clothes, but im not sure how to shift back!! 'Just think of your human form Adira, the colour of your hair,the crystal blue of your eyes and just like that you will shift back' Hope says 'I'm so happy that I've got you Hope, we will figure everything out together' I'm so proud of her I just hope I don't let her down 'Me too Adi we have got this and we will help anyone that needs it when we get our full powers, I couldnt have been paired with a better human than you, you couldn't let me down.' Hope replied to me, just then we heard a click and looked towards Trixie while she was smiling with her phone held up, we managed to shift back and get dressed. They both told me how much they love Hope and how wonderful she is and after seeing the photo Trixie took I can see why, she shimmers in the moon light, her eyes are crystal blue same as mine but golden rings around her iris's and pupils she has a cresent moon mark on her forehead which is also gold. 'WOW, hope you look amazing.' I cant deny I have the most gorgeous wolf. 'we look amazing, Adi, we are one,' Hope says. We make it back to the coven and can see a few lights on even though its really late, we sneak back in so no one knows we have been out and head to bed, I'm so tired I crawl in bed and go straight to sleep. Its been a week since our shift but Hope cant wait to go for another run, me too actually but we decided against it and to wait until we get to the pack, so no one sees us as no one knows about Hope except Liddy, Trixie and the head of the coven martha. Everyone else has been on edge as they felt the surge of power from our shift. Martha was best friends with my nan, she is an older woman with white hair and kind brown eyes, we had to explain everything with martha but as soon as we told her I was a hybrid witch and werewolf, she was already in formed about it from my family and knew the secret, I understand why she kept to herself as it would have put the coven in danger but she has said the coven is here if we would ever need them.
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