The Bright Light Coven

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9 YEARS LATER Third person POV The coven looked like a castle it was bright while being surrounded by lovely gardens. It smelled so nice from all the flowers and herbs growing, and it was so serene when sitting in the gardens. They are a family, and everyone cares for one another. Everyone helps with cleaning and cooking. There are witches, warlocks, and fae living peacefully, working together protecting the coven, keeping everyone safe. This coven is called 'the bright light coven' as everyone does good. It is a white witch coven and never uses dark magic. When a magical being is born, it isn't known what powers they have or how powerful they will be until they come of age. it isn't until they get their powers that it is determined if they are light or dark witches or warlocks. Covens are the families that they live and cast spells with, keeping each other safe and guiding one another. *********** Adira POV I'm running through the woods towards my mum, who's shouting me. I can't catch my breath, I keep running towards my mother's voice. It's so dark and cold, running in the darkness, but I can't see anything, and I can no longer hear anything now. It's gone eerily quiet. " PLEASE MUM.. PLEASE, WHERE ARE YOU?" I start shouting, but there's no reply. Now there's nothing, no light and no noise. I keep running, and when I see a small light, I turn to the right running as fast as my legs would go towards the light, but then a scream makes my steps falter. All around me is an echoing blood curdling scream. All I can hear is screaming, screaming all around me, echoing in the darkness. it's too much, my head is starting to pound, and my heart is thumping so much that it feels like it's trying to escape my chest. I push harder because im scared! That's when the darkness tries to swallow me up whole. The light keeps flickering, dissappearing. I push my legs harder, my calfs and thighs are burning as well as my lungs as they are not getting in enough air. The darkness is stinging my eyes, and when I try to take a breath, my lungs are burning, clogging my throat. It's not night as I thought its actually smoke filling the air. My foot catches something, causing me to lose my footing, taking me down to the ground. I'm on my knees, im searching around on the ground with my hands, trying to find what it was that I stumbled over. Light flickers and there I see them, big beautiful Blue eyes are staring at me, no movement just staring and I know they are my mums eyes, staring at me from her dead body, laying still and right then there's screaming louder and louder. It's then that im jolted awake! I'm sobbing and shaking, trying to breathe. Sat on the bed next to me is my aunt Liddy stroking my hair, trying to soothe me while I try to calm down. She is whispering that it's ok that she is there, and when I've calmed down, she gives me a hug, asking if I was ok, I nodded my head yes still not trusting my voice. Only once she knows im ok, she stands and goes to my bedroom door saying breakfast will be ready in 20 minutes and to get ready, "thank you, Liddy, love you," I reply. I sit up on the edge of my bed, willing myself to stop shaking. After a few minutes, I take a deep breath and get up from my bed, covered in sweat and go get in the shower. It feels so good to wash away the ugliness of my sleep. Using my vanilla soap to wash off the remnants of my nightmare, using the shampoo and conditioner while washing away the stress from the night while taking deep breaths, once I'm scrubbed, calmed down, and I feel more like myself I get out the shower wrapping a towel round me. I i go to my drawers getting my clean clothes, I've decided on my black skinny jeans, a simple white t-shirt and black combat boots I think I look ok and i feel comfortable. I wouldn't say im beautiful or anything, I'd say more plain jane, but there's nothing wrong with that. I'm 5'6", I've got curly blonde,almost white, hair that goes past my hips, If I'm being totally honest, it's crazy wild hair, but I don't faff with it. I have blue eyes with fair skin and pink lips. My body isn't skinny but not big either. I'm in proportion with curves in the right places. Like I said, nothing stunning, but I'm happy with how I look. I make my way down to the kitchen when I see Trixie, my best friend. She is fae. She is an amazing friend who I share everything with, and our bond is as strong as that of sisters. She has brown shoulder length hair with pink tips, bright violet eyes and sunkissed tan, she is shorter than me at 5'3" and has a slim body, she truly is beautiful inside and out and I dont know where I'd be without her and Liddy. She runs to me and squeezes me into a bonecrushing hug. "I've got a good feeling today. Something is happening," she says, smiling like a mad woman." How do you know it's something good?" I ask while laughing. "You just wait. Something great is going to happen. Things are going to change. I just dont know what! Maybe a new hot boy will join the coven." we both start giggling. "Not like either of you will approach them if there was," Liddy giggles, looking between the pair of us. She does have a point, though, because we both know that we never approach..just stare from a distance. After all, we are both waiting to meet THE one. We have breakfast with Liddy before we go for a walk, it's saturday, so there's no studying today. we get to do what we like on saturdays. We study hard all week, casting spells, spells, potions, growing herbs, and flowers. I love to learn, but I love our weekends, too. We decide to head for the lake and have a swim and chill day. We haven't been to the lake for a while, so I was looking forward to it. While we were walking through the woods towards the lake when I felt slight ache start in my head, I could feel a headache was coming. I tried to ignore it, but again, after some time, it started getting worse and worse before a searing pain exploded in my head. It feels like red hot pokers were stabbing my brain, and it was so painful that it felt like my head was splitting in half. I drop to the floor in a fetal position, clutching my head screaming. I can hear Liddy and Trixie shouting me, but its like I'm under water, muffling their voices and words. After what felt like forever, the pain lessened to a dull ache. I unscrunch my eyes and see both their worried faces above me. They both help me sit while giving me a bottle of water asking if im ok but before I can answer them I hear another voice 'hello Adira, I'm Hope, your wolf' the voice said "who said that?" I asked, looking around, but I couldn't see anyone other than Liddy and Trixie. They are both looking worriedly at me. "Ok, I'm going crazy, I'm hearing things!" I'm starting to freak out."What?" Liddy asked, confused at my question, but the voice is back.'Please don't freak out, I didn't mean to scare you, I'm your wolf. I'm here now, I've been here watching, but I couldn't let my presence be known until now,' the voice explained, but something was definitely wrong. "ok, im not sure what to say, but I think I'm going crazy," I say, and I could easily cry. What's wrong with me. I explain what I'm hearing to Liddy and Trixie. who look at me like I'm crazy too solidifying my thoughts of me cracking up. They finally shake the shock off and rush me back to my bedroom. like I'm someone who should be hidden away. We are sitting on my bed while Liddy is explaining what she thinks it means and what she thinks is happening. "We can't tell anyone even here until we know for sure what it means! Where is your mum's grimoire? I want to show you something," Liddy says but mostly to herself, I go under my bed and get my mum's bag out, that she had given me the last time I saw her alive. Liddy went through the bag, we haven't been through it until now from the first day we came here, inside was mum's grimoire, some money and also a book. The bag was the only place mum's grimoire would be. A grimoire is an important artefact passed down through the generations of your family. By rights, it no longer belongs to mum but actually Liddy as she mum's sister. I instantly feel bad for not even thinking of giving it over to Liddy years ago. it's a part of her history as much as it is mine. "The grimoire is yours Liddy, it should have been passed to you years ago, I didn't even think about it," I say, handing the thick and heavy grimoire to her with a smile. "it's not mine. It's ours," she smiles back. "This isn't what I was asked to give you," she says, looking it over. Is there anything else in there?" she asked as I saw worry in her eyes. After searching through everything, we got to a book, but it didn't have anything written on the black leather cover. I pass it to Liddy as her eyes open wide in releif. "Yes, this is it. your mum asked me to make sure you read this if anything bizarre happens, if she wasn't here. " her eyes watered at the mention of mum as mine did. We lost so much on that day. Opening the book, there was mums writing telling my favourite story that she used to love telling us from being a baby about the prophecy of the hybrid. In the back of the book was mum writing about my dad and how they met. Dear sweetest Adira, my love 'The day I met the love of my life I was sat next to a small lake in the middle of the forest, I had felt someone walking up behind me and when I turned he was the most handsome man I'd ever seen, he just came out of the forest like he was in a trance looking at me, as soon as I stood up he pulled me into his arms and even though I didn't know him it still felt right like I was meant to be here and my place would always be in his arms, thats when I heard him say mate. He explained that he was a werewolf, a lone wolf who was searching for his mate for so long, and that a mate meant his other half, his soulmate, and he was complete now he had found me. We loved each other dearly and spent a wonderful couple years together, I was so happy I had found my happily ever after. He was my one and only, THE ONE. We are told we will meet the other half of our soul. He was better than all the stories I'd heard. where I also felt complete. That is what a mate is to a werewolf. We are soulmates. When we found out that we were expecting you, we were so happy that our little family was growing. The day you were born was the best day of our lives. You were perfect. You have your dads eyes, which are my favourite things in the whole world. That night the moon goddess appeared to us explaining that you are the first hybrid with powers untold and would bring happiness and balance to the supernatural world that we would have to keep you hidden and protected until you at least had your wolf as thats when you will get your powers and could protect yourself. When you was only 6months old, there were rogues appoaching our little cabin, I used my magic to hide our scents and we ran but as they were catching up to us your father gave us a kiss and told me to keep running no matter what to not stop for anything, that he loved us more than anything and you would always be his sunshine, he stopped and face the rogues so we could escape but after running for so long I felt an unbearable pain in my heart that I knew he was gone, my heart broke into little pieces at that moment but I knew I had to keep going. I would never throw his sacrifice away, and I vowed to protect you with my life until I met him again in the afterlife. Im so sorry I didn't tell you anything, I thought it would be better this way. I also know that if you are reading this, then I'm no longer with you, and I'm so sorry about that, my sweet girl. But know I'll be with your father, please dont be sad, know that I'm happy to be reunited with my love and we have always loved you and always will. Please know that we are proud of you, and you really were the most precious gift given to us by the moon goddess, I'm so happy I got to be your mum. Stay strong, we will always love you, my sunshine mum x Your fathers name is patrick Wells Remember, light and love concurs all xx I'm sat in a daze as we all had tears streaming down our faces, but now I understand and know I have to be brave, and it's time to be strong. "Are you there Hope" I ask hoping I didn't insult her too much 'yes I'm here Adira I'll always be here' she replies and it fills me with relief but it's strange talking to myself "what do we need to do now, we dont know much about werewolves what do I need to do?" I ask out loud again, I have no idea if I'm doing this right. I hear her chuckle. 'It's fine honestly, I knew you would need more time to process everything as you didn't know what you were. Any thought, question or comment I hear in your mind so no need to speak out loud' she explained and I understand fully as I look at my girls faces. It must look like I'm talking to myself. 'We will be shifting on your 18th birhday, but I think it might be best to find a pack that might be willing to take us in and train us, we need training in wolf and human form' Hope says giving me a minute to relay everything back to Liddy and Trixie. "Im 18 in 3 weeks, so it gives us time to sort out about a pack. Hopefully, we will find one by then," I say out loud so they all can hear me. I just dont know how to process everything and I have no idea what it is that I'm supposed to be doing. "My cousin maxine lives with a pack I could call her and ask if her Alpha will accept us for some training, its the Howling moon pack, notorious for being a strong pack with a fair but firm Alpha!" Said Liddy. We know a little about packs as we learn about other species but that's completely different when meeting them.
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