The cruel "Alpha" part 2

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Adira POV Just looking at Julian and Liddy makes my heart so happy. It has been so long for them both to finally find happiness. I know Liddy put on hold a lot of things to help raise me and she did a great job for someone so young. She is going to make an amazing mum one day. Liddy really deserve to be happy after everything she has been through and I know Julian is going to be great to her and for her, giving her what she needs. Blane has told me a lot about his family and how lonely Julian has been waiting for his mate, him being the oldest and not finding his mate when he turned 18years old he was devastated. All 4 brothers and Zoe have always dreamed of meeting their mates. They have always wanted what their parents had, unconditional love,trust,happiness and being whole with your other half by your side. It makes me think of my mum and her missing her other half, she was alive but not living, she wasn't happy and content. Never once did she give me the impression that she was unhappy when we were together. How hard that must have been for her to hide her hurt and pretend she was ok. If she had told me I could have somehow helped her. 'You were a child Addy, she was protecting you' Hope says 'I know Hope but how I love our mate and now I understand what that is like, I can't imagine what she was going through when she lost my dad, ya know' I replied sadly 'I do know but you also know you are apart of your dad and she loved you so much, you brought her joy and happiness' Hope says making me nod yes, she goes to the back of my mind. Arms wrap around my waist from behind " are you ok my love" Blane whispers in my ear bringing me from my thoughts. As I look up the whole room is staring at me with concern, I realise then that my cheeks are wet from tears. "Yes my love I was just thinking of my parents and I was also thinking of how happy I am for my Liddy and Julian to finally find each other" I say to Blane and everyone carries on with their previous conversations and plans. Julian and Liddy make their way to us smiling. I wrap my arms around Liddy giving her a big squeeze making us both laugh and then give Julian a hug "I'm so happy for you both, I just wish it was at a better time so you had more time with each other" I say frowning at the thought of dragging her mate away to a fight when she has just found him. "hey it's fine honestly we will have all the time in the world when you all get back ok" Liddy says holding my hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. "ok" I reply with a small smile. "we will be fine my queen, I know my beauty is safe here and I will return soon" Julian said Blane giving him a pat on the back "that you will brother we will kick ass and be home before we know it". I pull Liddy into the corner of the room "can we just have a minute, just the 2 of us before we head out" I say giving her a hug "of course pumpkin" she said smiling at me "I love how happy you are and I know how much you deserve it but I just wanted to tell you that I will miss you and I'm always here if you need me ok" I say smiling at her ' and we will kick anyone ass that upsets her' Hope says making me giggle. "Hope says we will kick ass if anyone makes you unhappy" I repeat Hopes words to Liddy making us both laugh. "Thanks I know you will and the same goes to you too, I'm here for you always" Liddy says making me smile at her. "OK PEOPLE WE ARE HEADING OUT" Blane shouts getting everyones attention. We all head for the door ready to get this over with. Liddy grabs my hand pulling me back into the room, Blane and Julian following us. We were the only ones in the dining room now. "Please be careful pumpkin, keep yourself safe and my little angels ok" "Wait what..." Julian shouts making me jump. Blane look at him sheepishly scratching the back of his head, we hadn't had chance to tell them with the turn of events. "we only just found out, we are having twins" Blane says waiting for Julian reaction. "WOOO HOOO OH MY GODDESS" Julian shouts as the door opens up revealing Gage and Sally. "what's happening" Sally asks looking at us all smiling like crazy people and Julian laughing and jumping. "TURNS OUT OUR LITTLE BROTHER IS GOING TO BE A DADDY" Julian shouts out at Gage. Sally walks over to us hugging us and congratulating us, "WHAT... THAT MEANS WE ARE GOING TO BE UNCLES" Gage now shouts ,both excited and jumping with each other. "we only found out yesterday, we have only told immediate family, we wanted to reveal it to the pack when we are all one and settled" I say smiling. Their happiness is catching as we all seem to be laughing. Julian and Gage soon rush me, each giving me hugs and spinning me in their arms. "I will be by your side with my brother, I will protect you every step of the way" Julian says in a serious tone. releasing me from him. "Thanks that means a lot but I'm stronger than I look, but its good to know we can rely on you" I say with appreciation "thanks bro makes me less anxious Adira joining us on this mission with you also watching her back" Blane saids giving his brother a hug and back slap. We make our way outside to the others, we are all split into our groups ready to face what ever is thrown our way, the witches are all split between the groups and made portals to travel to our destination. The groups that are going to be surrounding the pack go through the portals to get into position. the Betas and Alphas are all mixed into different groups so each group can keep in touch through each mind link. Each Alpha can mind link their Beta so it will be faster to put a beta from an Alpha into a different group to keep sending each other updates. We get a call to Blanes new phone from Alpha Sam who is in a group surrounding the pack, letting us know everyone was in position. They were to hold their positions unless we needed back up or the rogues tried to flee from the fight. I make a portal for our group as the witches also worked together to open a portal for each of their groups. We get there and the only words I can use to describe the situation in front of me is disgusting and infuriating. When our group stepped out my portal, it looked like we were in the middle of the pack. The few pack members we could see coward away from us, all looking starved and beaten. Then I see why they are scared. In the middle of the gardens is 4 silver poles sticking up from the ground and chained to them was beta Gavin, a couple of men and a child maybe 7 years old. Beta Gavin looked a mess, beaten and had already been whipped, bleeding all over. The 2 other men looks like have already been whipped and was skin and bones, bleeding everywhere also. The child was crying for her mother, her mother was infront of her screaming for mercy as a rogue stood in front of them, laughing while a whip dripping with blood hung from his hand. "The penalty for stealing is 10 whips but I'm enjoying myself so ill make it 20" He hasn't noticed us walking up behind him to engrossed in his sick fun. As he finished talking he laughed and brought the whip up ready to strike. The mother screamed trying to cover her child waiting for the strike and thats when Hope came as one with me and let out a ferocious growl running at the rogue. before he could realise what hit him we had taken his head off, his body dropped to the floor and his head rolled on the floor next to it. The other rogues that were around us charged but didn't stand a chance against us. I waved my hand and the people chained up was released from the silver. The mother hugged her child crying, kissing her all over her face. "Blane I need to attend to the injured" I say looking at him finishing off a rogue. "Ok my love do what you need to do, no-one will get close to you" Blane says making me nod at him. I bent down to them looking at the little girls beautiful face covered in cuts and bruises, she flinched slightly as she sees me close. "It's ok my sweet child, are you hurt anywhere apart from your face" I ask she shakes her head no. Her mother was crying saying thank you to me repeatedly, "There's no need to thank me" I try to reassure her, "would it be ok to show you a little magic" I ask the little girl she looks a little scared but her mum nods yes to her so she agrees. I take her little face into my hand and as my hand glows her face heals completely. They both look at me in shock and then the mother throws her arms around me crying. I stroke her back "it's ok we are here now and I'm sorry we didn't know earlier, I need to attend to the injured men now ok" she nods and releases me " thank you so much how can we repay you" "there is no need to, we are happy to help" I say turning my attention to the men I hold my hands over them, one by one, and there wounds heal. they are all grateful. I learn that the first man I healed was a warrior and the second man was the gamma of this pack. Gamma Adrian. "Beta could you please lead us to the dungeons, I'm sorry we haven't given you a lot of time to recover but we need to move" I say as I finish healing him "of course my queen I'm so happy you have come to help" he says standing up, "me too and im also coming to help" said Gamma Adrian. I nod and we follow them into the woods. "what happened, why were you chained and whipped" I ask out of curiosity "We were just entering our pack and I asked to see my family but he said that will never happen, then as he stopped the car he ordered for a few rogues to chain and whip me for an example on what happens when we speak out" He said looking so mad at everything "I fought off a couple but they got the better off me as we are all starved and weak" he says making me growl. How could anyone be treated this way. "I've been locked in the dungeons mainly as I have no mate,kids or family to threaten me with. They bring me out anytime theres whipping and whip me to set an example" Gamma Adrian said making me even angrier. We almost reach the building and spot rogues guarding the place. Blane, Julian and our warriors sneak up behind the guards taking them by surprise they manage to kill them all. 'Why would there be so many rogues here guarding this place? it doesn't seem right!!' Hope says making sense 'I'm not really sure it is strange' I answer her back. When the last rogue has fallen to the ground dead we move to the door. One of the warriors touches the door handle, it knocks him to the floor with a shock. He seems ok just a little dazed. "it's a lock ward, ive never seen one in person but I'm hoping I can break it" I say a little unsure. I lift my hands closing my eyes to concentrate it's a well made ward but I keep persevering and after a few minutes I feel the ward weaken. I press harder with my spell when I hear a crash, I open my eyes to see the front of the building is now rubble on the floor and the door is 6 feet away from me. Turning around to the men to say it's safe they all look shocked. Screaming can now be heard, loud screaming. I sprint into the room which leads down underground by staircase. The petrified scream is getting louder. There is a rogue standing at the foot of the stairs and I snap his neck before he can turn around. The dungeons are dark but it's the smell that is getting to me. We walk down the dark hallway to where the screaming is coming from. Each cell is packed with people, too many people looking skin and bones, crying, shouting at whatever is happening to stop. We reach the end cell to see what looks like the Alpha and Luna chained to the wall with silver but the Alpha looks like he won't make it much longer. Stood over the 2 is Damon and a plump woman both laughing at the anguished screams and cries from the Luna begging for her mates life. The scene makes me loose my s**t. I lift my hand and Damon flies into the wall knocking him out cold. I growl and the woman turns. She starts chanting a spell but before she can finish I snap her neck. I walk to the Luna but she begs me to unchain her mate first while crying hysterically. I wave my hand and they are both released from their chains hitting the floor hard. I make my way to the Alpha kneeling next to him Blane turning him over onto his back. Even though the Luna is in bad shape she tries to crawl to her mate, Gavin and Adrian go to her helping he stand and helping her to walk over to us. "please please say he is ok" she cries looking at the beaten and unconscious Alpha not moving at all apart from his chest rising slightly. "I can help him but I need to concentrate, as hard as it is please try to calm yourself" I say looking at her, she nods yes. "Blane can you please go unlock the other cells, have everyone escorted out and have them guarded incase there is any stray rogues about" "I will help, I need to find my family now I know you are helping our Alpha and Luna" Gavin said, Blane nods and stands to leave, we hear a groan from Damon dragging all our attention to him" Blane growls and so do Gavin and Adrian, "Please chain him up in a vacant cell, we will deal with him later" I say with a growl. Blane picks him up by the throat dragging him to another cell and then we hear Damons screams at being chained in silver. The Luna is now sat opposite me holding her mates hand trying not to cry. Its then I notice her bump, with all the commotion I hadn't noticed. "Are you ok, is the baby ok" I ask in a little bit of shock. "We are fine please help Richard we need to get him to the Dr" she pleads looking at her Alpha. Looking at him up close I can see whip marks, stab wounds, burn marks, cuts and bruises. It breaks my heart to see this, "I will try my best but I must warn you, I've never had to heal someone with this much damage" I explain to her. She looks at me confused as to why we aren't moving him, Adrian came and put his hand on her shoulder to comfort "Please trust her Luna" he said trying to reassure her. "We will have to do it here I don't think he will survive if we try and move him outside" I say, she looks weary but she looks down at her mate and then back upto meet my eyes, giving me a small nod. I place my hands on his chest and close my eyes, I can feel his weak pulse and clammy skin. My hands heat up and when i open my eyes the Luna is looking at me a little scared but also in shock. I can see some of his wounds healing but not all of them. 'We need our mate Addy, he can help' Hope says 'how do you mean how can our mate help' I ask confused 'Trust me Addy, shout our mate and put his hands on top of yours' Hope says then went to the back of my mind. "Blane I need you' I say making Blane run to me. 'I need you to put your hands on top of mine' he walks to where the Luna is and she moves down towards Richards legs still holding his hand. Blane sits opposite me and places his hands on mine, as soon as he does the light shines brighter and after a few minutes Alpha Richard gasps for breath and opens his eyes looking around him, he growls but stops when he spots his mate near his legs crying uncontrollably. He tries to sit with a groan and reaches for his mate. "how did you know we needed help" Alpha Richard asked. "Let us leave here and we will discuss it, your people need you" I say tapping his shoulder.
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