The cruel "Alpha"

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Adira POV We gave everyone 15minutes to greet one another and catch up with the people they already knew but hadn't seen in a while. All those that are here are the trusted packs with Alphas that rule their packs with fairness, firmness and happiness. I noticed that Alpha Damon was stood off to the side not talking or greeting anyone, just stood there scowling and his Beta was stood near him but not with him or talking at all with him or anyone. the beta looked on edge. I got a really bad feeling about that Alpha and I'm sure somethings not right. Once everyone was seated and waiting for us to start. Blane started the meeting off. "Ok first I would like to thank you all for attending at short notice, I know a few of you have travelled from abroad and we appreciate that and we also understand that it's a first for witches and wolves to be at the same meeting but I'm hoping once we explain why you will understand. Now I know you have all heard about what happened to the Royal blood moon pack years ago. They were attacked but a dark coven of witches. The same witches have also attacked our pack and also a coven, Leader Martha coven" Blane pointed at Martha, she stood smiling around the room at everyone "yes we were attacked but we had in place defenses that they didn't get through, We knew of the attacks as we are close to Adira and was already for if they came to our coven, there was only 4 witches so they weren't strong enough to damage our defences" she finished saying and sat down "but if they were attacking why was there only 4 witches" one of the Alpha asked looking confused "we had thought about that too so it's either they thought we wouldn't be prepared and we would have been an easy target, which they were dead wrong about, and the other reason would be to see what we had in place for attacks so they had a better understanding and knew what to use if they attack us again" Martha said making the room full of people to start talking. After a few minutes they started quieted down. "ok so I know that the witch was attacked but why are there witches at a wolf meeting they should not be here they have no place here" Alpha Damon asked giving dirty looks around the room at the witches landing on martha with a look of disgust. I growl at him making sure he knows he has crossed the line. "That kind of disrespect will not be tolerated by anyone here, you are all guests at our home so I suggest you remember that" I say full of anger, is this bloke for real. How dare he insult our guests. "Alpha Blane I suggest you keep your woman on a tight leash before she crosses me again" Alpha Damon growls at Blane. Blane and his brothers all stand and growl at him. "You speak like that again about my mate and I will kill you were you sit" Blane growls out his eyes flickering colours meaning Jack is trying to come out, Alpha Damon flinches slightly but he's trying to stand his ground and show he isn't effected when he actually is. I grab Blanes arm and try and calm both him and Jack down. "Trust me Alpha Damon when I tell you to watch your mouth, you come to our home and disrespect us an-" before I can finish Alpha Damon growls standing up at me 'That piece of s**t' Hope says coming forward and growls a loud and menacing growl cutting the dickhead off mid growl. the whole room is silent with bowed heads. "YOU DARE TO DISRESPECT OUR MATE, YOU DARE TO DISRESPECT OUR GUESTS IN OUR HOME AND YOU DARE TO DISRESPECT US, YOUR QUEEN" Hope says making the walls shake with the power of her. We look around and everyone but our mate is showing there necks in submission. "next one to disrespect anyone here will deal with me is that clear" hearing them all say yes Hope goes to the back of my mind muttering how she wishes he did say something else so she can rip his head off. Getting over the shock of what has just happened everyone is looking wide eyed at me and Blane standing at the end of the table. "We have called the meeting for this reason. we have discovered that my Luna Adira is the lost heir to the werewolf throne she is the daughter of Prince Patrick wells." the room erupted in to talking and whispers. " I mean no disrespect Luna Adira but how do you know and why has it taken so long to come forward" an Alpha asked looking weary incase he upsets me obviously not wanting Hope out again. "Well there's a lot of things thats actually happened but to cut it short I never knew my father, he died protecting me and my mum when I was a baby. We only discovered that he was the Prince when we went to find the blood moon pack in hopes of forming an alliance. They are known to be great warriors but when we got there and the had seen my mark they knew who I was." I explain looking around the room the only one here that still didn't beleive it or who was in a foul mood for being put in his place by a woman was Alpha Damon but I let it slide as long as he doesn't open his mouth. I move my hair from over my shoulder and everyone gasps looking at my mark and before I can say anything else everyone got down on one knee with their right hand over their heart. Alpha Damon was the last one to kneel down with the others and I can tell he reluctantly did it. When they were back in their seats Blane explained everything from me being Hybrid and that's why there are witches present and to what happened with the dark cove. As he is telling the story about the dark witches, I look around the room and I see Alpha Damon smirk with an unknown glint in his eyes, this man is pissing me off but I keep my cool. We also explained that I will be here to help anyone that needs it and will do our best to a stop to violence between packs and in packs. All the Alphas pledge allegiance to me as their queen and after they all cheered they came to greet me as their queen and Blane as their King. We were finished with the meeting and led everyone outside to where the gardens were decorated and set up with food and bbq. As we were all enjoying each others company I noticed that Beta Gavin was on edge and uncomfortable, his Alpha hasn't left him on his own at all. 'Hi beta Gavin' I say through mind link making his eyes wide open but he soon puts on a neutral face, strange it's like he doesn't want anyone to know. 'how are you doing this my queen, I don't understand' he says shocked. 'no one can hear us, I can mind link who ever I want even if I'm not in their pack' I explain as he takes a breath of relief. 'Theres something about Alpha Damon that I can't put my finger on. I know he is your Alpha but please don't be afraid to tell me, I feel like you need help' I say hoping he will open up about his Alpha, he looks weary though. 'Please understand that I can help that's what I'm here for, he will never know you told me anything' I say again hoping he will listen. He takes a deep breath, I can see he is struggling to decide what to do. 'My mate please I can't loose my mate and my children' he says with worry in his voice. 'what do you mean, where are your family' I'm totally confused how it's gone from his Alpha to his family. 'My Alpha is not that man, My true Alpha is secured with wolf bane and siver in our dungeons, this man is the Alphas step brother' he said making me realise there is definitely more than I thought. 'What happened' I ask in shock. 'around 4 months ago he came to visit our pack, our Alpha is a good man and our Luna is one of the most caring people I've had the honor of meeting when Damon came he was to stay with us as he said the pack he belong to kicked him out because he said he made a mistake but his Alpha is cruel and banished him, our Alpha and Luna took him in. He was with us for maybe 5days when he some how drugged the Alpha at night and managed to get him down the dungeons. When we all woke the next day he tried to say our Alpha and Luna had left for a vacation but I knew he was lying... I'm best friends with our Alpha and there is no way he would just leave' What the f**k, this is more crazy than I thought possible. 'why don't you and the warriors free him' I ask confusion filling my voice. 'I wish it was that simple but he is working with rogues and they got the upper hand on us as we were not expecting an attack from within our pack, some of our warriors were injured as we fought but most of us are controlled by him because he somehow got our mates and children under lock and key and threatens to kill them if we step out of line' 'That piece of s**t, how could he do that, surely a few rogues couldn't take down your warriors something doesn't seem right' I say thinking 'it is strange because he has them also in the dungeons but if anyone other than his men tries to go down there it's like there's a barrier we can't cross, I haven't seen my mate or children for months, we really do need your help please I'm begging' he says with desperation. 'I'll make him pay but you need to go on like I don't know and then when you both go back we will come and get you all out and end anyone with him' the relief I see in his eyes tells me they are really desperate. 'Blane there's a problem a massive problem but I can't say what it is just yet but when they have gone I'll fill you in' I mind link Blane 'ok my love are you ok though is it the babies' Blane links back panicking 'no love its not the babies we are good, it's a different matter' I reassure him. After an hour Alpha Damon approached us with Beta Gavin stood behind him. "thank you for including us in your meeting your highness, im sorry to cut it short but we have to make tracks and get back" he said not coming too close " thank you for coming Alpha we wish you safe travel home" Blane says still pissed at him. After they leave the garden "Wes please follow Alpha Damon at a safe distance and come back when he's gone from our territory, we will be in the dining room" I ask "yes my queen" I wish people wouldn't call me that I don't think I'll ever get used to it. I mind link only the Alphas to meet me in the dining room, they all looked shocked but head straight in. I also ask the coven leaders to meet us in there too. "what is this about my love" Blane asks. " we have to wait a few minutes for Wes to return what I have to say can't be over heard by anyone" I explain while everyone takes a seat and waits, 10 minutes later and Wes enters the dining room giving me a nod that it's all clear. "I apologise for dragging you back in here, what I'm about to tell you is not to be repeated at all outside this room" I say in my Queen Alpha tone making them nod yes to my command. "I've come to the knowledge of what is happening to the red moon pack, Alpha Damon is not in fact their Alpha. He is the step brother of their rightful Alpha, who at this minute is pumped full of wolf bane and chained with silver in their dungeons" all Alphas are growling at this point "not only that but the Luna, children and mates of the warriors have been also put down there to keep everyone falling in order of the threat of them being killed" The whole room erupted in anger and fury at such a thing to be happening "WHAT THE ACTUAL f**k, I'M GOING TO KILL HIM, THAT PIECE OF SCUMMY s**t" Blane shouted making the walls shake. "We all need to come up with a rescue plan, The Beta is desperate and we need to do all we can. This is the information I have- *Damon, and yes he doesn't deserve the title Alpha, somehow drugged his brother and locked him up *His pack has been under threat *Damon is working with rogues and also I suspect witches but will know better when there *the warriors families are also locked up in the dungeons and only the rogues seem to be able to enter Does anyone have any strategies to go in and do what we need to do" I ask looking around at everyone. "We need to surround the whole pack, just incase they try escaping" Zane said "Yes we should split into different teams with different tasks" another Alpha said, I think his name was nathan. "If we get close enough to the dungeons we might be able to destroy the ward that is protecting it from anyone but the rogues" A coven leader said making sense. "ok so who is volunteering to go with us, I understand that it's not your pack that's in trouble but we all need to look after our own, they need us and we won't leave them alone" Blane said making all of us stand and agree. THE PLAN *we are split in to 8 groups working together *4 groups are surrounding the pack *4 groups are going in, each of these groups will have witches along side wolves to work as one *my group has got Blane, Julian and warriors hoping to teleport into the dungeons if possible. Blane doesn't want me to go because of the babies but I know we will be fine and he is there to protect us. I send a message to Liddy and Maxine so they can come to the pack house they have been away from the pack house all day running patrol making sure all was ok while we had our meeting. I wanted to let them know what is happening and that I need them to stay here and protect the pack alongside the warriors, Trixie and Zoe. We have made a plan to go to the red moon pack in a couple of hours so we can all organise all teams and prepare. 5 minutes later I heard Liddy and Maxine enter the house laughing. They walked into the dining room and I was startled when there was a growl from behind me. "mine" was all I heard then movement going towards my girls, making me stare in shock to see Julian wrap his arms around her, his head tucked in her neck inhaling her scent. Blane, Zane and Gage all cheered for them " it's about time" Blane shouts making all the room erupt in cheers and howls. wow who would have thought that Julian would be mated to Liddy, my sis can finally find her happiness.
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