the rescue

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Adira POV We make our way out where the pack members, out the cells, are waiting for us guarded by our warriors. Julian and one of our warriors were supporting Alpha Richard to walk as he is still very weak from being down there so long and me and Blane were helping the Luna. I look around at all the devastated people and spot Beta Gavin with his arms wrapped around his mate and 2 children, tears flowing down their faces. 'Are all threats gone' I mind link everyone in all groups. 'yes my queen west border clear' 'Yes my queen north border clear' 'All clear on the south border my queen' 'All dead and clear on east border' 'Yes' 'Yes' 'Yes' 'All clear in the pack house' 'all clear in the surrounding houses' 'All clear in the woods' 'Yes' 'yes all clear here my queen we have helped the pack members to the center of the gardens' everyone was saying yes so we could move to join the others and move on from there. I'm really proud of our rescue groups they have done a great job. "we have confirmation that all areas are clear, we have the rest of the pack members in the center of the gardens. We will all regroup there" I say looking around. I see everyone showing their respect to their Alpha. We start going through the woods heading for the garden. one of our Warriors runs off to the right drawing my attention, a few minutes later he came back holding the scruff of the neck of a young girl maybe 14 years old but under fed and bruised. "please help the Luna, I'm going to find out what she is doing here" I say to Blane. He nods yes and I walk to the Warrior. "I heard a cry my Queen, she was tied to a tree crying, she doesn't smell like rogue either" he said looking a little confused at the young girl. The girl is a mess, shaking and crying. She is really thin I can make out her bones through the t-shirt she is wearing. she is in really bad shape. She has also got marks on her neck and wrists. As I reach her she flinches, "Let her go please warrior" "Yes my Queen" he says releasing her and she cowers to the floor on her knees and her arms thrown over her head begging for us to let her go. "shh shh it's ok we won't hurt you, are you hurt" I say but she is scared and carries on crying. "Please I... want... to go... home" she said inbetween sobs. "leave us" I say to the warrior he nods and walks away. "please know I would never hurt you, non of us will. We came to free everyone, where are you from you don't smell like a rogue" I say as her eyes widen and are full of relief. "Please they took.. me from my.. home, I want to go..back please... please I miss... my family please" she sobs on the floor, she is telling the truth because I can feel it. What has this poor girl been through. "Shh it's ok" I say trying to reassure her I stroke her back and she throws herself at me wrapping my arms around her and let her cry for as long as she needs, before long her breathing has evened out and she has passed out asleep on me. I can't help but to cry and feel heart broken for all of them. I hear a noise behind us and smell my mate approaching "My love are you ok, everyone is gathered at the gardens, we should get there. Did you find out who she is and what she was doing here" Blane asks putting his hand on my shoulder giving it a squeeze. "I'm ok just feel so sad for them all, this girl is so scared and it looks like she has been a prisoner for a lot longer than this pack Blane, She said she was taken from her pack, her family begging me to take her home but that's all she has said" I tell him while crying again for her. I feel him kneel behind me and wrap his arms around me the best he can with the girl in my arms. "Shh it's ok love we are here now" Blane said calming me down. "Can you carry her please my love, she has passed out from exhaustion" I ask stroking her hair. "Of course my love, do you need any help too" "no I'm fine just emotionally drained" I reply. "we will be home before we know it love" Blane says giving me a smile I smile back and he picks the girl up in his arms. "WAIT WHAT THE GODDESS, please put her back down and can we have your jacket my love" I ask as my anger starts to come back with vengeance. "Of course, what happened love" Blane asks while taking his jacket off. I put it on the girl and it drowns her covering her down to her knees. "She has no knickers on, looks like she has only got the t-shirt on and nothing else" I say with so much anger I'm growling out every word. "What... why would she only have on a t-shirt, please tell me that doesn't mean what I think" Blane also angry at the thought. "When I pick her up can you please stay close, I don't want her to freak out if she wakes with me carrying her" Blane asks looking worried. "Of course I'll be right next to her, don't worry my love you are helping her" I try to put him at ease but I can tell he is tense. We walk to the gathered people and Blane lays the girl down and a woman passes him a blanket which he lays over her. "Thank you, all of you for helping our pack" Alpha Richard said coming to stand near me looking a lot better now he has had a little time to sit with his people. "You are welcome" I say looking at everyone. "It was your Beta that alerted us to your situation Alpha Richard" Blane says while I'm still looking at everyone. Alpha Richard looks to his right at his Beta and best friend "I can't thank you enough my friend" pulling him into a hug. I tune them out as I look at the people sat around us in pain and hungry. I notice there is no elderly and the pack seems small in numbers probably 200 people sat here. "where are the rest of the pack members, I thought there would be more, we were told about the Red moon pack we were told there was over 450 members" I ask looking at the Alpha. He also took note and looked round and could see the shock on his face. "When we fought back at first, over 200 people were murdered by witches and rogues and over the 4 months our people have been murdered for getting caught stealing food or to set examples" Beta Gavin said "I'm going to kill that piece of s**t" I growl talking about Damon. he is going to pay. 'Use that feeling and energy and we can heal everyone that needs it' Hope says I nod yes "I'm sorry you all had to go through this, If you would all stand who are injured no matter how small" I ask making everyone stand, not one person from this pack that isn't injured, except the men and little girl I had healed earlier. Blane nods at me and we make our way around all of them healing them as we go. Once everyone is healed I wave my hand and have food and drinks appear in front of everyone and the dig in, scoffing it down. While everyone is eating and drinking our teams sweep the area and drag the dead rogues out to a clearing when they are all there piled high I set them on fire. We walk back to the gardens and let everyone know the rogues have been cleared and they were welcome to return to their homes or if they feel safer they can go to the pack house. The whole group heads to the pack house, which is understandable they have been through a lot in the last 4months, they have lost loved ones, mates, kids, been beaten, starved and goddess only knows what. It will take them a while to recover and heal. The Alpha and Luna thank us, all the other Alphas and witches again and again, they are trying to organise their pack best they can. We made a plan to confront Damon when everyone is settled in the pack house. The girl is still out cold so Blane carries her to a sofa in the pack house " We need a woman to sit with this girl, if she wakes up tell her we will be back soon and we are taking her back home" I ask and the woman who was handing blankets out earlier walks over to us showing her neck in submission "I will watch her" "thank you we won't be long" I say heading to the door with Balne Julian, Alpha Richard and his Beta Gavin. We head down to the dungeons to get it over with so we can get home. We can hear him shouting as we got closer. Shouting that we release him or face the wrath. He sounds like a squealing pig making my anger boil again. We get to his cell and he is still shouting. "you will answer all our questions truthfully, do you understand" I say in my Alpha Queen tone. I could see him tense and trying to fight it but he looses the battle and says "yes". "How did you drug the Alpha" Gavin asks "We had a meeting about me and what we were going to do next I slipped it in his drink, he didn't suspect anything because to him I was family" Damon said laughing making Alpha Richard growl. "how did you get rogues and witches to help you" I ask. "I've worked with them for years, how do you think they were able to attack the royal pack, howling moon pack from the inside, that's because I led them" he said laughing more my anger is getting worse, he killed my family my dads pack wind started swirling round him long deep gashes started appearing on him, like he was being whipped with silver, him screaming in agony. Blane hugs me making me calm down. The wind stops and I hold Blanes hand to keep me grounded. "why would you do that" Alpha Richard asks looking at him confused. "WHY, WHY SERIOUSLY YOU HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT ANYTHING" Damon shout at him. "We were brothers" Alpha Richard said even more confused. "WHAT DON'T YOU GET WE WERE NEVER BROTHERS" Damon screams at him. "We were never brothers, your dad wanted my mother so he got her, it was that simple. He wasn't her mate my dad were" Damon said "They had both lost their mates and then fell in love years later, they loved each other and us." Alpha Richard said "No they loved you I was just a 10 year old boy who needed to be there because my mother was. Your father never treat me as a son, always running after you showering YOU with affection, even my own mother spent more time with you like you were her own child, you were never hers I was" he said looking at Richard with nothing but disgust. "dad and mum wer-" Richard was saying before Damon cut him off. "NO YOU DON'T GET TO CALL HER THAT SHE WAS NOT YOUR MOTHER" "Yes she was my mother, she brought me up from when I was 5years old, she loved us both the same" Richard said getting mad. "Well maybe at the end she loved you more, do you know the witches were looking for someone and needed to attack the royals to stop a certain thing happening, so I teamed up with their leader and organised the rogues to attack with us. I purposely waited for the time I knew they would be at the the royal pack before attacking, killing 2 birds with 1 stone as such. do you want to know something?" Damon asked us all. "what do you mean you waited" Richard asked "Do you know what is funny, I even laughed to myself about it after leaving the meeting today" we all look at each other confused "What" "I was there at them all dying, the royals, prince Patrick, my mother and that bastard she called husband, the old Alpha and Luna of the Growling wolf pack , and even that p***y Alpha, Luna and half there pack including their precious son of the Howling moon pack. The only one I didn't have the pleasure of watching the life drain from her eyes is your dear slut of a mother" he said laughing looking at us all growling at him " I killed all your parents all your friends and it was the best fun I've ever had, and that's not the best bit" he said with happiness in his eyes. what is wrong with him he's not normal. All the men moved around him ready to kill him "WAIT" I command making them all stop "aww I thought you would want to know, you see when we invaded the howling moon pack I saw a pretty little thing hiding maybe only 13years old, I wanted her and I had her, every way possible for the last 3years she has been my pretty little play thing" he was now laughing hysterically. Hope is fighting to come out but I'm not going to let him off with a quick death being ripped up by Hope 'I'm sorry Hope but he is my kill' I say hoping she will understand. 'Make him feel what everyone he has hurt feel and make him know he is alone with no one' Hope says going to the back of my mind. I growl ferociously, Damon soon stops laughing. "YOU" I shout making him cower. He starts screaming "ARE" His skin slashed " A PIECE" he skin slashes again "OF s**t" His skin slashes another 3 times he begs for mercy but that is not going to happen "YOU DARE TREAT PEOPLE LIKE THAT, KILLING OUR FAMILIES, TERRIFYING A LITTLE GIRL TRAUMATISING HER" More skin slashed "YOU THINK YOUR A BIG MAN A BIG BAD WOLF" He's slashed again "BUT YOUR NOT, YOUR NOTHING AND WHEN YOUR DEAD NO ONE WILL REMEMBER YOUR NAME OR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE" More slashes "YOUR NOTHING BUT VERMIN HIDING BEHIND WITCHES AND ROGUES, WHO WILL END UP DEAD THE SAME AS YOU" More slashes "YOU ARE NOTHING TO FEAR, NOTHING TO LOVE, NOTHING BUT SCUM" He slashes again and again "YOUR DESTINED MATE WILL FIND A NEW MATE A DESERVING MATE, YOU ARE GOING TO DIE FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE, FOR ALL THE HURT YOU CAUSED. YOUR GOING TO DIE ALONE UNLOVED, UNCARED FOR FORGOTTEN INTO NOTHING" More slashes "YOU ARE GOING TO MEET YOUR MAKER AND HAVE TO ANSWER FOR ALL YOUR SINS, SPENDING ETERNITY IN LIMBO, YOU HAVE BETRAYED YOUR FAMILY AND WEREWOLVES EVERYWHERE" More slashes His screams are loud and piercing but that won't make any difference. He's been screaming non stop since his punishment started. "YOU ARE THE SCUM OF THE EARTH ALONE AND YOU HAVE NO ONE. A MURDERER.... A RAPIST.... A COWARD!!!!! " I scream the last word and he has blood dripping from his eyes, nose and ears. Gurgling and choking on his own blood. The noise stops and he's left dead hanging by the chains. I turn around and everyone but Blane looks at me with aww and a little bit of fright. Blane walks to me pulling me into his body arms wrapped around me and that's when it hits me and I cry. After Blane lets me cry it out I lift my face, I feel bad they didn't get to get there own justice. "I'm so sorry to you all, I know you would want your own justice but I couldn't stop the Anger I had for him and everything he has done" and start crying again. "please don't cry my love, you have nothing to feel bad about, he deserved it" Blane tries to make me feel better thinking its because I killed him. "I know he deserved it and he deserved even more pain that but I feel bad because I took away from you all the chance to do that yourself, I promised you that I would help you get justice and I feel like I kept that from you" I say to blane stroking his cheek. "Oh my goddess, you didn't take it away from us, you made him suffer more than any of us could have my love and I'm grateful that you did, he didn't deserve mercy" Blane says making me snap my my head up to look in his eyes to see him smiling, behind him all 3 men are nodding in agreement and smiling at me. We made our way to the pack house. When we get back there Blane went to explain to the witches and Alphas what was said and what happened. They were going back to our pack then back home, we will contact each other if we need them or if they need us. Julian also went back to our pack to reassure everyone that all is ok and the threat here has been terminated. To be honest I think he just wants to go back to Liddy, I mean I don't blame him she really is 1 in a million. I'm sat at the end of the sofa, with the girls head on my knee, stroking her hair. she is still sleeping and looking at her this is probably the only proper sleep she has had in 3 years. 3 years!! she must have been through so much, more than I can comprehend or understand fully. I'm glad she is from our pack, I'm going to be here for her always. I hope her family are still with us, a lot of people died when they were attacked. She has been to hell and back, I just hope she can find happiness at home. We have been here for about an hour and I feel her stir, then stiffen as she wakes properly. She jumps up scared not realising where she is. "you remember me yeah" I ask her, a minute or so of her focus coming and she remembers and nods yes. "Hi I'm from your pack, I'm the Luna" She frowns "what happened to Luna Kaz, we were under attack and I tried to hide but... but HE found me" she asks looking round weary. "first of all he will never hurt you ever again, no one will ever hurt you ever, or they will have me to deal with" with that she sits next to me still shaking. "The old Alpha, Luna their son and a lot of the pack were killed" I say sadly. she starts crying "I was best friends with the Alphas son johnny" this breaks my heart. Blane walks into the room looking for me and when he finds me and smiles, the girl jumps up crying running to him "Blane oh Blane are they all really dead" and runs to hug him, he stops in his tracks and stiffens as she hugs him. "Please don't leave me here I want to go to my family, have you seen them, are they ok" she asks looking up at a confused Blane, she frowns and realises he doesn't recognise her. "It's me Cindy, Cindy please don't say you don't remember, you know cindy, Johnny best friend we used to help out in the kitchens a lot" the realisation hit Blane in the face, he grabbed her into a hug. "of course, I'm sorry Cindy we all thought you had died in the attack, we would have searched for you if we thought for a second that you were taken" Cindy is sobbing to finally see someone she knows. I walk over to them smiling. "Cindy this is my mate, Luna Adira" Blane says she looks shocked. "She shows her neck in submission to us "I'm sorry Alpha, I didnt realise you were my Alpha" she says embarrassed. "Cindy we may be in charge of the pack but we are family" I say smiling at her. She smiles back at me. "Beta Gavin would it be possible for Cindy to have a shower please" Blane asks, he nods his head yes "of course Anything for my King and Queen" he says causing Cindy snap her head upto us with wide eyes. "There is somethings that has happened but you get cleaned up first and we will explain on our way home" I say smiling at her. The woman that sat with Cindy has offered to go with her, so Cindy feels more comfortable. We went into the office to find Alpha Richard and his Luna. They were both in there just cuddling each other. we knock on the open door. Alpha Richard smiles at us asking us in. We take a seat opposite the Alpha and his Luna on his knee. We explain what we are up against and we were asking for alliances but even if they pledged to us, we wouldn't call upon them as they all need to get back to health. They pledge allegiance to us and are thankful to us for saving them. I got to know the Luna better, her name is Grace and this will be their first baby. We congratulate them both on the pregnancy and let them know if they need us for any reason let us know. Cindy is done and she is wearing some clothes that were given to her, they are way too big for her but she is covered, clean and warm. We bid our farewells to everyone and head out to the gardens. There's only me, Blane, Cindy and a handful warriors. Cindy is looking round waiting for a car. Her eyes widen in shock when she looks at the portal I've made. she holds my hand scared, I give it an encouraging squeeze walking through it with her. We walk out and see Liddy and Julian, Trixie and Zane, Zoe, Maxine and Wes also there waiting for us. All the men went to greet Blane and all the women came to me hugging me asking if I was ok, all the while I've still got a hold of Cindy hand. She looks a little scared with all the new people. "Ok ok just back up a little" I say making them all jump back thinking they hurt me. Thats when they notice Cindy, hiding slightly behind me. "this is Cindy we just rescued her she is from our pack, Cindy this is Liddy, Trixie, Zoe and Maxine" I point at everyone. They all greet her and Trixie being Trixie made her come out her shell and got her laughing. I swear I love how good with people she is. "Cindy sweet what is your full name" I ask. "It's Cindy louise parker" she replied "we will just make our way to the office ok" I say to her holding her hand pulling her along with us. 'What is Cindy family called, can you call them to the office love, don't tell them why though I don't want to panic them' I ask Blane hoping he knows. 'ill see to it my love' he replies through mind link because I didn't want to get Cindy hopes up just in case. 'They are on their way' he let me know. We were all sat in the office for about 15minutes when there was a knock on the door. Blane stood up and opened the door and invited them in. In walked a woman in her 40s she had blonde hair and blue eyes, a man in his 40s with brown hair and brown eyes and 2 young men in their late teens maybe 20s, the youngest one had light brown hair and blue eyes and the oldest had dark brown hair and brown eyes. As soon as they walked in and asked if there was a problem, being called to the Alphas office doesn't normally happen unless there's a problem or they are in trouble. Cindy turned round and started crying, flying into her mums arms sobbing, telling them all how much she has missed them.
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