finding the hidden pack pt 2

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Blane POV It's the day we leave for the blood moon pack. Adira is saying her goodbyes and I can hear her giggle. I hope we made the right decision bringing her along with us, we don't even know what we will encounter while looking for them. "Zane you know the drill, keep the pack running like clock work, keep up with the training routine and can you also ask Dr Hayley if the clinic is fully stocked, we can't be unprepared" "I have it all in hand Alpha" Zane only calls me Alpha when he has his serious Beta head on but I know he has got this, we were all trained as Alpha from being young, so I know he can handle this. "I'm going to have my phone with me but only for emergencies, I want to get back as soon as possible so think it will be best with no interruptions so you won't hear from me either unless it's important" "ok Alpha, I know you need me here but I hate knowing I haven't got your back out there" Zane says looking at me hoping I change my mind " I know you would have my back brother but this is where I need you ok" "ok I know but doesn't hurt to double check" he said making me laugh. I have decided to take Wes and also Jed and Liam. Jed is the best tracker we have and Liam, his son, is also training to be a tracker, so this will be a good time for him to watch his father in his tracker mode. They are both great warriors too, Liam is one of our top warriors, They have both put 100% into be better than before I became their Alpha, they both witnessed the horror of that day and were both injured in the attack. Maggie, Jeds mate and Liams mum were also injured while protecting the pups in the daycare, she saved them by hiding them in a hidden room under the floor, she stayed and fought off an attacker that entered the daycare. The daycare was set on fire and as she tried to escape with the pups she was attacked again. only 6 pups survived out of 13 and Maggie was on deaths door when they were found. She hasn't been able to work with the children since then and so works as a cook in the pack kitchen. They are a great family and the whole pack loves them. I look at my watch and it's time to go, hopefully will only take a couple of days, I make my way over to Adira holding her hand letting her know it's time to go. She closes her eyes and when she opens them again her eyes are swirling lavender and gold, they look so different but beautiful, I love it when her eyes change, it shows how unique she is. A portal appears in front of us making me a little weary, I've heard that a lot of covens travel this way but I've never seen anything like it before. I can also feel the uneasiness off my men and when I look at them, I think we all looked the same because Adira soon reassured us making us relax just a little. We took a step forward and it felt like a light tickle of electricity on my skin and a breeze that gently surrounded us, smells like flowers. It only lasted a few seconds before we stepped in to the dark forest. The forest was a beauty but I know it's called the dark forest,not because of the forest, but because whenever anyone goes into the forest they never return. It's the story told to pups so they don't ever venture in there calling it the dark forest to scare them away. I grab my mates hand " that was great but weird my little mate" making her smile "it's ok you will get used to it my love" she replies bursting out laughing "no offence beautiful but I hope we don't have to do that often enough to get used to it" I say to her hoping she doesn't get offended as the rest nod in agreement with him making Adira laugh more at us. I look around and assess what we need to do. "Ok men we need to make way and try and find the Blood moon pack, everyone keep your wits about you, we don't know what could be out here. Jed you are our best tracker so you are to see if you can find any trace of them and we must stay as one group so non of us get separated" "Yes Alpha" "and no shifting either, we don't want them to think we are here to attack" "yes Alpha they say as one. We were walking for a solid 4 hours or so, but there was still no sign of the pack anywhere. We keep pushing on until it's too late and we call in a night. we find suitable ground for the night and bed down on our blankets, I know Adira has her own blanket to lay on but I pull her onto mine, I know there is no way I'm going to be able to settle at all tonight if she isn't in my arms. There isn't anything in this world that will take her from me, I'm torn in two with her being stubborn about coming with us, one half is on edge because she should be safe back at our pack and the other half is glad she is with me so I can make sure she is safe. I understand it could be dangerous out here but we are stronger together plus my little mate is fierce ' and can kick ass' Jack says laughing. I know she has to come with us to hopefully persuade the blood moon pack to join us but if they hurt her in any way I will destroy them 'WE will destroy them' Jack growls angry at the thought of our mate being hurt. I grab her blanket and cover her over making her give me that gorgeous smile.I have come to learn that when mate wants to get comfy she likes to be snuggled in a blanket. "I would just like to thank you all for coming, it means a lot to me knowing you have my back no matter what" Adira says making me happy she trusts us to protect her " it's our pleasure Luna" Liam says "We are honoured that you chose us Luna, we will do everything we can to protect you and Alpha even if that's with our lives" Jed said filling me with pride for my pack, I look at Adira and see a few tears so I give her a small squeeze trying to give her comfort "that means a lot to me, I appreciate you all so much" she says. We carried on chatting for a while, Jed was just telling us about Maggie made it clear for them that she expected them both home she would not be happy and they would see her temper fly making everyone laugh, I could tell there was a little sadness in Adira eyes but I will make it a point of asking when we are home. A comfortable silence settled over us, after a while Adira completely relaxes and her breathing evens out letting me know she has fallen to sleep on my chest, making me swell in happiness. I couldn't switch off for ages on guard and wide awake before I eventually fell to sleep. We all woke early but Adira was still asleep, we made a plan for Wes, Jed and Liam to scout the area to see if there was any trace of the pack. I was being a creep sat here staring at my mate sleeping. smiling like a crazy man. 'she is so beautiful and has the purest heart, she is everything we ever wished for in a mate Jack' I say while smiling ' they really are what we wished for, we are the luckiest wolf ever' Jack said as dreamily as I'm looking at her making me chuckle at us. 'I cant wait to deal with this threat and start living life with them Jack' 'me too Blane, I know we are training for a war but I miss going on runs with them, I'm in contact with Hope but it will also be nice to have sometime with each other' I realise listening to Jack that ive been able to spend everyday with our mates but he has only been able to have a run a handful of times with them. 'When we get home I'm thinking that it would be good if we make a point going for a run everyday then you get time with them too' I tell Jack making him beam in happiness 'that sounds great I can't wait' Jack says excited. 'and when this threat has gone if you want I will talk with them about blocking me and Adira out for a couple of hours a week so you also get some quality time with just Hope, what do you think' I ask making him spin and jump in happiness but then he lays down and I can feel his anxiousness 'I would really love that but what about Adira, I love them both the same but what if she gets upset thinking I don't' he says with his ears flat to his head. 'that is the same for me too, it goes without saying but she will understand you love her too' 'I'm hoping you are right, I don't like the thought of upsetting her at all' Jack says perking up a little. 'I'm sure everything will go good' I reassured Jack just as our little mate is stirring from her sleep 'I promise I'll talk with her Jack' I say as he goes to the back of my mind. "Morning sleepy head" I say and chuckle at her seeing her sit up and stretch then she realises where we are. 'mate is too cute' Jack says making me nod yes. "Morning" she says sleepily "where are the others, is everything ok" I can tell she is on guard thinking that something has happened. I walk to her gently holding her shoulders, calming her down. "Everything is ok my love, they just went to scout the area to see if they can find any trace of the pack" I explain "ok how long have they been" she asks making me realise she is worried "around 40minutes, come sit and have a drink and breakfast before we head out" sitting us down on a fallen tree. I gave her a sandwich and a bottle of water taking one of each for myself 'come back men, report what you have found if anything, and have breakfast before we leave' I heard through our mind link 'ok heading back now Luna' Wes replied. I knew I shouldn't but hearing her care for another man,no three other men, makes me a little jealous but I know its because she is their Luna but I couldn't help it when my eyebrows raised, "what is it my love" I hear my sweet Adira ask even though I can tell with her eyes that she already knows."nothing" I say. Adira lays her head on my shoulder "oh my goddess you are a little jealous my love, why would that be" she say amused "I'm not sure to be honest, as I heard you telling them to come eat made me feel pride that you really care for them but also a twinge of jealousy that you care for them" I answer putting my head down embarrassed "my love" Adira says softly lifting my face to meet my eyes "there is no need to feel this way, I worry for them because they are our family, we need to care for every single pack member they rely on us as we rely on them" she says making me smile "ok my little mate, you really are a beautiful and caring Luna" " And you are a great Alpha" she replied making me so happy I don't think I could ever be happier just then Wes, Liam and Jed broke through the trees coming to eat with us. We have still not found any sign of the hidden pack, even though we have been walking all day. We only have until tomorrow to find them if we haven't we would have to head home. We are out of food and we are all getting low on the water and trust me when I say a hungry werewolf is a grumpy werewolf, and there's 5 of us. We have to call it a night as its gone midnight, I look around us all and there's no chatting like last night, its quiet apart from stomachs rumbling. "ok so what if you could eat anything right now what would it be" Adira asks looking around at us, the question doesn't help because all it's done is reminded us how hungry we are.Liam breaks the silence "oh I'm so hungry, if I could have anything right now I'd have steak and potatoes with mmm maybe broccoli" then there in front of him is what he asked for but a massive portion his eyes go wide digging in straight away mumbling thankyou with his mouthful making Adira laugh, she looks waiting for me "wow I didn't even think of this earlier" I said making her laugh again "yeah me too Hope just reminded me" "well my love could I have the same as Liam please" " yes me too" Jed said eyeing up his sons food "and me too please Luna"Wes asked also, we were looking at Liams food like we had seen food in weeks, in front of us all appeared our food, smelling amazing, plus I also got sausage making me happy seeing them. I look up at Adira with a mouthful noticing she is just happy to feed us but still hasn't got herself anything yet "gonna just sit there staring at us eat, my little mate or are you going to get some food too" I asked before ramming in another mouthful. I looked up again and she was tucking into chicken pasta. making me happy to also see her eating too. When we finished eating Adira got us all hot chocolate while we were chatting about the day and also what will happen tomorrow. We get settled down again before falling to sleep wrapped around each other. I wake early with the others and adira was still sleeping so I decided to go scout with Jed while Wes and Liam guard my beauty while she sleeps. "Under no circumstances are you to leave, wait for Adira to wake then move in our direction" I say clear for them to understand that Adira is top priority. "Yes Alpha" they both say bowing their heads. "Jed we will go infront and scout but everyone keep mind links open in case of an emergency. "Yes Alpha" is all they said knowing that we might be getting closer to the pack. we have gone around a mile in front "Alpha there is some tracks here but faint, we might be getting close" Jed said while pointing out what he has spotted. 'morning, where are you my love we are on the move into your direction' I heard the sweet voice of my mate ' I'm about a mile straight ahead of the direction we went my love, Jed has found a few tracks here hopefully we will get further in our search today, oh and morning beautiful" I said 'Hope said they are on their way to us but might be best to stay here so we don't get separated' Jack said which does make sense. We were there for a while waiting and Jed has pointed out the way we need to go, so far we have sat and waited but it started feeling like we were being watched and thats when I could smell different wolves scents getting closer "Alpha do you smell that" Jed asked "yeah, smells like there's a few wolves but not sure how many, what do pick up, how many" "too many to count at least 20 wolves heading our way" Jed replied "yeah thats what I thought too, we need to form a plan but do not attack and only fight if we have to" I said looking at Jed "and no matter what happens don't break off we stick together" "yes Alpha" Jed said as we both got ready for what ever was approaching. "well well, what do we have here" said a cocky lad, maybe beta blood but definitely not Alpha. "we wish to speak to your Alpha" I said stepping forward while Jed had my back. "I don't think so, you are on our land, you trespassed and that warrants death" He spoke again pissing me off 'rip his head off just for the disrespect' Jack growled trying to come out 'Jack calm down we can't loose control, we need to speak to the Alpha' I tried to calm him but it only worked slightly. "I know you are not an Alpha, so I request your Alpha, we have business to discuss". "I dont think you follow what I said it is still NO and I dont want to repeat myself wolf so, it is death... after all your out numbered and there is no escape" as he said that they charge at us, 'Don't kill if you can prevent it we may need this pack, but kick ass' I mind linked Jed and thats it we are fighting, we are a lot faster and stronger than these wolves so I had wiped at least 15 wolves out, knocked out cold, Jed was holding his own too and when there wasn't many left we were shocked to see another 10 wolves join the fight. As I look at him 2 see how he was holding up he gets jumped from behind by 2 wolves while he was fight 2 wolves, sneaky bastards, and thats when I lost my s**t, I took down another 5 wolves and then the rest jumped on me all at once and I felt a sharp pain in my neck and then burning through my veins. It was like my whole body was on fire, my veins felt like they were melting along with my internal organs. my skin and muscles a felt like they were on fire and melting off my bones. It's the worst pain I've physically felt before. maybe my body being dunked into a pool of acid wouldn't hurt this much. What the goddess is this s**t. I couldn't move or see but it felt like we were being carried. when I came to, we were being dragged into the center of a run down village, as I started to get my strength back I could hear the wolves talking " what the f**k is he made of, that should have knocked his ass out for days" "Doug has gone for another shot, he wants to hurry up there's no way we will get this one down again" another wolf said sounding a little on edge "you want to be scared because when I get enough strength back I'm going to gutt you all" I slurred with a growl "Reg, where the hell is Doug this one is coming around" the wolf said again a little scared. " Thats impossible that should have been enough" a different wolf said. I started laughing listening to them getting scared and so they should be. just as I stopped laughing I could feel my arms and hands and thats when I grabbed one of them closest to me around the throat "think yourself lucky my full strength isn't back yet pup or you would be the first to die" I said in a deadly tone making him quiver. I felt another sharp pain again in my neck and the excruciating burning pain came back and before long the darkness took me.
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