finding the hidden pack

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Adira POV So we are standing in front of the Pack house while Blane gives Zane clear instructions on what needs to be done while we are away. Zane is not happy about not being there to back us up, but he understands that he is needed here to help run the pack. He is an amazing beta and awesome warrior, but he also has the leadership of an alpha because their whole family have trained to become alpha from a young age. Wes is coming with us and 2 pack warriors, we decided it would be for the best so as not to take away warriors that might be needed here. "Be safe ok, we will be back in a couple of days" giving my girls a group hug "you are the one that needs to be safe because if you die out there I will kick your ass" Trixie said making us all giggle "I will be and while we are away keep up with learning to control your new powers" I say looking at all 4 of them making sure they know how serious I am "bossy much" Trixie smirked and rolled her eyes causing me to smile "we will, promise, and we will help each other as always," Liddy says, smiling. "it's time my love" Blane said grabbing hold of my hand. I give his hand a squeeze before letting go and closing my eyes, taking a deep breath I open my eyes, a swirling lavender and gold, a portal appears in front of us. All the men look worried about going through it, I nod my head at them smiling at them 'this is the only way to make it quicker, if you want to close your eyes and step forward, I will protect you and guide you through ok' I say to all of them by mind link, they take a deep breath and step forward. we emerged in the dark forest, I'm not sure why its called that as it really is beautiful. It has thick foliage in gorgeous greens with tall trees and it sounds just as beautiful from the birds singing to the stream nearby. The portal dissappeared behind us and we are all looking around in awe at our surroundings taking in all the little details and noises. the sun is shining through the trees but we don't have too much time left before it sets. Blane grabs my hand " that was great but weird my little mate" making me smile "it's ok you will get used to it my love" I say which makes him frown which makes me burst out laughing "no offence beautiful but I hope we don't have to do that often enough to get used to it" Blane says as the rest nod in agreement with him making me laugh more. After a few minutes of me laughing Blane looks around and gets down to business in Alpha mode. "Ok men we need to make way and try and find the Blood moon pack, everyone keep your wits about you, we don't know what could be out here. Jed you are our best tracker so you are to see if you can find any trace of them and we must stay as one group so non of us get separated" "Yes Alpha" "and no shifting either, we don't want them to think we are here to attack" "yes Alpha they say as one. We were trekking through the forest for about 4 hours, I got to know about the the Warriors, the oldest is the best tracker and a great warrior in the pack, his name is Jed he is about 5'9" in his 40s with a slim but muscly build, very short dirty blonde hair and brown eyes and the youngest warrior is Liam, he is Jeds son and look just like him apart from his hair is longer, he has dark blue eyes and is more muscly, he is 20 years old and one of the packs best warriors and he talked a lot. "we need to stop and camp for the night before we get turned around in circles" Wes explains "yes I think your right Wes, we can eat and rest ready for tomorrow" Blane says looking around for a suitable place for us. we find a little clearing that was big enough to bed down for the night. We don't make a fire as we don't need one as we are werewolves and our body heat is high, we had blankets each to lay on but with me laying with Blane he puts my blanket over me making me smile, he knows even though I don't need it I love being wrapped up. we all get comfy, Blane laid down as I laid with him with my head on his chest wrapped our arms around each other. "I would just like to thank you all for coming, it means a lot to me knowing you have my back no matter what" I say to them all " it's our pleasure Luna" Liam says "We are honoured that you chose us Luna, we will do everything we can to protect you and Alpha even if that's with our lives" Jed said making me tear up, Blane squeezes me slightly, comforting me "that means a lot to me, I appreciate you all so much" I say. We carried on chatting for a while, learning about Jed and Liam, They are from the original pack before Blane became the Alpha, Maggie Jeds mate was waiting back at home for them and had warned them both to go back home unhurt or they would see her temper making everyone laugh, it made me a little sad as it made me think of my own mother. A comfortable silence settled over us, it's been a long and tiring day and darkness soon takes over me. I try to turn over in bed, it's not a very comfy bed, making me groan and squint my eyes open, lifting my hand to shield my eyes from the sun. "Morning sleepy head" I heard Blane chuckle. I sit up and it comes back to me that we are in the dark forest, I stretched the kinks out my back and arms while yawning. "Morning" I say sleepily, looking around I notice it's just the two of us here "where are the others, is everything ok" I ask getting up and looking around on edge, Blane walks to me holding my shoulders, calming me down. "Everything is ok my love, they just went to scout the area to see if they can find any trace of the pack" ok that makes sense making me relax more "ok how long have they been" "around 40minutes, come sit and have a drink and breakfast before we head out" taking me over to a fallen tree trunk laid near where we slept. Blane handed me a sandwich and a bottle of water taking one of each for himself 'come back men, report what you have found if anything, and have breakfast before we leave' I mind link 'ok heading back now Luna' Wes replied. Blane raised his eyebrows while pouting at me, "what is it my love" I ask even though through our bond I can feel his feelings of pride with a hint of jealousy "nothing" he says grumpily which makes it more clear that he's upset so I inch closer to him putting my head on his shoulder "oh my goddess you are a little jealous my love, why would that be" I say amused "I'm not sure to be honest, as I heard you telling them to come eat made me feel pride that you really care for them but also a twinge of jealousy that you care for them" he answers with his head down "my love" I say lifting his face upto me meeting his eyes "there is no need to feel this way, I worry for them because they are our family, we need to care for every single pack member they rely on us as we rely on them" I tell him smiling making him smile along "ok my little mate, you really are a beautiful and caring Luna" " And you are a great Alpha" i replied as Wes, Liam and Jed broke through the trees coming to eat with us. We have been walking all day apart from a few different breaks and it is getting dark again but we have not found any sign of the hidden pack. I really hope we can find them as they are supposed to be a great pack of warriors and we really could use their help. We are out of sandwiches and we are all getting low on the water and a little grumpy and hungry. after a couple more hours we have to call it a night as its gone midnight, We all sit tired and hungry. 'Addy you know I love you but seriously sometimes its like you have no thinking capacity at all' Hope says laughing 'well thanks for that, how rude Hope' making me grumpier 'Addy are you serious' Hope asks me like I've just fell out a tree 'what Hope, I'm tired but mostly I'm hungry and theres no food, I'm not in the mood for games' I say irritated while Hope rolls her eyes at me 'well looks like I'm going to have to spell it out, we have powers' 'yes I know that silly' making me roll my eyes 'Addy we have powers, you click and hey presto its there' Hope said slow so I fully understood her 'OH MY GODDESS Hope your a life saver, how could I not even think of that' I tell her laughing finally happy that I get food. "ok so what if you could eat anything right now what would it be" I ask looking around at our hungry and exhausted men "oh I'm so hungry, if I could have anything right now I'd have steak and potatoes with mmm maybe broccoli" Liam said daydreaming about food licking his lips, I click my fingers and there in front of him is what he asked for but a portion that would fill 3 humans but I know he would finish it, his eyes go wide digging in straight away mumbling thankyou with his mouthful making me laugh, I turn to Blane waiting "wow I didn't even think of this earlier" he said making me laugh "yeah me too Hope just reminded me" "well my love could I have the same as Liam please" " yes me too" Jed said eyeing up jis sons food "and me too please Luna"Wes asked also looking at Liams food like non of them had seen food in months, I clicked my fingers and in front of them appeared their food, smelling amazing, plus I also got sausage on Blanes, making his eyes light up, making me happy seeing them all enjoying there food "gonna just sit there staring at us eat, my little mate or are you going to get some food too" Blane asked before ramming in another mouthful. I clicked my fingers getting myself a chicken pasta tucking in myself. when we finished eating we had a hot chocolate chatting about the day and also what steps to take tomorrow, Hope is going to come forward in my body and see if she can sense any other werewolves around. We can't shift as we don't want them to think we are a danger. We get settled down again making me snuggle into Blane before falling to sleep. Another morning and I'm waking up on the floor stretching but I can't feel Blane anywhere near me, I sit up coming to realise he isn't here. "Wes where is Blane" "morning Luna, Alpha said he and Jed was going to go do a quick search of the area while you slept,they are hoping to find anything to aid our search" He said bowing his head "ok shall we clean up our bits and then we can start in that direction and start our search" I say picking up the blankets we have been sleeping on while Wes,Liam picked up their blankets stuffing them into the backpacks before we head out 'morning, where are you my love we are on the move into your direction' I mind linked Blane ' I'm about a mile straight ahead of the direction we went my love, Jed has found a few tracks here hopefully we will get further in our search today, oh and morning beautiful" he replied making me smile. We get almost to the mile but there's no sign of Blane or Jed , we all try mind linking them but there was nothing even Hope tried reaching out to Jack but nothing making us run looking for them but there's nothing 'STOP Addy' Hope says making me stop dead in my tracks 'What is it Hope' she pushes me to the back of my mind taking control 'don't worry Addy, I can pick a very faint scent of our mate, I will follow it and hopefully find him' she says putting me at ease a little bit. We go following his scent while Wes and Liam was stood either side of me on guard waiting for anything.That's when we could see to be signs of struggle, making me panic 'if there was a fight where are they' I ask Hope dread filling me 'We will find them don't worry Addy, Blanes scent is stronger here it will be easier to follow, I'll go back and keep trying to reach Jack while you carry on from here following their scent ok' Hope replies, that makes sense. We walk for a solid hour until we slow, coming to what looks like a village in the distance but that isn't what makes me stop, it's the fact that our mate and Jed is tied up onto poles in the center, out cold, bleeding out but not seeming to heal. This makes us run as fast as we can to him leaving our men trying to catch up with us. 'HOW DARE THEY' Hope shouts trying to take control but now isn't the right time just before we reach him, Warriors line up infront of them ready to attack. I slow us down infront of them "HOW DARE YOU HARM MY MATE" I shout at them making a tall man who has shoulder length dirty brown hair and blue eyes, step forward scowling at me "HOW DARE YOU TRESPASS ON OUR LAND" he shouts making us mad "release my mate and our tracker this instance or you will all suffer" I say in so much anger and authority making them flinch "There is no way they would have attacked so what is the meaning of this" I ask while walking closer 'No matter what happens you two go straight over and get Blane and Jed' I say to Wes and Liam through our mind link. 'Ok Luna but please be careful' Wes replied. "They didn't attack but they are on our land so that makes no difference" the man who has stepped forward had said making me even even angrier, " Bring your Alpha here now, we are done with dealing with a wolf who is a beta at best" I say making them all growl at me, I growl back feeling Hope come forward "I SUGGEST YOU DO AS WE SAY LITTLE WOLF" Hope shouts making the wolf shift into a brown wolf, baring his teeth at us just before jumping at us, we shift into Hopes form. Dodging him, he lands and spins to face us ready to attack again. In the commotion Wes and Liam have managed to slip past the wolves as their attention is on us, 'We have them Luna' Wes says through our mind link. We are ready to rip this wolf to shreds for the disrespect. 'Its time Hope' 'fine but they go near our mate I'll make them all pay' 'deal' I say smiling at her. Hope gets to her full hight and growls a powerful growl making the wolves around us drop to the floor, baring their necks, there was a couple that was still standing and growling including the wolf that attacked us, Hope growls the most powerful growl she has ever done making the ground shake and the last few wolves standing drop to the floor, baring their neck and whining in submission. 'ANY OF YOU GO NEAR MY MATE OR MY PACK MEMBERS AND YOU DIE YOU WILL NOT MOVE WHILE ATTEND TO THEM' Hope mind linked the wolves we had pinned making them whine more. from our command. 'can you bring me some clothing to shift Wes please' I mind linked him while looking at our mate laying on the floor. we shift back and put the dress on that Wes passed me before the three of them turned to give me privacy. as I finished pulling down my dress I ran to Blane with Wes coming with me while Liam was guarding our backs. Jed was stiring and his wounds were healing but Blane was bleeding but not healing"what is wrong with him, what did you do" I say looking at the men. "he entered our lands so our warriors took him down, took quite a few too, and then he was injected with wolfs bane so he couldn't attack when he arrived here as he is a very strong wolf" on of the warriors said like it was a normal thing to say. Hearing that pissed me off but Wes touched my arm bringing me back from my anger. "Wes I need to see if I can heal him and try and get the wolfs bane out his system ok, whatever happens no one is to get close to us, all my focus will be on Blane ok" I ask looking at Wes, he nodded "do what you must no one will get passed us" Jed was getting up fully healed going to stand guard to, 'Hope why has Jed healed but Blane isn't' I ask worriedly 'Looks like they were stung up with silver so that stops wolves healing' she replied. I kissed Blane lips letting a tear slip from my eye.I touch his stomach where one of the wolves sliced into him, I pressed both my hands onto him, closing my eyes concentrating. I can feel heat in my hands, tears falling from my eyes, picturing Blane healthy and smiling after I'm not sure how long, I feel a hand stroke my cheek causing sparks to explode. I open my eyes to find Blane staring up at me smiling making me sob into his chest "it's ok my love" He says hugging me to his chest letting me cry out all I need to. After inhaling his scent, taking deep breaths calming down, I lift my head to his and kiss him with everything I've got. "I thought we had lost you my love, my Alpha, my world" I say kissing him all over his face making him laugh "I'm here see, relax I would fight death himself to stay by your side" Blane said looking into my eyes with such love. "I'm sorry to interrupt Alpha but the pack has re grouped and is surrounding us" Wes says making us look around us and we were surrounded except the wolves I commanded before were where I left them unable to break from our command. We stood up taking a fighting stance ready for them. Wait why are they all eyeing Blane, looks like he is the target as they see him as the leader of our group. 'They will pay if they touch him' Hope says fuming in anger ready to take them all down. 'Wes and Jed you protect our Alpha he is still recovering, Liam come with me." I command in my Luna voice "yes Luna they all say. Blane grabs my hand looking at me with wide eyes "please my love" he says looking worried " it's ok , trust me my loves" I reply making him loosen his grip "I do trust you but please be careful, I will tear this pack up" "ok but it wont come to that" I say winking at him. 'Liam you stay by my side and don't do anything unless I tell you or they attack us, ok' I mind link Liam, he nods his head at me letting me know he heard me without breaking his concentration. "Where is your Alpha" I ask the warriors who are stood against us. "you won't be alive long enough to find out, what have you done to our men" one of the older warriors asked looking confused. "I commanded them" I say looking at him in his eyes as they go wide. "Thats... Thats impossible" he said worriedly "I don't want to fight as we came here with a purpose, so take us to your Alpha now or I will command you to do so, I'd much rather not do that though" I explain but he snaps out of his shock and growls at me "there is no way I would take you to our pack we will defend it with our lives" he said " ok first of all I already explained we are not here to fight or hurt anyone. secondly if you don't want to take us we will wait here for the Alpha" making him laugh "If you wasn't here to fight why are our men forced to bow to you, why are you so adamant on meeting our Alpha" he says with curiosity "we had no choice but to make them submit as they was trying to attack us, it was either that or death but we prefer not to take lives today." "The Alpha is on his way release our men" he says but I know he is lying I can feel it like light cramps in my belly when someone is lying. must be another power. Hope comes forward "YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO LIE TO US, YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE, BUT NOW I HAVE LOST MY PATIENCE WITH ALL OF YOU" Hope says staring them all down fuming with them. "TAKE ME TO THE ALPHA OR WHOEVER IS RUNNING THIS STUPID PACK OF WOLVES NOW" they all bow their heads and start walking, the ones already under our command start getting up heads bowed also walking. I take Blanes hand and our little group follows them walking for maybe 20 minutes. We enter the pack and everyone is either staring or taking the pups elsewhere. we arrive at what looks like a small pack house, from the door emerges an older man in his 60s grey hair and brown eyes and another man in his 40s with black hair and greying on the sides with brown eyes. "what is the meaning of this and what have you done to our men" the older man asked. "they attacked so i commanded them to bring me to their Alpha, we mean no harm and have been looking for your pack for 2 days, but if you attack us again I will not be so forgiving" I explain looking him straight in the eyes so he knows I'm serious. "release our men and there will be no attacking, they were doing what was needed to protect our pack." The man replies, I know he is telling the truth so I release them from my hold."please follow us" he said leading us inside the house to a small office. "My name is Adira, this is my mate Alpha Blane, our gamma Wes and our tacker and warriors Jed and Liam. we wish to speak to you regarding attacks on pack and a coven" I explain while chucking my hair up into a messy bun, but the two men just looked shocked to the bone staring at me, ok it's not like this is awkward at all, I think feeling uncomfortable, that's when Blane growls in warning. "WAIT..." the younger of the two men said making me look at him like he is crazy. "Which bit are you needing explaining" I ask looking a little confused now and that's when they both start pacing around the office in deep thought. "what is your name and may I ask about your parents" the older man asked "first of all its rude to not introduce yourself when I introduced us as I'm not sure what to call you when we are having conversations" I explain " and secondly what has my family got to do with any of this" I say irritated. "I apologise my name is Robert and this is my son Beta Warren, who is the acting Alpha since we lost ours. We didn't mean to stare but it's your mark, it has been so long since we have seen anything like it" he explains making no sense at all. "nice to meet you both but what has my mark got to do with anything" I ask even more confused. "what do you know about our pack" Robert asked looking at us all "nothing much apart from your pack used to be known as 'the royal blood moon pack' and after an attack you all dissappeared and is now known at 'the blood moon pack' and that the pack was of royal bloodline but they were all killed along with most of their pack but no one knows why you were attacked or by who" Blane tells them all we know. "Ok I will tell you of how we were and what happened, the royal blood pack, was a beautiful and happy pack. The king Alpha and queen Luna of all werewolves were fair and loving of all the wolves. The queen Luna was beautiful outside and in, making sure there wasn't anyone in the pack going hungry or neglected. The king Alpha was great and strong and stood against those who meant harm to any werewolf pack, he was also a great leader and warrior. They had 2 sons who were just as amazing as their parents. The oldest son had met his mate and were expecting their first pup and the youngest son had been traveling trying to find his mate. Thats when we were attacked by witches. A very powerful witch was leading them and they were killing and torturing anyone in their way. The king Alpha and I managed to get some of the pack members to safety while his son and our warriors were fighting we all managed to kill quite a few witches but when we got to the royal safe room to collect the queen Luna and the pregnant mate of their son were tortured and murdered, The king Alpha went crazy and went straight for the head witch but she killed him but not before he tore her face and that's when they retreated." as he is explaining this our eyes are wide open in shock to hear it was witches that attacked them too. "WOW I'm not sure what to say" Blane says looking at me and holding my hand. "this can't be a coincidence surely, after the other attacks it must the same witches" Wes says thinking out loud. "How many more have there been" Beta Warren asked looking at Wes "2 that we know of" Wes replied. "getting back to why I was asking about your family" Robert said looking at me " the only people who have crowns in their mating marks are royals" He said looking at me with curiosity "that can't be right I'm the daughter of a witch and a lone wolf" I try to explain so they understand they have it all wrong. "The lone wolf must have been the prince who was trying to find his mate that's the only explanation" Beta Warren said looking at me. "that can't be right what was his name then if you are sure" I ask so I can prove them wrong. "His name was Prince Patrick Wells" and thats when I passed out.
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