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"You shouldn't of left her alone, Jen is good but Maggie still needs a dominate around she hasn't even started to control her wolf." "She did it for almost a month alone, Damien!" "She wasn't alone she..." "She what?" I heard Kasey and Damien arguing once I woke up and found that I was in a cage. Then I felt the need to puke so bad and I found the bucket next to the bed. Then I felt a gentle hand holding my hair up, I felt ashamed but I couldn't help feeling sick. Damien walked away and returned with a glass of water. I sat on the bed and drained the glass. "How are you feeling now?" "My skin feels really raw." "Yeah, your wolf was trying to phase but you fought her down." " That would explain why i feel sore all over too." "Yes, you need to rest then after you wake up, I can explain what's going to happen." "Johnny where's..." "He's with Jen and her family." He answered and gently pushed me back on the bed, before I knew it I was asleep. When I woke up again the cage door was open so that meant I could walk out when i was ready. I slowly sat up on the bed and stretched and walked out of the cage toward the door, but I saw my reflection, and it was glaring at me. "Don't look at me like that." "You're not strong enough to be in control and the more you wait the more weak we become." "I thought we were a team, wolf not me more then you not you more then me." "That was before I saw how weak you are." "It's called being human, if you really think I have issues then you should've let me die." "You chose me and I thought you were ready to change!" "I am even if I still fight it, it's not easy to change after twenty years, and if you're ready to give up so easily on me then we'll both end up dead." She didn't say anything. "Maggie?" Damien stood confused, " who are you talking to?" I looked back at my reflection and raised an eyebrow at her and she just nodded. We had come to a compromise. "Just to myself." "Okay." He looked a little weirded out but let me pass and lead me outside. Once outside I noticed that we were in a huge arena the trees were apart of it, we were in the tallest and thickest part of the forest. It was amazing sight. There were others here like maybe six others and about five trainers. "What is this place?" "Rehab, this is where we bring all the new wolves or the ones who haven't made the change to well." " So you give werewolves physical therapy?' "Therapy for sure." I nodded in approval and he took me around to look at all the types of therapy there were. What I found a little weird was that as I watched the wolf doing the therapy I could tell that wasn't or it was what he needed. Like I could see his soul, chi, or ora whatever you would call it. Like one was talking to a group and I could see exactly what was wrong with each wolf, but I kept it to myself. They all stared at me as I walked by which until now I never understood why. "So you're the Omega?' asked Damien as he sat down while I stood. "What does that mean?" I asked frustrated. "You're the one who will bring balance back into all of this chaos." I suddenly understood why my wolf was saying i was weak, she was a peace maker, but i wasn't at peace with my life and until I was I wouldn't be of any help to anybody. "what did you're father mean, I was the perfect edge you needed?" "Most Omegas can be easily found in human form, hardly if ever are they born wolf, and when you turn a human Omega into wolf they burn out, there's too much unbalance to them and they end up killing themselves or the Alphas have to deal with them." "How long?" "You're actually doing well, considering." "So what my wolf was what self preservating?" "Exactly, you have the potential but you already come with so much chaos, you're wolf doesn't know if you can deal with the responsibility." "I guess I'll try." "You already are doing plenty, just having you here everyone is calm because you're calm." "And when I'm in chaos?" "It's kind of like when your at work and that one rubs off their pissy mood that ruins your day." "Oh, okay." "So that day in your Dad's office.." He looked ashamed for a minute before answering. "Yeah, I thought Jake had ordered you or was trying to control the situation, sorry." "Well, at least I know." He smiled and my heart was beating harder, he was so cute when he smiled especially that side grin I once saw. We sat there for a minute in comfortable silence, and he was about to say something when a group of girls came over to us. All young wolves and all girls giggling and flirting like there was no tomorrow, and suddenly I didn't exist anymore. I turned and looked around to find Jen on the other side of the field with Johnny. I turned and ran toward my son and held him tightly to me. "Mom, are you okay?" "Yes, baby I'm fine, how are you I'm so sorry for scaring you like that." "Jen and Nina explained what's going on and I think its freakin awesome." "Great baby, I'm glad you understand." I looked up at Jen and she grimaced. I wasn't happy with her telling Johnny the truth but how else was he going to understand what was going. I looked back at Damien but he was too busy with his fan club, I just wanted to thank him for his help and to say good bye I didn't know when I'd see him again. No, matter we left toward the thinner parts of the forest and came to find that the houses were just outside the thinner parts of the therapy field. We headed to the new house where our things were already waiting for us. Johnny went to pick his room and started getting things unpacked and I sat down with Jen I felt like she wanted to say something. "How are you feeling?" "Better I think, thank you for watching over Johnny." "Not a problem, I didn't even know they were in the same class." I smiled and felt the ping of pain in my chest again. "That happens as the full moon gets closer, your wolf gets restless so just hang in there." I closed my eyes and tried to stay calm, and push the fear and worry out of my mind. Jen was watching me closely as if assessing if I had everything under control. Finally I opened my eyes and sat back in my seat. "How long will we have to be here?" I asked as the situation suddenly dawned on me. "I guess until you're deemed ready." She replied. "I think for now it's fine, it gets us away from Greg until the Judge makes the decision on our divorce, and it helps us heal away from him." "I've been to see Daniel, he's doing awesome, he's a changed man." "Sometimes I feel like I'm missing a big piece of all this, my insects say I needed to get away from Greg, but I still don't really understand why?" "Something was off and a part of you knew but maybe because it wasn't just you silently suffering." I looked up at her but she just shrugged and rubbed my shoulder. "Have you heard anything about Lacy?" I shook my head, again something was telling me to look for her but I barely had myself together and trying to fix her to was too much. "But I need to find her see what she ended up doing with herself." I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest. "All this isn't easy and you being hard on yourself is not going to help." "Jen, what mother throws her kids out when they have no idea how to survive out in the world." "Maggie, its only been three weeks, she'll be fine." "It feels like a life time ago." She huff a small laugh but nodded then got to her feet. "Well, if you need anything I'm across the field." "Thank you." As the door closed a phone rang. I looked around for a second and found a new phone on the dinning room table along with papers and things. I guess i was working from home today. I answered the phone and found that it was a client, and so my day started. Over the last two weeks before Mr.Cruz's trip, meeting and get together with the other Alphas were taking place but Kasey had asked me to stay away from the office, until the right moment. There were four counting Mr. Cruz and they all wanted this corner of the country. In my opinion it wasn't the best but I guess I just didn't understand business. The three corners of Utah, Nevada, and Arizona it wasn't a lot of territory it went from Las Vegas to Ceder City to Flagstaff, why the hell did they want that small piece of territory? I took notes via speaker and I handed in my report at the end of the day, until the last day just hours before the trip. I walked in with my hands busy, I had gotten a message from a staff member from the rehab center, saying Greg wanted to see Daniel, I was trying to call when I bumped into someone and my papers went flying everywhere. "I'm so sorry..." "Hello..." "No, it was my fault..." I was eye locked with some pretty gorgeous light brown eyes, he was smiling ear to ear, but something about him was saying dangerous. "Hello, Mrs Perez?" "yes, sorry I'm here," I looked away from the guy and took the call, "No, he has no authorization to see him, he has a order to stay away." "and if he..." "Call the police, he has no right to be there!" "Yes, ma'am." They hung up and by the time I turned around to get my papers off the floor they were being handed back to me. The guy I ran into wasn't that much taller then me, and he wasn't bulky he had lean muscle. a light beard and mustache his hair in a regular fringe. He had a beautiful smile that i bet had melted a lot of women's hearts, but I just gave him a small smile and took the papers from his hands. I could tell he was taking me in, I pretended to worry about the order of the pages. once I was done I looked up at him and gave a little bit more of a smile. "Thank you, that was really kind of you." "Well, if my payment for every good thing was a gorgeous smile like yours, I'll take it." I had to laugh at that, it's been awhile I've heard such cheesy lines but it was cute. "Again thank you and hope it didn't cause any trouble." "Not at all." He smiled again until. "Are you two going to keep flirting or are you actually going to the meeting?" "Damien, my man can't blame a man for admiring beauty when one sees it." I smiled and Damien rolled his eyes at the man, but when his eyes looked at me he was agreeing. "Well, if you'll excuse me gentlemen." I walked past both of them and headed for the elevator. Before the doors closed they both came in. The man was dressed in a brown leather jacket, a black shirt and black jeans, and black boots. Damien on the other hand came in a dark blue suit jacket, with with a light blue dress shirt, jeans, and boots.Both here in a very professional way. I could feel the man's eyes on me, but i acted not to notice, I'm guessing Damien was wondering if the man had any affect over me, I could feel the power the man gave off, but it didn't affect me like it would any other werewolf. "Where have you kept this beauty hidden, Damien, surely you weren't trying to keep her to yourself." "SHE has more important things then be waiting for a man, so if you'll excuse me." I left both men stunned as I walked out right as the elevator opened. I handed my report to Kasey then sat next to her, waiting for the meeting to start. "You were in the elevator with Damien and James?" "Yeah, and it stank of testosterone." She laughed as both men turned to look at me, Damien tried to hide his smile, but I saw it. Now thinking back James what one of the Alpha's fighting for the territory, and from what I had heard was a real beast, and from the look Kasey was giving him my guess was that was the other pack leader she had been involved with. He would use or do anything to keep the territory. The other two were a Mr. Elias and a Mr. Kaine. All four had good points and all would really make the territory bloom if they actually did what they said they would. Right now I was actually keeping the room calm, the other times wolves were actually taken outside. "So you have found an Omega, Cruz, how lucky of you." They all looked around at James, then back to Mr. Cruz, I was really fighting to keep calm now, they were catching on. That had been the plan hide me, then drop the bomb. "Yes, isn't it." "Hopefully she's nothing like your mate, or else we'd really be screwed." Suddenly my power was shattered like someone throwing a brick at a window. Damien was so pissed off it rejected my reach completely. He grabbed James and they started to fight. Things were braking and falling apart Kasey and the other wolves tried to pull them apart, but they wouldn't stop. Again the pain in my chest came and suddenly i pushed past the pain throwing my power out and everyone suddenly dropped, asleep. I let my power ebb after a minute and everyone started to stir right a way. I looked around and even Mr. Cruz was coming out of it, and looked troubled on how I had affected him so heavily. Once everyone was awake all eyes fell to me and all with different expressions. Some in awe, others were pissed, and some looked a little scared. I quickly sat down and was shaking the rush had been too much. Kasey came over and sat next to me, her hand on my shoulder helped for some reason. "You have a way of finding tresures, Cruz, this woman is strong," Said James and he walked away from Damien looking at me, " And unclaimed and not mated." All the wolves suddenly came to attention at this and the air in the room quickly became very lustful. I was going to have a panic attack, if I didn't leave but I couldn't run away, not any more. I shot to my feet the Alphas were here with their second and I had a list of all of them and if they were "mated"married or not, and I knew some of these men would just drop their wives to have power. Damien looked ready to say something but I shot to my feet really angry. "First, of all I don't know how it works with you, but I'm still married to the asshole I had for a husband, Second, I'm not some stupid trophy for anyone to have on display, No to all of you I'm not interested." "I wish it were that easy Mag, but it's not completely that cut and dry, as a female and not mated or calmed by a pack, you can choose where you want to go." I had no idea about any of this but I wasn't going to admit that in front of any of these men. "That doesn't give them a right to treat me like a freakin, object when I'm ready I'll decided if I stay or go." "You have a month which starts after your first full moon." said James with a smile which was getting on my nerves now. "Fine." "In the mean time that is an open invitation to all free males to court you." "I said no!" "We'll, see about that." James winked at me and I made me want to rip his eyes out. I looked at Mr. Cruz and then to Damien they sat silent. Alone again. I took a deep breath and turned for the door, once I was out I barely caught James say. "It's going to be a fun hunt Cruz." I went to the elevator and took it to the second floor and dropped in my chair behind my desk. How the hell was I going to do this: The divorce, my kids, and all this wolf stuff, i was breathing heavy, and the pain in my chest was getting unbearable. I was shaking, my body was hurting, and then my vision was getting blurry. I was on the floor, the change was so close to the surface but Jen had warned me if I didn't have a dominate wolf or have the moon's song to call the change I could get stuck. for my first change it was going to take time. I didn't hear the elevator but I felt someone walk in then I felt his arms. "Shhh, just breath it's going to be okay." "Damien, what ...what?" "It doesn't matter just breath." I took deep breaths, also taking in his scent, it was so familiar to me, and so comforting: rain, rivers, forest. He held me for a while then, carefully sat me back on my chair, the pain gone for now. "It'll get easier once you change the first time." All I could do was nod and put my head on my hands. He rubbed my back for a minute, but then stopped when the elevator opened again. " Not trying to get ahead of the rest of us are you, Cruz?" "Read the room, Hess." James didn't bother he just came over and sat on the edge of the desk, and gave me a serious look. "all jokes aside, I really do like you and would you have dinner with me?" I looked at James he was really pouring out the charm but I had already seem, how power hungry he was and what he was capable of doing to get it. I gave him what i hoped were sexy eyes, carefully got to my feet and took the coule steps toward him stepping between his legs, and carefully and very slowly run my hands up his chest gently took a hold of his jacket coler and tugged his ear toward me for me to whisper. "Only in your dreams." with that I walked away from James, grabbed my bag and went to the stairs. I was half way to my new car when Damien reached me. He was clapping and smiling. "Bravo, I seriously thought you were going to say yes, to his offer." "Oh, I thought about it but James reminds me too much of Greg, I'm not falling for it again." " Hmmm, where you headed now?" I looked at my watch it was 11:30 it was early for lunch but I was hungry, and I didn't want to head back to the office right now. "To eat." "Okay I'll take you." "Damien, I just shot down James don't make this a one up." "It's not..or at least I'll try not to make it one, but I"m hungry too." "It's not a date." "Heaven forbid." He raised his hands up in surrender. I gave in and he took us in his car. "So what were you doing here today, I thought you didn't want anything to do with the company?" "Yeah, I don't but it's not his company I mean its most of his money, but it's Kasey's work, and I'm here to support my little sister." "Little how much younger is she?" Damien gave me a look then smiled that smile that melted my heart. "She's really only Fifty years old, she stopped aging when she was in her thirties." "So that part of the rumors are true, we stop aging phsyicaly." "Yeah, "He nodded then turned back to me, " You want to know how old I am huh?" "Hey, if you want to tell me." I put up my hands, and smiled showing that I was playing but I was curious. We were at a stop sign and he looked both ways, giving him time to think. "I'm 100-years old, I'll be a 101 next week," I nodded trying to hide my disbelief. "Well, you look good for an old man." "Oh, you think so huh." We laughed for a second. "I would've thought you were in your early thirties and Kasey in her twenties." "Well, thank you, what you craving." " Honestly, I want a triple whopper and large fries." "I love a woman with an appetite." We laughed and headed to a diner he knew had the best burgers and fries. We were eating when out of the blue. "Well, well, I see I was right." Greg came out of no where, which took me by surprise but I didn't move. "Hey, Greg, Lovely to see you as always." I said sarcasticly and I took a bite of my burger. "Dear God, Maggie when did you become such a pig?" Damien, got to his feet and glaring Greg down. "I suggest you leave." said Damien. "What, you should ask me how I was married to a cow like her for so long, I mean look at her." "She's gorgous and my question is how can you miss it?" For some reason that shut Greg up, and he walked away. "Good old Greg, just knows how to kill a good lunch." "Don't let him, he's bitter because you haven't gone begging him to take you back." "Yeah, I was blind to all of that for so long." "You wanted everything to be perfect, but the more perfect you made it the more unperfect in became." We sat in silence eating our food, once we were done, we headed back to the office. Once in the elevator he turned to me. "I'll be here until Dad gets back from his trip again it's to help support my sister, but you'll need to make a choice if you want to stay or move to an other pack." "A month?" "Yes, which starts just after your first change, which will take place next week." I nodded and got down on the second floor while he went to the third to work from his father's office.
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