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 Over the next few days a few things happened: I started my new job, filed for divorce, and was getting ready for my first full moon. My first day at work went smoother than I thought it would, Kasey helped me drive Johnny to school and then took us to work which only prepared me more for the day ahead, she explained  how things were to be organized and what needed to be brought to her or Mr.Cruz once it came in.  Phone calls and appointments were made and it kept me busy enough that I didn't have time to think about Greg. Later that day I got a phone call from a rehab facility apparently, Kasey had made a phone call to have Daniel moved and under a watchful eye with no visitation for Greg.  I thanked her and went to visit Daniel and was glad to see he was a little happier. Slowly my life started to have order again and i was getting a taste of life without the constist insult and degrading. It was on one morning i was sorting through some notes for Mr. Cruz when someone I least expected to see again came walking back in. He walked in so suddenly and was about to barge into the his father's office he had to do a double take toward me. "Maggie." "Hello, Mr. Cruz what can I help you with?" I kept working trying to act unaffected by his arrival. "I..I'm here to see my father." "Well, then I guess I'm powerless to stop you go on inside, he's in a conference call for the trip." "Not anymore, Mrs. Perez, it's not often I get a visit from my son." There was a tension in the air like they disliked each other greatly. "Excuse me." said Damien politely to me and they went inside to talk. I was just getting done with a phone call when Kasey came in with the last details to the trip. "Has Damien arrived yet?" she asked kind of teasing. "He's been in with your father for about half an hour." "Really, what did he say when he saw you?" She was playing with things on my desk and was really keen on knowing about Damien's reaction on seeing me. "Hello and excuse me." "That's it?" She looked disappointed. "No, we also had a quickie in the janitor's closet, what else is there to do or say Kase, I barely know the guy?" "So you want to have a quickie with him in some kind of closet, hmmm,  interesting." "Joking no...I'm barely getting out of a messed up marriage, I have no intention of falling into an other." She gave me a small smile and  we were just talking about how my new home was going when, shouting started coming through the door. Kasey shook her head  slitely and sighed in frustration. "What's going on?" "It's the same old fight, Dad wants Damien to take his place in the company and in the pack as leader, but Damien isn't as dominate as Dad is which can be dangerous for us right now with three packs fighting to keep this terriorrty for themselves." "What does Damien suggest as an alterintive?" I asked and she gave me a serious look before saying. "Me." "Really?" I was surprised not because i didn't believe in Kasey but I guess I just never heard of a woman as a pack leader. "I like you and consider you a friend Mag, but if you ever see me among our kind you'll see a side that might scare you." "I definitely believe it, I see how others respect you Kase, and I've seen you in action in this business you don't play around." We both softly laughed when the door opened and Mr. Cruz asked Kasey inside I almost breathed out in relief when he asked me in too. "Mrs. Perez please come in with us." He said please but it was more like an order then a request. I just followed in and stood behind Kasey and Damien. I took a deep breath to relax when Damien turned to look at me, and glared at me. "Stop it!" he shouted at me. "Stop what?" I was taken aback, what was his deal. "Damien it not her fault she can't control it." "She's the edge we need to convince the others and keep this part of the state to ourselves." "That's why you really wanted her here, to use her shamelessly?" I sat there lost in the conversation, knowing they were talking about me but about something i did or do. "If I have tools to use why not use them?" asked Mr. Cruz to his son, who gave him a death glare, then without an other word turned and walked out of the office. Shortly Kasey followed leaving me alone with their father. "If there's nothing else." I started to say when Mr. Cruz stopped me and a dread started to come over me. "I need you to help me convince, Damien that his rightful place is here in the company and leader of the pack." "Like hell i will, I'm not going to seduce him into something you want him to do." "Let me remind you, Mr. Perez that you will lose so much more if you go against me, and gain if you're with me." "I'm not like you and I didn't ask to be here." "None the less you still need me right?" I stood shocked at all this, this man was making me choose between what little trust Damien has toward me and keeping my children safe and feed. "Think about it Mrs. Perez you help me and I can make it worth you wile." I swallowed hard and closed my eyes against my anger, asking the universe to forgive me. "Keep your money Mr. Cruz, I'm not interested and if that means losing this job then keep it." He gave me a cocky smile like he knew something I didn't. With that I turned and left the office and grabbed my purse and walked out of the building. Before long Kasey reached me and walked next to me for a minute. "Where the hell am I going to go now?" I asked her fighting back the tears. "What happened ?" she asked "He wants me to seduce Damien and convince him to come to the company and to be pack leader." "Well, that makes sense." she said in such a flat tone it took me by surprise. "What?" "It's no secret Damien is  the kind of guy that chases anything with nice legs but this is the first try with that trick." "I'm guessing it didn't go well, the first time." "No, the first time... our mother tried." " He made your mother convince him?" "Its a long story, but all you have to know is that Damien suspects Jake to stoop low, and he has he's threatening your kids and it's a push but he knows that if he loses you he loses the advantage over the other Alphas." "So what the hell, do I do I'm not going to force Damien to do any of this!" "Let's go eat and you can come hang out with me in my office." "I'm not hungry." "Oh, trust me it's the best thing right now." We went to get something to eat and talked out a plan, because she still wanted to help me with all of this crap i was in and didn't want her father's stupidity to drive me away. She was going to take me as her personal assissent and I could move my desk next to her office which  was on the second floor. Even if she worked with her father she had enough money to pay me and help me out with all my issues. After work she took me to the house that they had been getting ready and in was among other houses like a subburen nieoborhood  but it was still surrounded by forest and the plants that were around the houses were mostly new trees and more flowers that were growing from the same forest. They were also colors that blended well with the forest which caught me off guard. Cars or trucks were well hidden behind the houses among the trees. all of this looked old and abandoned but once you stepped in the houses they were modern and clean. My new house was biggish, it had four rooms, a small liberary, a kitchen dining room and a leaving room. In my room there was a bathroom and between the other three rooms there was a half bathroom with a toilet, shower and sink. The rooms were good sizes and with small walk in closets ,they were already furnished and ready for the family that was moving in.  I loved it, for me it had never been  about things but memories that filled the home. Hopefully we could make new ones here. The rooms were on the second floor and the rest of the house was on the bottom floor. As Kasey and I went back down to the first floor I had heard someone come in but I reconized the scent. "Jen!" "Maggie!" she came to give me a hug and was happy to see me. "I'm so happy to have you here, now I won't be the only female werewolf around." "Aren't there more in the other houses?" I asked having noticed there was about six houses around. "They're humans mated with werewolves, we talk but it's not the same." "Oh, okay." "Well, I'm glad you don't have to work too hard to make friends, but we still need to get your stuff and your son from school." "I can take her, what school are you going to?" asked Jen. " Bloomington Elementary." "Hey that's the school my kid goes to school."  "We can go get him first, then if it's okay with you  can come and get my stuff after."Jen and Kasey gave each other a look an uneasy one. "It's fine with me, I need to run though  see ya later." Kasey almost ran out and I looked at Jen. "She got a text and got really quiet." "Do you know who from?" "I heard she was involved with a wolf from a different pack, but I don't know for sure what happened." I looked at the door Kasey ran out of and felt sad for her , to love someone you're not allowed it's crazy. Jen touched my shoulder and we walked out the door and talked as we got into her truck and we drove to pick Johnny up. "So how have you been?" "Well, after the attack my husband turned into a bigger jerk, and I finally decided to leave him and filed for  divorce." "Really did he ever find out about you being wolf?" "No, he never even asked if I was okay." She didn't say anything but it was obvious she wasn't a fan. As we waited for Johnny a familiar car pulled up and Greg rushed out  of it just as Johnny came out of the school. Johnny froze when he saw his father and I jumped out of the truck and ran toward the two. "Where's Mom?" Greg asked grabbing  Johnny by the arm and started to pull him toward the car. "Let go of me!" Johnny pulled away but Greg had a tight hold on him. "Where the hell is your mother!?" He turned and shouted at Johnny shaking him. "Let him go, Greg." He turned and he covered the anger and hate with, sadness and something that was suppose to be love. Johnny pulled his arm away and ran toward Jen. "Baby, I'm so happy to see..." "I'm not.. so, excuse me." "Maggie, don't do this we've been together for twenty years, you can't just throw all that away." "Greg, you've been manipulating me for all twenty, so stop you don't love me and you don't care about your kids or you wouldn't treat them the way you do." I was walking toward Jen's truck, when Greg forcefully turned me around and kissed me. Without thinking about it I bit his lip and once he let me go I slapped him across the face. He was stunned. "Don't ever touch me again, asshole." "Maggie?!" He called out but I jumped into the truck and we drove off. I turned around to see Johnny crying and Jen's daughter listened to music  but I could tell she was moved by what she saw. "Are you okay?" Jen asked me I nodded while looking out the window. As I looked outside it was crazy how my life had changed so much and in three short months. Something made me wish everything was still the same, but then I think about everything that's happened through out these twenty years with Greg and I felt stupid for always going right back. Mr. Cruz's question still rang in my mind 'what changed'. I guess even if that attack should've killed me and left my kids without a mother, it didn't, it brought her back without the blind fold she had originally decided to wear to deny the sad truth about her life. A pain suddenly hit me hard in the chest and I gasped trying to control my breathing. Like something was trying to rip it's ways out of my chest. Jen pulled the truck over and took my hand in hers. "Maggie, your skin is blazing hot what happened?" "I...I don't." I couldn't talk and control whatever was happening. Jen jumped out of the truck and I suddenly heard her howl, it was a warning to the others. I looked around and saw that we were pretty deep inside the mountain road surrounded by forest. Jen then opened the door and helped me down and pointed me toward the forest. "You need to run this off, just run and don't stop until you're ready to stop." Without thinking about it I ran, barely hearing Johnny call out before i was completely in the trees.  I didn't even know where i was going just kept going, for once not caring just letting go. That was before I felt someone body slam me, our bodies tumbled together for a minute, then he was on top of me. "Maggie, look at me!" it was Damien he was out of breath and he had me pinned to the ground with his body. "Let go!" I screamed that came out a growl.Something didn't want me to look at Damien, or  else she would lose control. The wolf she was trying to take control. "You need to take control of her not her of you." "Stop it I thought..." "You're not strong enough to take control, I can..." "No, it's my body you're the one..." I was literally fighting with myself and it was crazy, She was trying to protect us by taking control of the situation but I didn't want to let her control me.  I suddenly heard a soft lullaby it was just a whisper of a song and I looked up at the sky the moon was a  crescent but I could hear her song and it gave me some kind of peace. I closed my eyes and it went dark. 
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