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After the meeting and the unfortunate annoucement of my satus, flowers and gifts started to arrive. Invitations to dinners, events,  and some just because they got to meet me. I sent the gifts and flowers back with a big no note on them but it wasn't just the Alpha, I suddenly became very well, known at the office  a lot of the guys were asking me on dates or coffee and I would decline gently. That week end Jen gave me a message from Jess and I called her. "Jess?" "Mags, where the hell have you been, you just disappeared on me?" "Yeah, it's a long story, but how have you been?" We talked for two hours and she finally said if I wanted to go out on a girls night one of these days. I didn't promise but I said it would be nice. This weekend I hung out with Johnny and we got groserices and just watched movies and he showed me how to play on his video games, we also went to visit Daniel and it was then that Daniel wanted to talk alone, Johnny went to get a drink. "What's wrong baby, is everything okay?" "Yeah, Mom, there's something you really need to know." "Okay." Daniel took a breath and told me about how Greg had been cheating on me for the past seven years, with different women, he didn't find out until he was fourteen when he found Greg with a woman in our bed, Greg didn't know about that and then he caught him again, a year after that but it was a different woman, he had taken a video of it but Greg saw, and it was then when Greg started to threaten him saying that if he said anything to anyone, Greg was going to beat me to death in front of all three of them and then turn around to kill them one by one in front of each other, and nobody would know what happened to us. "I couldn't find a way out Dad seemed to know exactly where I was and what I was doing, the one time I actually went to the police station, he came to get me and told the police officer I was going to talk about some bull crap story that we had found our dog." I sat speechless I was so mad at myself at Greg for making my son live in fear. "When did you start the drugs, papi?" "I couldn't handle it, Mom, the when and where I wanted it to stop,but I didn't want to die and cause more pain, so when a friend told me about this drug that numbed you I started it,  it helped but then Dad took Lacy the one time and she was never the same after that day." "It's over baby and I'll make sure he'll never hurt us again." I held Daniel to me and he cried for a while and so did I. My looking the other way had cost more then I could ever pay back to my children. I talked to the staff and thanked them for all their help and noticed that some of the staff members were wolf and they promised to keep my son safe. Daniel came off the drugs cold turkey and that made it so he could come home earlier but he still had three weeks to go. Monday: I had a notice of that I was needed in court on Thursday the day before my first full moon of next week. I worked and meet with the lawyer that was representing me and I told her about what Daniel confessed to me, and she said it was a big help. after that Kasey asked me to take some files to Damien. I wasn't really sure what I was expecting but It sure wasn't him and one of the girl employees having a really intense make out session. I dropped the files on the desk and quickly walked out. For some reason it hurt me, to see that the bad things I had heard about him were true, I saw a side of him that was sweet and caring, but to the rest of the world he was a tough, playboy, and if that was what he wanted to be well, I wasn't going to stand in his way. I went back to the second floor and went back to work. I was just getting more files put away when I saw I had a text from Damien, I opened it. "Sorry you saw that." "You're fine Damien, You don't owe me an explaination, it's your life." After that he didn't answer back, I went to make copies of some papers and found we ran out of toner, and we didn't have any in the office and I called someone down stairs to see where I could get some more. Then headed to pick it up. Once i got to the supply closet, I looked carefully to make sure I didn't get the wrong toner. As I reached up for the one I was looking for I felt a strong hand slowly run up my side, i quickly turned and found Damien but not Damien. His eyes told me he wasn't the one in control right now. They bare into my eyes and he came closer and closer cornering me and closing the door behind him. I was holding my breath but my heart was like a jack hammer in my chest. His lips were inches away from mine I could feel his warm breath on and made my mouth water. He pressed into me and I could feel him, he was hard and ready. My body roared to life at the thought, his hands slowly pulling me into his chest and bringing his lips to mine. He tasted so sweet, and my body wanted more. His hands were in my hair and around my waist holding me there. Then he started to kiss my neck and I couldn't help let a soft moan out. I could feel his fang on my pulse and it turned me on even more feeling it run a long my neck. "Damien?" I asked a little breathless and it made him stop for a second then he licked where on pulse was, again not Damien. "Mine." His voice was low and growly. His words brought me  crashing back. "No!" I pushed him away and I ran out of the closet. Once i was back in the office, I was breathing heavily. "why did you do that?" shouted my wolf in my head, I told her to shut up. What had just happened did Damien really just lose control of his wolf or had that been him? I was shaking and I wasn't even sure why. The feeling...my body had forgotten that feeling of being so attracted to someone that you felt like your skin was a blaze. "No!" I shook my head, sat down at my desk again, and pushed the thought out of my mind, or at least I tried. By the end of the day I went  home a took a freezing shower,  it wasn't really helping.My mind wondered and my imagination was getting me all worked up again. s**t! "Mom?" "Yeah?" "Jen and aunt Jess are here." Jess, was here? "I'll be out in a minute." I quickly got done and got out, got dressed and went out to see Jess. "I had told her from the beginning to leave him, I;m just glad she's okay and protected." "We protect our owe." replied Jen, and they both looked up when they saw me come downstairs. Jess, came over and gave me a big hug and I hugged her back. She held me for a minute. "What are you doing here, Jess?" "I was worried about you, woman, you just up and disappeared on me." "Yeah, and  again I'm sorry but it's been a good thing for all of us." "I know we talked earilier but I thought you should know, Jen was telling me you were looking for Lacy." "Yeah." She took a deep breath and looked a little wary about Johnny, but she steadied her self. "Lacy has been working for a secret p**********n ring." I felt my heart jam against me chest, and my stomach twisted so badly I almost puked. I looked over at Jen who had heard perfectly even if Jess had whispered. Jen confirmed with a nod, I could feel the tears fall from my face and my legs were shaking. "What did I do?" I whimpered. "Mag, it's not your fault, she made a choice." " I kicked her out of the house!" "But you didn't get her into that!" Jen spoke up and walked over to us on the stairs. "My husband and I went looking for Lacy, I ran into Jess she told me she thought she saw Lacy at a hotel, when Tyler went to check it out they we found out it was a freakin brothel." "How long has she been there?" "Sense she was seventeen." We looked at Johnny who had answered. "How do you know that Johnny?" "I read her journal, once and it said Dad had had some debt to pay of and if he didn't they were going to kill him, then Dad offered Lacy up to have the debt forgotten." "Dad...offered.." I couldn't breath, I ran for the bathroom, and puked. This couldn't be happening, not my little girl, dear God not my little girl. I was crying. All these years I thought he was hurting just me and it turns out now that, I was so absorbed in my own suffering that I never stopped to think about my children, and what they were living through. My anger was so bad that the pain in my chest started again, it was too much. Before I could really thinking about it I ran down stairs and out the door. Running has never helped me but I needed to run this off for a minute. Just for a minute, I ran and ran without even noticing where the hell, i was going. My thoughts on everything and everyone, how I had been so blind to everything , how could I even begin to help my children through this, and would I be able to get my daughter back? Out of the blue, I felt myself collide with someone. We rolled for a bit with the speed I was going .  Once we stopped I jumped up and out of the person's arms. my anger rose so fast, when I saw who it was. "Leave me the f**k alone!" "Oh, really and you need to stop running." said Damien as he got to his feet. "Seriously Damien, f**k off." He wasn't joking anymore as he looked at me. "Why because you can't handle your own reality?" I was breathing heavy and the pain in my chest was getting so blinding. The rage I was feeling was more then I could handle. For some reason my wolf came to the front and I started to laugh. "That's the pot calling the kettle black." Damien had been walking toward me but stopped short. "Meaning what?" "How you have mommy and daddy issues, Damien." He looked scared suddenly. "What the hell, do you know?" "Enough, that's why we scare you, you've seen what an out of control Omega can be like right?" I couldn't control my own body, I tried to stop her but the pain was too strong. " You know nothing!" He shouted at us. "Really so why don't you tell Maggie how your mommy turned you, when you where only thirty years old." "Shut your mouth!" The wolf laughed and sat down on a rock. "Face it Damien, you and Maggie are more alike then you think, so get off your high horse." I pushed and pulled the wolf back I did  it. The pain in my chest was leaving me breathless but i breathed through it. "Maggie Look at me." I didn't , I couldn't I was tired of all of this and just wanted it to be over. "Damien, leave me alone, I'm not playing this with you." "What are you talking about?" "You don't care about me, not really so do ME a favor and just stay away from me." "Maggie.." "STOP!" He stopped and we stood there in silence. "Fine, I'll leave you alone and keep it all business." I didn't answer and walked back in the direction I had been running from, I felt better my head was cleared.
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