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After Daniel was taken to prison, I tried to find a way to get him a lawyer, but they were ridiculous in their prices, and I had no money to put down. Greg had cut my credit cards off with the excuse that I wasn't working to pay them anyway. About  two weeks of trying to find a way out I got a call from a office. "Hello?" "Hello, Is this Mrs. Margarita Perez?" "Yes?" "I'm call from on behalf of Mr. Cruz who is interested in giving you a position in his company and wanted to know if you were still interested in a job." "What company is this?" I suddenly felt scared to hope. " Trilogy Realty." I froze I had heard of them they had bought a huge amount of the forest outside of the city and was trying to help restore  species of animals back and has had this land closed off to help with poachers. "Why would he want to hire me?" "That's for him to answer, what should I tell him?" I needed the money this company bought land and turned it to benefit nature, conserving it against deforestation which has made it really rich, how I had no clue but it did. Why would they want me there? "What time does he want to see me?" I had an interview in two days, and wanted to make a good first impression, so I put on my best office but most sexy out fit, I  had no idea what to expect.On the day of I went with a red and black dress it showed off my body in all the right ways, it was to the knee, short sleeved, and not so low cut just enough. Greg had no idea about this so I told Johnny to go to his friend's house for a bit while I went to the interview. The building wasn't that big it held about twenty people at the most, and was three floors which was impressive. It gave an idea of power but not over bearing, then when i stepped out of my car I suddenly felt alert. "There's kin here." said my wolf. "What?" I asked and looked around the parking lot and the few people that walked past had a comforting scent, a familiar scent. I got my bag and headed in. Something inside of me felt at home like I had just walked into a building full of my family. There were a hand full of offices on the first floor., one where the a securaty guard was sitting was right as you walked in he was in deep conversation with some techs about where to place the camaras and all that.  For some reason he seemed to get nervous at my arrival. "I have an interview with Mr. Cruz." "Ye..yes, I'll show you where to go, excuse me boys." He headed for the elevatior and I followed, he kept glancing back at me, and I could smell his excitement and joy. As we stepped in a few people stepped out and they stared like full blown stared and gawked. They were pointing and whispering which was pointless they should've just told me what they thought I heard them say something like. "Is that really her or is my nose lying to me?" "OMG, she actually exisits!?" The doors closed and I readjusted my bag on my shoulder and tried to push away the weirdness of the situation. "Don't let them get you, they're young and easily impressionable." "I have no idea about what?" The guard huffed a small laugh and once we arrived on the third floor he escorded me toward the office. I could feel a wave of power and the guard suddenly was on his hands and knees. The office doors flew open and a woman was throw across the floor and she was crying. "Please sir have..." "Mercy, is the last thing you deserve, you know I don't forgive easily, Sarah." The woman crawled toward him and begged, for a minute I thought the man had been moved by her, he took her head into his hands making her look up at him, he had a sober look before he twisted and a small c***k sounded and she fell limp to the floor dead. The guard that had brought me up and a few others took the woman's body and left me with the man. The wave of power slowly dropped, the man took a deep, calming breath and turned to me. His eyes were icy blue, focused and lifeless. "Wolf." said my wolf in my head. I kept my eyes on his shoulder not his face, his face seemed familiar, but only a little. "Mrs. Perez." he commented and turned toward his office and I followed. I was surprised at myself this man had just killed someone in front of me and I was following him into a room alone. I walked inside and figured that the woman had also been a werewolf the office was a mess, there was a rectangular glass coffee table in the middle of some couches and a recliner was shattered, bookshelf and papers covered  the floor. He sat the chair was was thrown back up straight and I sat down and he took his seat behind his desk.  He studied me a minute and I could feel his eyes on my but my wolf told me not to squirm, it was a sign of fear. What he  didn't know was that I was doing the same with him. This man was old not by his looks, he could still pass off as a young thirty- something year old but by his eyes his eyes gave off a tired, aged, and almost defeated look. He was tall, muscular, and good looking not an extreme attractiveness but average. He had a light mustache and beard. His hair was a dark brown color which compilmented his now baby blue eyes. This man was as dominate as they came, and got what he wanted either by power playing or money. For some reason I couldn't put my finger on it but something about him seemed familiar, but I couldn't place him. "You're not what i expected." He finally said with a serious tone. "Meaning what sir?" I asked feeling a little anger rise. "When i was informed that we had found an Omega, who was turned I didn't expect it to be..." "A woman.. A Latina..Wait a what?" He laughed and stood up and walked over and sat on the edge of his desk right in front of me. "So complicated." He pulled a file toward him on his desk and looked at it and then turned back to me. "Married at eighteen, To a Greg Blackner, three children Lacy, Daniel, and John." "What's so complicated about ...." "On paper you're a good family, but I could see it in your eyes its nothing but a lie." I looked away and he knew he had hit the nail on the head. "Psychological abuse is serious and sometimes we never come back from it." I suddenly felt very naked, "What changed?" he asked going back to his chair to give me a second to collect my thoughts. "I did or at least I'm finally seeing what other people saw." "Was it this change or what?" "After I lost my job everything just seemed to fall apart." "You hid behind work and denied there was ever a problem." "No I...the stress of the situation didn't help and we were..." "In need of money, so bad that he put his own son in jail." "No, Daniel was defending... I mean he attacked..." I was getting really uncomfortable, how did he know all this when I didn't even know who this man was, I was to meet a Mr. Cruz not this judgemental asshole. "Hmm, the position is for a new assisant, as you saw the last one betrayed the company in the most unforgivable of ways, but sense this is a small company you will also be working with the second while I'm gone." "Unforgivable, in what way so I don't over step..." "She was sharing important information, with a pack leader, and also sleeping with him." I was about to ask when it clicked he had been sleeping with her too. "Got it." "The company also provides living arrangements if you ever need it, it's secret and far away enough to keep the rest of the pack safe." " When do I start?" "Tomorrow." I nodded and got to my feet. "So the only reason I  got a job here was because I'm a werewolf?" "We watch over our own Mrs. Perez and we make sure there are no threats to them, even if the threat is human." "Like how you kept an eye on the one that attacked me!" "That was an unfortunate event but there's no going back once you're turned unless you are willing to die." I shook my head once and understood that if I made any trouble I could get killed. With that I got up and walked out and about walked into someone. "Maggie?" "Kasey." "What are you doing here?" she asked and was about to give me a hug but shook my hand instead. "I was here for interview with Mr. Cruz but I guess he was too busy." Kasey gave me a look of confusion, and then looked inside of the office and seemed even more confused.  "When do you start?"She asked changing the subject. "Tomorrow she will be the new assisent to all three of us, hopefully she can handle it." said the man as he stood next to Kasey. "Right, and when did you decide that?" "Just now." She nodded, excused us and pulled me away from the man and to the elevatior. "Hungry let's have lunch." "Sure I could eat, Kasey is everything alright?" She shook her head slowly and once outside she fast walked away with me a right behind her. She walked over to my car and stopped and i unlocked it and she hopped in. "Okay what is going?" "What did he say to you?" "Nothing he killed his assissent right in front of me and then told me he knew about the family." "Shit." she fell back in her seat and stared out the window for a second. After a while she asked me to drive and we headed to lunch and drove in silence. Once we had walked in, sat down, ordered, she took a deep drink of water. "What is going on?" "Jake just found an opportunity and is taking it." "Jake?" "Sorry inside joke, the man you just spoke to is Jacob Cruz, the Alpha, and my father." "Your father?" "Yup and he found out about you and I'm afraid what that might mean." "Why would your father giving me a job be bad?" "Jake has a way of screwing you over even when it doesn't look it, he will use you to his benefit and at all cost." "So what does he want from me?" "I don't know yet and honestly it can be anything." " And who else knew about my attack?" "It was just me, Jen, and Damien "So just be careful what you tell Jake, he could use it against you." "He called me a word Amiga..or no" "Omega?!" "Yeah, that was it." "s**t!" She was suddenly mad and scared at the same time. I sat there not understanding at all. "Kasey, why is that such a big deal?" "I can't say for sure what it means but him knowing you're Omega, could really be bad." "Why?" Before she could answer our food arrived and we ate in silence. THen as if nothing had happened she started to explain my job for tomorrow and what i was to do. It was literally all about organization and reports, phone calls, meetings. She explained that Mr. Cruz was going on a business trip in a couple of weeks that usually left her in charge so. After Lunch I went back to the office and dropped off. She said good bye and was gone. I drove back home and found Johnny at the house we quickly got our bags ready and were almost done with Daniel's bags when we heard the door slam shut. Johnny went pale and I couldn't breath for a second. I told Johnny to drop the suite case out the window then run out the back door and wait for me in the car. He did and I went to confront Greg, who was so wasted. "What the hell, are you doing?"he asked swaying toward me. "We're leaving, Greg." I said loud and clear. He gave me a look and for a moment he seemed to cry but then he was laughing like crazy. Then he looked up at me and without warning ran at me, I froze, and didn't move in time before he slammed me into the wall. "You just don't get it do you, you belong to me and no one else will ever want you, you're a pathic, sad excuse for a woman. That's why I keep you because no else will have you." He hissed in my ear. I nodded and he threw me across the floor,  once the door closed I, I ran out and found he had slashed the tires on my car so I called Kasey and asked her how soon she could get here.That same night I left Greg and had moments where I wanted to turn back, but I forced myself to keep walking away. I left Greg a note and my old phone with all the numbers erased so he couldn't call me or know who to call to find me. I took only my, Johnny's and Daniel's clothes and we waited for Kasey who came by in a black truck we put our things in the back. We headed out toward the forest area and then took a well hidden dirt road. I was shaking so much, but why I knew I needed to leave before he really hurt me, but hadn't he hurt me enough already? No he had never hit me, but he did put me down. I was so stressed and had a headache by the time we reached her house, I was ready to head back. Then I saw Kasey and she gave me a hug so tightly like begging me not to do it and not to even think about it. I was crying so hard but she never wavered and she just held me.Like she knew exactly the kind of fight I had going on inside. in the distance a chorus of howls peirced the air, it was a sad sound. Like the wolves could sense my sadness. after a while Kasey helped us into her house and got us settled in our rooms. She told me I had a shower in my room and had clean towels down the hall. "Kasey, Thank you." "Happy to help." she said but it seemed kind of cut short, like she wanted to say more but didn't know how i would take it. With that she closed my door and left me alone. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't help feel exhuasted like a boxer taking a breather and getting ready for round two. My reflection looked at me and I could see the wolf not me. "Don't go back, you really do deserve better then him." "Why is it that I feel it in my gut that it's true but I can't let go, I can't let him go?" "Change is never a happy idea especially to someone who has just lived with a situation their whole life, picking up those pieces isn't always the easiest thing." "You came to me did you really think I was strong enough to deal with all of this?" The wolf sat in thought and then with a very serious look nodded and gave me a smile. I nodded back and took a deep breath, here goes everything.
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