1874 Words
The day I arrived back home was the worst thing ever. The house was a disaster it looked like the kids had had a party: trash, beer cans, and balloons still littered the floor. With that Greg Dropped me off in our room and was gone. I could walk but I wanted them to think I was still recovering and the only one that seemed to care to help was Johnny. He helped me get everything cleaned and helped me get dinner ready. My wolf felt pride for our young son and she knew he was the only one who still loved us. I soon started to do things on my own and would thank Johnny when he took the time to help. The next few days had turned into hell. I wasn't suppose to be driving but it was that or give the keys to Lacy who had already totaled three cars and had a suspended license. One afternoon however I'd had enough when she came over to me asking for a ride, after the day before she had made me wait for three hours only to find out she had left with a guy, when I went to ask if anybody had seen her. "Give me ride to..." "Go screw yourself." I shot I was mad and she wasn't the boss of me. "What did you say?" she asked in disbelief, I slammed the bowl i had in my hands in the sink and it broke which made her flinch. "I said go screw yourself you ungrateful brat." "I can call the police and tell them that you're threatining me!" "call them and maybe they can take you with them, they'd be doing me a favor it's not like you do anything to help in this house!" "Who the hell do you think you are...." "I"m your mother, you stupid b***h, and I can talk anyway I want just like you talk to me!" That seemed to take her way back, and she left without an other word. Something inside felt horrible for calling and saying that to her but I've had enough of this and that's the way she always talked to me. She was twenty years old and had no plan for her life and she took it out on me. I loved my kids but things were definitely going to change. A few hours later Lacy had a bag made and she said she wasn't staying if that's how I was going to treat her. "Good luck." I said and she was gone. Fear was filling me but I needed to let go or else she would never grow up. Greg got home and was pissed at me. "You kicked our daughter out of the house!?" "She's twenty years old, Greg, I'm not taking her crap anymore!" "She's still a little girl!" "No, she's not and if it's going to be a problem then you can send her a weekly check to give her the life she wants." "I will." "Find dinner is ready." "You made enchiladas, you know I can't eat that!" "No, Last I knew you hated mexican food, but I love it so I made this." "Go to hell I'm going out to eat!" and he did just that. Me and the boys ate and actually talked a bit of how their day had gone, if they were ready for the school year to start. Daniel was so tense and his anxity was high but we were laughing and making jokes, they both helped me wash dishes and got ready to go to bed. As I got ready for bed I looked at my arms and the bandages, they itched a bit, but i covered them with bags and got in the shower. After my shower, I rubbed my legs down with lotion, and I suddenly felt watched my room was on the second floor of our three floor house, the boy's rooms were down the hall along with Lacy's old room. I looked outside and could sense someone and it was a quiet pressences. I breathed in the air but couldn't pick up anything, my powers were still too new to really pin point who was outside. "Mom?" I turned and found Daniel in the doorway. Carefully I closed my window again and turned back to my son, who was really nervous and was twitching a lot. "What's wrong, baby?" "Mom, I need to tell you something." "Okay come in, and sit with me." I sat down and patted the bed inviting him to come sit down. He did and gave me a big hug first, it had been a while sense he had actually hugged me. He was sixteen almost turning seventeen I couldn't remember the last time we had shared such a nice moment, but i hugged him back rubbing his back like when he was little. "I'm sorry Mom, for everything I didn't mean to be such an asshole with you." "Baby, It's not your fault life happens and all we can do is to be better, and try not to stay thinking too much of the past." He sat there really thinking hard on something and I could smell his anger. "Mom, there's something you should really know...." At that moment Greg stumbled in and interrupted, Daniel jumped to his feet, and he suddenly was consumed by fear. "What the hell you doing in here?" "no...noth..nothing." "Then get the hell out!" Greg ordered Daniel and he started for the door. Greg had that look like that use to make me dread what was coming next. He looked down at me I had a tank top and shorts on, he stumbled over to me and started trying to pull my shirt, I pushed his hand away but before I could really get ready for his next try his hand met my face and he rushed on top of me. "You're my fuckin wife, you will give me what I want!" "Get off me, asshole!" Before either of us knew what really happened, Daniel hit Greg with a wooden bat across the back, and got him off me. I didn't have to think twice I took Daniel's hand and pulled him away. We ran out the door and found Johnny in the hall and pulled him with us. I lead them to the door and outside. and into the car. We drove away and I headed to the first person I could thing of. "Jessi, I know it's late but could we stay the night with you?" "Yeah of course, you never have to second guess it." We walked in with Joseph waiting further inside. He and Greg had been best friends in college but something happened and had a falling out. He took the boys to the spare room while Jessi lead me to the living room and gave me a cup of water. I was shaking but it wasn't from fear or whatever, something had stirred inside of my back at the house and I had fought it down, but had almost lost control when Greg tried to have his way with me. I looked around to see if Jo was close by Jess was coming over with disinfectant, I shook my head and she watched as my skin quickly healed. "What the hell did you get into, Maggie?" "Didn't you hear about the attack?" "Yes, but that asshole, wouldn't tell me anything?" "I've been home for almost a week." "and that he wouldn't tell me either." "Anyway, it was a werewolf." Jessi sat stunned and then got to her feet, rubbing her face with her hands. She didn't believe me. "Hon, I know you've been under a lot of stress but what you're talking about it crazy." I sat there hurt but understood why she was so shut down I mean..werewolves really. "Anyway, tonight Greg wanted to...you know and Daniel hit him in the back with a wooden bat and we ran." "s**t!" We sat there in silence until Jo came in. Jo was a pediatrician. "The boys are sound asleep, so what happened?" "Greg, attacked Maggie and Daniel saw and hit Greg with a bat." Jo looked shocked and shook his head. "Did he hurt you bad if you want I can look at it." "No, Jessi already got me cleaned up." We talked a little more and then I went with my boys and fell asleep next to Johnny. The next morning I helped Jessi with breakfast and she asked if the attack had been that bad. "Jessi, I should be dead, but I guess my bad luck hasn't stopped." "What bad luck, you're alive what kind of bad luck is that." "You really think it's fun to have high senses?" "Well, I think they could come in handy." I looked at her and picked up a couple things. "You and Jo were going at it before the boys and I got here." She turned so fast, and gawking at me. I continued. "And you're ovulating, why are yo trying to get pregnant so soon?" "Can you read minds too?" "No, But I don't get it Betito is two almost three and you want to have an other one at your age?" "I've talked to my doctor and she says I'm fine to try one more time if I want to." "How does Jo feel about that?" She sat in silence Jo won't have a problem with it, but with Betito she had lost a lot of blood, we had almost last her, that why there was such a big age difference with her kids. Before we could continue our talk the kids came down and we got busy getting them feed. Daniel was shaking so bad but was it from fear or something else? He smelled different to me everyday his scent always changing. It made me wonder why? Once we were done we helped clean up and reluctantly headed back to the house. Once at the house we were all really nervous and on edge. We headed inside with me ahead of both of the boys and peeked around. I was stunned, the house was completely destroyed, the couches were ripped apart, the pictures torn off the walls, some walls had holes punched into them or kicked. glass decorations were in pieces everywhere, the plasma T.V had the screen busted. We walked everywhere to see how bad the damage was, in my room the bed was completely naked of blankets and sheets; my drawers were pulled away from the dresser, my clothes were scattered everywhere. "You think Dad did this?" asked Daniel as he held his XBOX and Johnny his PS3 both busted up. "I don't...." I didn't want to answer it was definitely Greg who did this but to what end? Anger, payback, to scare us? His scent was everywhere and on everything like when a dog marks his freakin territory. I called the police, but they had already had a tip off call just a few minutes ago and were on route to the house. We sat there wondering what tip was called in when the police arrived and put the handcuffs on Daniel.
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