20 - I need your help

2179 Words
Kayson Adder took over my body as soon as we felt Hel’s anger. Something was wrong, and we needed to get to our mate and calm her down. Barrelling through the palace, all eyes were on my Lycan. Adder paid no attention because no one else mattered to us other than Hel. The doors to the throne room shatter as Adder crashes into them. I had no idea that was even possible with such vast and thick doors, but it is what it is. Adder’s eyes land on Lucifer and the wide-eyed look on his face. “What the ever-loving fuc.k is that?” He gasps. It’s no secret that Adder is a big Lycan. Being a hybrid Lycan and Werewolf and descendant of the Moon Goddess means that Selene and Fenrir blessed Adder. Adder is eight feet tall on his back legs and has visible muscles. His torso is more man than Lycan or Wolf, and it shows. There is no Lycan anywhere in the world like Adder. “Adder.” Hel gasps with a smile. He looks at her momentarily, and I sense him falling deeper in love with our mate. “Wow.” That smile is everything. She likes what she sees. Hel isn’t repulsed by Adder’s form, and he was worried she might be. This isn’t how Adder wanted to meet Hel, but he’s angry, so it couldn’t be avoided. Adder turns his fire eyes to Lucifer. ‘What have you done to our mate?’ “I haven’t done anything to her. I was just explaining a few things.” ‘What things?’ Lucifer looks at Hel, but she hasn’t taken her eyes off Adder yet. He sighs and returns his gaze to my Lycan. “I’m sure Faylen has already explained to you why we’re here.” ‘And you made my mate feel like she had no choice.’ Adder chuckles darkly. ‘You foolish idio.t. I’ll kill you!’ Adder lunges at Lucifer just as Hel yells, “Go, Lucifer!” Lucifer disappears in a cloud of smoke, causing Adder to howl so loudly that the very foundations of the palace shake. “Adder, please calm down.” Adder looks at Hel, wide-eyed and angry. ‘Why did you save him?’ “Because even though he upset me, he was only being cautious. Lucifer is a fool, but he meant well. Please calm down, my love.” ‘She’s right, Adder. Calm down.’ ‘Calm down? You think I’ll let some jumped up fuc.k face upset our mate and do nothing?’ ‘No,’ I sigh. ‘I wanted to kill him as well. But it won’t solve anything. We need to find out what Lucifer said to Hel and if it was exactly what Faylen told us.’ ‘Where is Faylen? She was right behind us.’ ‘I don’t know. More than likely, she disappeared with Lucifer.’ ‘Huh.’ Adder nods. ‘Let me take over and speak with Hel.’ ‘No. I want my moment with her.’ I roll my eyes. ‘Fine.’ “Adder? Please talk to me.” My Lycan stalks forward, causing Hel to step back. ‘Don’t be afraid of me, mate.’ Hel smiles while sitting on her throne. “I’m not afraid of you, Adder.” He kneels between her legs and purrs when she strokes the side of his neck. ‘Seriously? You’re purring like a damn cat?’ ‘Fuc.k off.’ I chuckle. “You’re so soft.” Hel whispers in wonder. ‘And you, my love, are so beautiful.’ Hel giggles, and it is a heavenly sound. “I’m so happy to finally meet you, Adder. I’d like for us to spend some real time together soon. I promise you can have as much of me as you want.” ‘Oh, yeah?’ Oh, Goddess. I facepalm because he’s ridiculous! “Would you like that, Adder? For you and I to mate properly?” ‘You mean, you want to mate with me in my true form?’ I sit straighter, my attention piqued. I have no problem with Hel mating with Adder if that’s what she wants. But I’ll be honest, I never thought she would. Hel leans forward, taking Adder’s face in her hands, pulling him down, and planting a kiss on his snout. “I want that,” Adder growls in desire. “And we will very soon. But I really need to speak with Kayson right now. Would that be okay?” ‘If you let me hold you for a moment.’ I chuckle and shake my head. Hel slips from her throne and into Adder’s lap. He sighs contentedly while gently wrapping his arms around Hel as she slides hers around his back. Of course, her hands don’t meet around his back because it’s not possible. ‘I love you so much.’ “I love you, too, Adder.” Adder holds Hel for a few minutes before he allows me to take over. I pull Hel closer against me, and she snuggles into my neck. “What did Lucifer say to upset you?” I ask after a few minutes of quiet. “The prophecy.” She mumbles. I kiss her head because I feel something strange coming from Hel. She’s not herself, and I know it’s more than whatever Lucifer said. I listen as Hel explains the prophecy and all that Lucifer suggested. It’s no different from what Faylen told me. Something about this whole prophecy thing doesn’t make sense. I don’t understand why Hel and I have been told our son will destroy the world if Odin is meant to kill him before he even lives. Because if Odin wants Kaiden dead, he’ll kill him as a baby. My son wouldn’t destroy the world then. Unless Hel and I are able to hide Kaiden from prying eyes. If we did that, he could grow up and do what Lucifer and Faylen are suggesting. But maybe he won't. It should be an easy decision not to have kids if it means saving the world. But it isn’t. How could it be? We’re talking about never having the child we know is in our future. However, “Maybe they’re right, Hel.” Hel pulls away from me with narrow eyes. She snaps her fingers, clothing me in black. “Are you being serious right now?” I sigh. “What if this prophecy becomes a reality, Hel? What if our son is the one to end the world? Okay, if Odin gets to him first, the world will be safe. But say we managed to hide Kaiden from Odin and every other being out there. What’s to say he won’t grow up and bring the prophecy to fruition?” Hel lowers her eyes for a moment before looking at me. “I don’t believe the stupid prophecy, Kayson. Fear-mongering is what will cause the prophecy to become a reality. But I believe we could protect our son.” I nod. “So do I. But say the vision Ivy saw of the two of us dying is what causes Kaiden to retaliate and end the world. What then?” “I don’t have all the answers, Kayson. No one does because no one can see the future clearly. When I saw Kaiden in my dreams, I didn’t see a man who wanted to end the world. He was smart, strong, and so full of love. Does that sound like a dangerous person to you?” I don’t know what to say. This whole thing has my head in a spin. “Kayson, I love you. But please don’t ask me to give up my son.” I furrow my brow as Hel takes my hand and lays it over her stomach. “Because we need you.” My eyes widen. “You mean?” “Yes,” She nods. “I’m pregnant. Our son is already inside of me.” I think I’m in shock. How is my mate pregnant and I didn’t know? Did she hide it from me? Okay, I get that she would be upset about what Lucifer said. But he wasn’t here yesterday or the day before. Just when did Hel realize she was expecting our son? “Why would you hide this from me?” Hel shifts on her hip. “Kayson, I didn’t. It happened today when we made love on your throne. I felt it instantly, but you ran out of here. Please, I didn’t lie to you.” Why is she panicking? ‘Probably because everyone leaves her, Kayson.’ Adder huffs. ‘Look how frightened Hel is that you’re angry enough to walk away from her.’ ‘Then she’s a fool. I have no intention of leaving Hel.’ ‘I know that.’ Adder sighs. ‘Hel has been alone for a long time, Kayson. No one ever gave a damn before you came along. You’re her lifeline, and she’s afraid to lose you.’ I roll my eyes before placing my fingertips under Hel’s chin and tip her head up. “I know you didn’t lie to me, Hel. I just thought perhaps you’d hidden the pregnancy because of what Lucifer said. Then I realized we hadn’t seen him until today. Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” She nods. “I know what Lucifer said is scary. The prophecy could come true, and the world could end. But I don’t believe in prophecies, Kayson. Someone claims to have seen whatever, and people run scared. When they do that, these visions end up becoming a reality. “I will do anything to keep Kaiden safe, no matter what it takes. But I’m also not stupid. I know we cannot do this alone. We need many to help us keep Kaiden safe and teach him right from wrong. We can show him how to use his powers for good. Kayson,” Hel gets to her knees with her hands on my face. “Please.” I press my forehead to Hel’s with my eyes closed. Kaiden is already growing inside my mate. Am I worried for the future? Of course. However, this is my son, and I have loved him for years, even before we created him. Nothing will happen to him because I’ll make sure of it. “It’s okay,” I whisper. “We’ll keep Kaiden safe, Hel. I know how much you already love him. I can feel it falling from you in waves. But I love him, too.” Hel smiles against my mouth and kisses me. ‘We should take Hel somewhere Odin won’t follow. Because the Goddess knows he’ll have no problem walking into Niflheim.’ ‘I agree, Adder. But where?’ ‘I think you know the answer to that.’ Adder laughs. I smirk because I have it. I lay my hand on Hel’s face. “Right, first things first. We need to leave Niflheim.” “What? Why?” “Because this is the first place Odin will come. He will walk right into our Realm and attack. I will not risk anything happening to you or Kaiden.” “But where would we go? Odin knows your pack.” I smirk. “Who is the only person Odin is scared of? The one man Odin won’t fuc.k with for fear another prophecy will come true?” A smile slides across my mate’s face. “Fenrir.” “Fenrir.” I agree. ‘Fenrir?’ I call telepathically. I’m unsure if Fenrir is still at Wild Pack or has returned to Dark Moon. ‘What?’ I roll my eyes because my brother-in-law is one moody bastard. ‘Where are you?’ ‘Why?’ ‘For fuck.s sake, Fenrir. Can’t you just answer the damn question? I need your help!’ ‘With what? I don’t have time for this, Kayson. I’m back at Dark Moon. What do you want from me that you can’t get from your mate?’ ‘Help in protecting our son from Odin.’ Fenrir is so quiet for a few moments that I thought he’d cut me off. ‘You got my sister pregnant?’ I roll my eyes. ‘Not that it’s any of your business; she’s my mate. Yes, she’s pregnant. But I need to protect her. I’ll explain everything later, but right now, I want to know if we can come there. You are the only person Odin won’t fuc.k with. If you have even one iota of love inside you for my mate, please help me.’ Fenrir groans. ‘Fine. I’ll be waiting.’ ‘Thank you.’ ‘Yeah, yeah.’ He cuts me off. “Are you okay?” I look at Hel, staring at me with a look of confusion. “You spaced out on me.” I smile. “Sorry. I was speaking with Fenrir.” “I could have done that.” “I know, but I did.” “Is he going to help us?” I smile and kiss her forehead. “Yes. Let’s get to Dark Moon.”
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