Chapter Nineteen

452 Words
The princess refused leaving her father's side, despite everyone plead for her to go and rest in her room she refused so they let her be. She stayed all through the night in her father's room, the royal physician makes sure no one else comes to the room as this was a vulnerable time and he had to to act fast and be in charge for the now till the princess becomes strong. The royal physician placed more guards around the king's quarter and gave them instructions that except he gives permission no one is allowed the king's room and they all obeyed. The chief of Egbesama and his son Igie left the throne room to go see the princess but were stopped by the guards, the chief of Egbesama couldn't help but wonder who dares to stop him from entering the king's chamber, he didn't believe the Princess will have the boldness to. If it wasn't the princess then who? On who's order? Prince Igie asked. The royal physicians order, one of the guards replied. The prince became mad for being stopped by a common physician. Do you realize that I am the Prince of Bini kingdom and a husband to the daughter of the late king? He grabs the guard by the neck. Who dares gives an order to keep me away from the king's chamber? The guard was still fighting for his life when the royal physician walked into the king chambers, when he saw the ruckus he had to intervene before the hot tempered Igie kills the guard. "I was the one who gave the order" he calmly informed the prince. And who gave you the authority to give such order? The chief of Egbesama asked the royal physician but he didn't get any reply from the physician. Igie freed the guard and matched straight to the physician who stood his ground despite how he was shaking within. the hunk was towering the physician, but he wasn't intimidated by him. Calm down my prince, I'm only carrying out my duties, part of which is taking care of the corpse of the dead king and in this regards no one is permitted in till his burial, please understand my prince. The royal physician cleverly averted this hunk wrath and the prince immediately calm down, although he was still trying to read the face of the man standing below his head, when he seems satisfied by his answers they left him there and he finally breaths down the breath he's been holding. when he was sure the intruders are gone, he placed his palm on the shoulder of the guard the just rescued and he went into the king's room.
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