Chapter Twenty

660 Words
Its been two days now, since the king was buried, the palace soon became less crowded as each day passed by. Uki who still comes to the palace each day, unseen, came into the palace couldn't wait anymore for the king's room to be cleared before going in, he once heard some maidens talking about the princess not feeding well and she refusing to leave her fathers room, UKI couldn't help but wondered how much she was hurting. Loosing someone, it's not easy to let go and he understands this after he lost his whole family in one day, he also knows that no matter the amount of tears been shed, it won't change anything, it will only make one sick and drained out of every strength. He became so worried of the princess health condition, he knew if she continues like this she might end up collapsing and knowing his late friend, he won't allow him rest even in his grave. so he decided to make an entrance through the wall of the king's room, UKI moved closer to the room making sure no one could see him, when he was sure the princess had no company in the room, he placed his palms on the wall and he appeared in the room of the king. UKI saw the princess sleeping on her father's bed, he moved closer to her and sat close to the princess. She still has some dried tear drops on her cheeks, her hair was out of place, she has some strands fall on her eyes, he carefully tugged back the fallen hair, her lip was kind of dried but still managed to be soft, he brought his thumb close to her lips to feel it and just as he suspected it was soft and that arouses something in him, he kept wondering how her lips will feel when he kisses her just as his thumb lingers on them. The princess shifted a bit and subconsciously lay her face on Uki's palm and he quickly jumped off as he didn't expect the movement, when he saw the princess eyes starring at him or not, he wasn't really sure of what she was looking at. "I'm I read" she asked weakly What! A confused Uki exclaimed Are you an angel? Probably sent by my father to watch over me? Uki didn't know what to say so he decided to play along. "Yes I am your angel young princess, but I think i was mistakenly sent to you. How do you mean? There was a frown on her face, she couldn't tell if she was dreaming or dead as the face of the man starring at her wasn't clear, but she was sure that he's an handsome man based on the shape of his face and he has a very white skin, although he covers himself with a white garment and he also covers his face. "You think I'm not worth your time?" No! He quickly replied because if there's anything he wants was to be able to stay with her, appear before her without being scarred of her, he thought to himself. He couldn't bring himself to talk to this lady anymore with feeling like not leaving her in this corrupted world but he doesn't belong to this world and he doubted if she would even wants to talk to him if she knows something like him too exist. Uki didn't want to stay here anymore as he thinks he won't be able to control himself here anymore, so started walking closer to the wall when the princess stopped him. Will you come to see again? She asked still laying down on her bed looking sad. "I will, I promise" Uki promised to come see her again. Bye my beautiful princess, and sleep well. Uki placed his palm again on the wall and the disappeared. The princess slept back again, like none of all these happened.
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