
The queen and the mystical being

contract marriage
second chance
friends to lovers

Queen Ivie is Beautiful, kind and smart but she isn't allowed to rule her father's kingdom because she was born a woman.

What happened when the daughter of a king married a man she has no feelings for just to give birth to an heir , instead she was betrayed and she lost everything.

Join me in the love story of Queen Ivie and Uki the guardian of the forest who happens to be a mystical creature that no one would ever believed exist until the day their paths crossed.

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Chapter one
It's past midnight and everyone should most likely have gone to bed. Well, everyone except the royal guards stationed at the guard posts, guarding the palace and the royal household. Although at times, I wish I had someone to guard my heart and warm my bed at night and so here I am, trying to sneak pass my guards assigned to guard me, The Oba (King Erun). I have to be strong for my precious daughter, Princess Ivie. She's such an innocent girl with no idea as to how often I have sleepless nights battling with enemies that seem to multiply each day. I have succeeded in getting past the guards most nights and I'll need tonight to be as such. Well, that doesn't mean the guards are sloppy but I'm their Oba (King). I can boldly say I know everything about them including their strengths and weaknesses. I know every part of the palace and every member of the royal household. All I have to do is make it through the first guard post which happens to be my room's entrance. I opened the door of my chambers and met with the Head guard ( Ese) and his assistant by my door as usual. I cleared my throat to get their attention and they turned immediately and quickly bowed in respect to me. "I will be going to my herbs room to do some studies" I told them. "Yes, Your Highness" they both said still bowing their heads before leading the way to the herbs room. As we walked through the chambers passage, I began to admire the palace like I do each night. The lamps hanging at each pole of the palace and how it makes the palace attics and paintings look beautiful at night. I was still busy admiring the palace when the head guard alerted me that we had arrived at the herbs room. "Thank you Ese and please remain by the door. Do not let anyone in! I do not wish to be disturbed". Yes, your highness" they both responded. I immediately locked the door with a wooden lock and went through a safe passage I created through the herbs room without the knowledge of anyone. Being King comes with so much responsibilities, love, hatred, friends and enemies. In my own case, I have more enemies than friends. I fight everyday to keep my position as the king and now knowing I have a terminal diseases, I have to make sure my daughter would be safe when I've gone to be with my ancestors. I know so many wish my death but I don't care anymore. Tonight, I just have to see him. The only true friend I have. Uki, he's the only one who doesn't care about the throne, he doesn't even care about humans except me like he always says and maintains till now. He does not like to interfare in human affairs. Uki is the only one I trust with my life, the only one who can help me and I really hope he does. I was able to pass through the safe passage and out in the dark. The cold night welcomed me with so much eagerness. I brought out the lamp I came with and increased the flame by stretching out the thread that was dipped in oil. I made my way to the path that leads to the forest. The way to the forest is scary and lonely but by the gods and my ancestors I have been fortified, right from the day I was born to be unharmed by either man or spirit, as long as I have the royal tatoo which is normally known as ADA and EBEN drawn on both side of my arms. As long as I have the tattoo, any being that wages war against me, declares himself an enemy to the gods and ancestors who made me. The more I get into the thick forest, the darker it becomes. Suddenly, the sounds from toads, crickets and from the owls died down. "He's here", I said to myself as the flame from my lamp went off. If I said the forest was dark, that was an understatement because right now, I have totally gone blind. I'm not scared because I know he's here and all these occurences are his doing. "Don't you think you are stressing yourself too much old man" I heard him speaking from behind me "And don't you think scaring those little creatures singing happily in the forest, just to make an entrance is a little bit too much", I fired back at the voice smiling. Fireflies began to rise up from all around me, moving towards the trees, going around them, causing the once dark forest to lighten up and that was when I saw him walking towards me. I could swear he never aged a day since the first night I met him 38years ago. He still has his white long hair that had been on his head right from my youth, his fair smooth skin can't be compared to any maiden in the Bini kingdom. The light that radiates around him makes him glow and just as his name "Uki" which means moon, his beauty surely lightens this forest. "When you are done staring at me old man, you might want to take a sit" He said to me, pointing at a wooden stool in front of his hut. When did we even get to his hut? I wondered to myself. "You know, I envy your ageless beauty", I said to him as I sat on the stool. "You know you can't call a man beautiful" he warned me. "Well, you my friend, are no man". He just rolled his eyes and came to sit beside me. "Why do you seek me out this night my old friend", he asked. "Uki, I need your help".

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