Chapter Eighteen

744 Words
Third persons pov: The death of the king was announced to the whole kingdom, people mourned the king. In respect of the king, everyone was asked not to go to their various businesses, no farm, market was shut down completely, everyone abides by the rules as is their culture to give a day to the dead and it's also believed that the soul of the departed will be ushered to the place of the ancestors that same day, so everyone stayed at home to mourn, although some did it at of fear because there's a rumor that said to bury a king there are certain sacrifices required which is often human sacrifices, there was a king that was buried with seven female virgins. This rumor made all the virgins in the village to hide themselves at home as no one wants to be buried alive even if they so much loved the late king. Certain sacrifices where made that day by the oracle, a young priestess holding calabash that had a burning flame coming out of it, she tied around herself a white rapper, and also a white headtie on her head, the young priestess used white native chalk to create a dot all over her body. She kept singing and her followers which were also maidens dressed in the same white attires kept backing her song up. When they gets to each junction of the village the priestess will make incantations and blow out some powdered chalk. The walk last almost a day as it was been done all through the village. This ritual was been made because it is said to pursue bad spirits rooming the village so that the soul of the departed can transit smoothly and this is only done for royals. There was a certain time a king was buried without the rituals and the king couldn't transit to the ancestors because he was held back by bad spirits and in turn he became destructive and the king turned on his people as he made lives unbearable for them, when farmers cultivates their lands the late king destroys it all, he destroys both crops and livestocks, soon there was famine in the kingdom as there was no crop growing in the kingdom, at night the king will knock on doors of the villagers and those who answered ended up dead, so everyone was scared to even come out at night. The priestess at that time had to make consultations from the gods and it was revealed to her that the late king is trapped by some evil spirits and sacrifices needs to be made to clear his path and just like that it became custom to always do these rituals so the spirits can transit smoothly. Meanwhile all the chiefs of Bini kingdom remained in the palace mourning their king as expected of them, they are not to eat anything that has oil in it and must stay watchful through out the night, so the palace servants kept supplying them with colanuts and palm wine so they can still be active as many of the chiefs are already to old to be starved. Some traditional musicians were also in the throne room singing the praises of the gods and the of the late king, the drum beats alone will not even allow anyone to sleep and any of the chiefs that was already feeling sleepy will quickly rise up to dance so as to drive sleep away from their eyes, it kept going on and on like that through out the whole night. UKI who was still hidding in the palace couldn't just leave even when he was aware that King Erun was no more, he still stays through, he wasn't there for the entertainment but he planned to see his late friend buried and make sure the princess is okay before going back to the forest. Hidding in the palace was a difficult task as there were too many visitors in the palace. When Uki sneaked into the palace earlier on, he located the king chamber but couldn't go in as there were bodyguards stationed at the door of the king's room, so he waited for opportunity to come which actually didn't come, he decided to go for plan B as he had planned earlier on and the second plan was to make himself invisible even if he knew he was going against his principles and it's risk.
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