Chapter seventeen

698 Words
Princess Ivie Pov: We got to the palace on time, I didn't wait for the rest as my mind is already going haywire, I couldn't control the tears that keeps running down from my eyes, I know this was all expecting but I didn't know it will hurt this much. The chiefs keeps calling after me to slow me down, even Rose and the guards had to keep up with my speed, right now my eyes are blurry from the tears. I hurried to my father's quarter, ignoring the greetings that keeps coming at me, I slowed down when I got to my father's door, I had to control my feelings so not to worry my father, all plans to control the tears drops proves abortive as It keeps getting worst, Rose kept comforting me, I kept my back against the wall and just let everything out till there was no more. I put myself together and the guards let me inside. My father was lying on the bed as though he was with no life, the royal physician was sitting beside him on the bed, he kept coughing out blood and was looking so weak, I had to hold myself not to break down. This is unbearable, I know I had lost a mother but that has been so many years ago, I can't even remember what she looks like, my father has been there for me, he showed me so much love and spend the little time he had with me. There was a time I was forcing him to take another wife and he said to me smiling " I don't need a wife for I barely have time for you and don't want to share the little time we have" look at him dying, all these while he was acting strong he was actually suffering alone, no one was there for him and when I got to knew, I still left him alone all for my marriage. I walked slowly to him and the royal physician stood up and bow to me before taking his leave, probably to give us the chance to say our goodbyes. I just climbed on the bed and lay beside him with my head on his chest and the tears that I had tried to hold starts to fall . Ivie! I heard him whispered my name faintly. Yes father! Why are you crying? He coughed Father please don't leave me alone, I don't think I can cope without you, the world will make no sense without you, the tears kept falling. I have no one else, please don't leave me. I cried. It's going to be fine Ivie, I'm not going to leave you alone, I promise. He spoke in a calmed voice. Ivie listen to me!, I stopped crying as he seems he wants to pass information to me. Soon you will be crowned Queen of Bini kingdom, do well with all I have taught you all these years, he coughed more but still continues, don't trust anyone, don't make the same mistakes I made trying to play calm, be strong. He coughed so hard till there was no strength anymore. I kept robbing his chest trying to soothe the pains but it wasn't helping at all as he keeps coughing non stop. By now his breath became heavy and he's totally loosing his strength. Someone please help ! I kept shouting until the royal physician rushed into the room and just kept shaking his head as he watched him closer. What's going on? I asked the physician of which he didn't reply as he was also trying to examine the king and my father took his last breath and I became totally dormant, I spaced out wondering what just happened, the same person that was talking to me not too long again, has become lifeless before my eyes. The royal physician shooked me out of my shock, I looked into his eyes that was full of sorrows and announced the death of my father, I let out an ear piercing scream and almost fell on the king's corpse but the royal physician quickly held me tight.
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