Chapter Sixteen

1076 Words
Princess Ivie POV: "Good day, Princess Ivie!" The beauty standing before me said her greetings without bowing her head. From her facial her expression and her body language, I knew it wasn't a coincidence that we met here and with the way she looked at me with so much bitterness and hatred, the way she said my name as if it was an abomination, made it obvious she has an ugly side. "Who are you?" I asked immediately since it's obvious I am her enemy. "Irene" your highness, she gracefully said her name with a fake plastered smile. Of course, I already knew her name but I was just acting as if I didn't know she existed. "Okay!" I replied her, about continue my walk which actually pissed her off and she boldly held my hand to stop me. Nosa, my bodyguard drew out his sword and almost cut off her hand and I quickly stopped him, but the sword had already landed on her arm which left a slight cut at the surface before she quickly removed her hand. I stood before the fuming beast, I watch her red eyes looking straight into my eyes without fear. "Thank the gods that i learnt how to maintain calmness in times like this. So, dear Irene, be careful next time because I might not be in my good state" I threatened but she seemed not to be moved by threats. "I will have to deal with her someday but definitely not today" I said to myself and so I turned around to continue my walk. "Watch your back Princess, the king will not be there forever to protect you!" Her words hit me, I turned and saw her smirking. Now it's confirmed that these people are aware of my father's illness. I walked back towards the fool who thought she could scare me. I held her by her throat and watched how her eyes were popping out due to the force around her neck "You might look feisty but you are no match for me! So never in your petty life threaten me again." I let go of her neck and she kept coughing. "Don't you know who I am?" She boldly asked with a strained voice. I simply smiled. "Of course, I know who you are Irene. You are my husband's mistress, his concubine, and you think of yourself as my husband's favourite?! You see Irene, I've done my homework on the you." "Since you know so much about me then you should know that I'm not scared of you. You might be the Daughter of the King and the wife to Prince Igie" she spat out the last word bitterly before she continued "You might think so much of yourself but it will only be a matter of time before everything will be taken away from you, little by little." She glared at me This arrogant woman might be feisty but she isn't smart, she just let out their card. "I don't need to know what your plans are or the plans of those that are boosting your confidence but l will warn you not to think low of me. I don't just bark. You may be the favourite of my husband but I won't think twice to destroy you. Your duty is just to warm my husbands bed, just as the Mistress you are and you may not like it but I'm married to your lover now and that makes me the lady of this household and in my household, I am in charge! if you don't like the arrangement, then go sort it out with your lover." I concluded as I took my leave with the others and we just headed straight to my quarters as I was no longer in the mood to go anywhere else. I entered my room exhausted, I just kept pacing around in deep thoughts. I know what happened today was to be expected but what I didn't know was their awareness that my father is sick. I might not be my husband's beloved but we are married and he has a responsibility to me. I mean how do I even get pregnant if he keeps avoiding me?! I know he doesn't love me which doesn't really bother me as I also do not love him but we have a duty to this kingdom. The culture dictates that the son of the daughter of the king will rule as the next king if there be no direct heir from the present King. The boldness of that mistress is very irritating and that makes feel they are all working together on something which I do not know about but I perceive I am the target. This household is playing with fire and I'm sure it'll burn them all. Rose rushed into my room looking all drained out. "My princess! There are some chiefs here to see you. It's about your father." she said still looking worried. I didn't bother to ask her questions as I also was already shaking. I know chiefs can't come over without my permission and since they are here, it simply means there is trouble. I ran out to meet them and they quickly said their greetings and by the look on their faces, you can tell how worried they are. "What is going on?" I asked them "My Princess, it's your fath.." "What happened to my father? I interrupted the words of the first chief. "He's struggling and he needs to see you" the second chief told me with a gloomy face. I led the way immediately not waiting for the elders. I heard their footsteps behind me. Right now I wasn't thinking straight, I didn't even ask for permission from my husband before leaving the house, according to the tradition. I know they will inform him of what happened and he will definitely understand why I needed to leave in a hurry. Uki POV: Today has been too cold. Not just the weather but my within has been too cold and this is the same way I felt the day my family left this world. "This must be the king" I thought as I shook the feeling off. "I need to visit the palace. I want to see my dear friend before he joins his ancestors" I covered myself with a white cloak to cover my face as I left for the palace.
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