Chapter twelve

1043 Words
Igie POV: Some days ago I was told of my marriage to the only daughter of the king. At first, I frowned at it, I mean I don't even know the little girl and from what I have gathered so far, she's shy, care free and lazy. Although, I was also told of her passion for herbs. Really?! I, Igie, a warrior of Bini married to a weakling?! Never! I spat out bitterly but I was later convinced by my father that it was just for the crown and all I needed to do was to play along until the wedding ceremony is concluded. I saw the surprise on her face when I told her to go to her apartment alone. I saw the hurt in her eyes but I really don't care how she feels. She should be lucky I was still in my calm state while talking to her. How can she be so dumb?! What was she expecting? That we will hold hands together and have a night as couples sharing the same bed and I will give her the best night of her life and make her happy?! Never! The throne is already mine and I've promised Irene the position of the Queen Yes! Irene is my beloved, she has always been my queen and I've promised her marriage which I intend to fulfill. When I first broke the news of my engagement to the princess, she didn't talk to me for days and I could swear, those days were the worst days of my life. I mean, I have fought enemies both within and outside. People tremble at the mention of my name. I'm bold and fearless but this same lion became like a lamb when Irene stopped talking to me. I had to beg her and convince her that I will make her my queen. I know getting married to the princess first, gives the princess a liverage over her but I promised her that the Princess is just an opportunity to get the throne but she, the queen of my heart, will be the mother of the future heir and with this promise, I won her heart again! Here I am, going to my chambers where my beloved is waiting for me to keep her warm this same night after my wedding to the Princess. I don't even know what the little brat is doing right now, probably crying like the little princess that she is and if she's wise enough, she will stay away from me. I opened my room door that was not so bright because only one of the lamps was on. On my bed lies my favourite, dressed in a sea blue net material, exposing her toned skin. I just stood in front of her, not too close to the bed, admiring her perfect skin tone that looks so radiant in the light coming from the little lamp. She slowly came down from the bed to stand before me. "God's of our land, "this woman is beautiful!" I said to myself. "Are you going to stand there and keep staring at me or you plan on coming to bed with me?" She asked, with a hush voice that was too low, as I keep staring at her lips as she talked. "How long have you been waiting?" I finally found my voice. "Well, I couldn't sit down at home when I knew you were getting married to another woman" she said in a hush voice. "So I have been here waiting patiently to make sure you won't be sleeping with her tonight as it's your first night as husband and wife." She continued. This is one thing I like about her, she's always straight with what she wants. I remember the first day I met her in her father's bush bar, I remember every person sitting in that bar was scared the very minute I entered with some of my men, even her father was afraid not to make any mistake that he had to send this fragile but feisty woman to attend to me. One of my men tried to play with her a little while I sat there watching without interest not until she raised her small palm and slapped him which brought shock to the face of everyone. Everywhere was tensed immediately, even her father started shivering. My men wanted to deal with her but I stopped them and turned my gaze to the fragile woman that was still fuming and didn't look frightened by their threat. "Aren't you afraid to die by my hands?" I asked her "Aren't you afraid to die by poison?" She asked while looking at the palm wine that was served to me. Everyone gasped as she spoke of poisoning the prince of Egbesama. Although, I hadn't drank anything from the cup yet. "So you mean to tell me you poisoned my drink?" I asked still in a calm state. "No! I just wanted to let you know that anyone can die by any means" she said and walked out on me. Ever since that day I knew she was the one for me. Her little palm touched my face and brought me back from my flash back. "What are you thinking of, my love?" "Nothing" I replied, smiling back at her. "Here I am with you as I promised." "Good!" She said and smiled at me. "So what are your plans for your new wife?" She asked me with a frown on her face. "Father has his plans for her while I'm proceeding with the plans to come marry you as soon as the king dies." What do you mean by that? Is the king dying?" She asked in a hush voice so that no one will hear us. I just gave her a smile and told her to be patient. "We just discovered the secret of the king and my father and I are already planning the king's funeral. Unfortunately his little princess would be caught in the middle of all these." "Don't worry my queen, you are going to by my wife soon and you will be the one to give the Bini kingdom an heir to the throne. I promise."
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