Chapter fifteen

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Princess Ivie POV: I was anxiously awaiting for Osa, my husband's personal servant who promised to come take me on a tour of this huge mansion. Living in this building is torture. For the few days I have spent here, I haven't seen my husband and it's obvious he's avoiding my me. He doesn't even come to my nor pass by it quarters. That's okay anyway, I still plan on living my life. I actually made Osa promise to come over today and give me a tour of this house. Osa may look too serious most times but deep down he's sweet. I was surprised to see him in my quarters yesterday asking to speak with me. At first, I thought he came on an errand, probably my husband had come to his senses and needed to see me and so I grant him audience eagerly. "Good day, my Princess!" A smiling Osa bowed his head in respect. "Good day to you. What can I do for you?" I responded. "I just wanted to know how you are settling in" he shyly asked "Well, I'm settling fine. Thank you!" "Alright, my Princess" he said I couldn't help but notice that he was kind of avoiding a someone. I looked over my shoulder to see Rose standing beside me, also trying not to look at the young man standing before me. That actually gave me the cue on what's going on "I think these two are into each other" I thought to myself as I smiled at the young man. "I will take my leave now, your Highness!" Osa hesitantly said as he kept scratching the back of his head and turned to leave. I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour. It's true how love can make an adult act like a child. I think I will need to give them a reason to meet more, knowing Rose can give me hundreds of reasons why she won't have time for a relationship. I will simply become their matchmaker and I won't have to do so much since these two are obviously falling for each other. "Osa will you be kind enough to give us a tour of this mansion?" I aksed. He immediately stopped in his tracks. "Will you be on the tour alone?" he shyly asked and I inwardly laughed at this hunk. "I was thinking of coming with my personal maid but if you want we can go alone" I teased him. He sharply replied "No" and when he realised how loud he was, he tried to comport himself so as not to offend me. "I mean, it's okay for your highness to come with whomever she pleases. I will be back here by morning to take you on the tour." He bowed his head once more and took his leave still avoiding to look at Rose. "What an i***t!" I said to myself I just looked over at Rose who was still carried away by her thoughts. "You know he likes you right?" Rose who seemed to be unaware of her environment didn't reply. "Rose!" I screamed her name and that shoke her a bit, ending her thoughts. "What was the question, my Princess?" She asked nervously, I just shook my head and pat her shoulder. "Just get me my water." A knock on the door brought me back from reminiscing. "My princess, Osa is here for you" Rose informed me. "Okay I'm ready. Let's not keep the gentleman waiting" I watched as she smiled shyly. We made our way to Osa who bowed to me in respect. "My Princess, are you ready for the tour?" I nodded my head in affirmation as he gave Rose a quick glance before heading out. He kept showing us different places, including the chief of Egbesama's concubines quarter which I didn't bother to see. His concubines are none of my business. We kept walking towards the opposite direction of my quarters and then we came across a young lady walking in so much grace towards us with her chin up. She had a toned skin, slender body and she wasn't wearing much but with the little she was wearing, I must confess she stood out. "Is she one of the Chiefs concubines?" I asked Osa whose countenance fell. "She's Mistress Irene, The Prince's concubine." "What!" I exclaimed.
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