Chapter fourteen

709 Words
Princess Ivie POV: I just couldn't sleep last night. I kept rolling on the bed. I had a lot running through my mind and as a result, I'm having severe headache right now. My eyes are itching and there are dark circles under my eyes. I crawled out of bed to properly check myself in the mirror that was kept at the corner in my room. "What the hell!" I exclaimed Right now, I look like a living corpse. I really need to have some rest and stop troubling myself over some uncontrollable circumstances. I really couldn't help myself last night. I fear for my father who was actually alone in the Palace. I know we have so many domestic staff that can take care of him but I want to be sure that he actually takes his medication, eat well and rest more. I didn't want to leave with my so-called husband yesterday but my stubborn father wouldn't allow me stay in the Palace. He kept saying the tradition forbids a woman to stay in her father's house the night of her wedding as it was the best time to get pregnant and also to bond with her husband. Tears dropped from eyes as I remembered how I was dumped by this same husband on the first night of our wedding. Fate must be laughing at my father right now. A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts "You can come in" I said I quickly cleaned up the tears dropping from my eyes before Rose walked up to me. "Good morning my Princess. How was your night?" She asked, about to smile. I turned from the mirror to answer when she gasped at my facial appearance. "Did you even sleep at all?" She came closer to see more of my tired face "I know I look terrible right now but I will be fine" I gave her a forced smile and she just shook her head and I saw she was struggling not to say more "I came over to let you know that I have prepared your bath and you will be having breakfast immediately after." I just nodded my head, still listening because I knew she wasn't done talking. "Will you want to have breakfast with your husband or will you prefer I bring it up here?" She asked "I will have it here" I told Rose. "In fact, I will have all my meals in this room henceforth." I continued "But my Princess, what if your husband wishes to have meals with you?" She asked in confusion I just smiled at her and she just kept looking at me confused. "Rose, why do you think my husband didn't spend the night with me knowing fully well that it's our first night as husband and wife." I asked rhetorically "He just declared his intentions towards our marriage and from what I observed, my dear friend, this marriage holds nothing in his heart!" I continued as I sat up about to leave my room when Rose stopped me. "My Princess, there's a rumor going around the Palace this morning." I turned my attention to hear more from her. "The Prince didn't dump you for work. According to the rumour, he spent the night with his mistress." She said with disgust. For some seconds I was dumb founded. I know he didn't want me as his wife but I didn't know he will be bold enough to sleep with a mistress on the night of our wedding. "What's her name?" I asked "Irene. She's the daughter of one of the owners of a bush bar and according to the rumor, they've been seeing each other before your wedding." "I understand" was all I said and was about to leave when rose voice stopped mebon my tracks. "What! How can you understand a cheating husband?" She asked "Rose, they've been seeing each other for so long and probably planned on getting married and instead of marrying her, his lover, I became his wife. I don't think they can easily let go of each other. I'm okay with her being his concubine." I concluded as I left rose who was still looking at me in shock.
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