Chapter five

975 Words
Upon reaching outside, I met a gathering of people listening to someone within a circle. I pushed a bit further because I couldn't see the owner of the voice. As I moved foward, my bodyguards tried to clear my path but I just ignored them not involving myself with the attention they were drawing to us. I said apologized to an elderly man holding some dried fishes that were for sale and probably stopped to listen to whatever the owner of that voice was saying. "Whatever this man is saying must be interesting" I thought to myself. Soon, I finally saw the storyteller sitting at the front of a shop which obviously was not his. He's an old man, probably in his 60's and seems to be talking to the kids around him which likely caught the attention of passerbys. "The story I'm about to tell you is a true story" the man declared "And it happened a long time ago" he said as he continued. "It's a story of mystical beings who once lived on earth. These beings were immortal and they have the shape of a humans but they are far more smarter, stronger and faster than humans but are peaceful nevertheless. Despite how strong and intimidating they look, these beings never hurt anyone except the humans who poses as a threat to them." He paused and then continued. "For ages they lived like that and they never associated with humans. No one knew of their existence till the day they were attacked by some greedy beings named Karkars who wanted to come and live on earth just like the guardians did but the guardians refused their proposal knowing these intruders are nothing but trouble and so the Karkars threatened the guardians with war." He said looking gloomy. "When the guardians who were living amongst humans understood that the war was going to affect humans more, they decided to come out from the forest they dwelled in, to inform humans of the way unavoidable war that was coming soon and they hoped to form alliance with humans, knowing humans won't be able to fight powerful beings like the Karkars and they know they were outnumbered as they were just a little family living in peace amongst humans." "The guardians who never associated themselves with humans knew it was going to be hard to communicate with them and so they released their last child "Uki", their son to go spend sometime in the human world to learn how to communicate with them so they can come relate to the people of their fate and hope to join forces together and stop the Karkars from coming to live on earth." "Uki carefully lived amongst humans, learning how to communicate with them. At first, it wasn't easy as this was his first time away from his family and he couldn't communicate his thoughts with the villagers and most of the villagers saw him as a weirdo because of the way he covers himself with a cloak and how he keeps staring at people and things." Uki found the human world interesting and in no time he began to communicate with people and identify things but he also kept his distance and never meddled in the affairs of men. In no time he gathered information about the village and the rulers so he considered his job done and made his way back to the forest to inform his family of his findings but he never made it far into the forest before he encountered the war that had started." "Uki ran as fast as his legs could carry him towards the warfront but what his eyes saw wasn't really much of a fight. He saw his family doing the ancient binding spell that will seal the passage that leads to the human world. His family held their hands as they recited the spell together. Uki couldn't talk nor move. He felt paralyzed at the spot he stood and he knew his mother was the one trapping him in that spot so as to stop him from interrupting them. Tears dropped from his eyes as he watched his only family sacrifice themselves for humans who didn't know they existed. There was a big fire that appeared in their midst that notified them that the spell was done. His mother turned her head towards him in tears as each one of them disappeared in to fire and the last person that disappeared was his mother who was still looking at him as if she was trying to say something to him. He watched as they all disappeared with the fire and everything became calm again. That was when he was freed from his mothers spell. He just stood there not knowing what to do because today he has not just lost his family but he couldn't go back home if he wished to. He just kept pacing around, holding his chest as if his heart had been ripped from his chest. That was when he let out a roar that shook the whole kingdom and made everyone run to their various homes thinking it was a wild animal." "Ever since then Uki decided to keep himself totally away from humans and never interfere in the things of men." He concluded. Everyone kept quiet all through as the story teller finished his story. It was indeed a painful story that made everyone look sad. "What happened to Uki?" "Is he still alive?" "Does he still live in the forest?" The kids kept asking the story teller questions. "Princess, it's time to return to the palace." Rose my maid informed me. Even if I still wanted to hear more of this story, even though I had questions too, I just couldn't stay because Rose was right it was already getting late.
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