Chapter four

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CHAPTER FOUR "Hurry up it's almost noon and we are still in the palace" I quarreled my personal maid Rose, she's still decorating my hair with royal beads and it seems to be taking the whole day. "I'm almost done, My Princess. Just a little portion left." she said. I looked at myself in the mirror and I must say, she has done a perfect job but what's the need of all these since I will be covering my head with a wrapper. I don't think I want everyone to treat me differently when I step outside. I just want to see places and enjoy my free day. "Well, what do you think of my hand work, My Princess? she asked me, smiling ear to ear. "Well, not so bad!" I teased her and she just laughed at my silliness. "Common, let's go! I'm already itching to leave this Palace before my father changes his mind which of course, I know he won't." My father is a man of few words and never says what he doesn't mean. So we hurriedly left the Palace with two body guards that I didn't really need but just to make my father happy. I need to understand that they are here for my protection. We arrived at the market place first. I actually wanted to be here because I have heard so much of this place from the royal kitchen as the maidens discuss about this place. Everyone turned their gaze at me. Well, it really isn't their fault! if I were in their shoes, I will most likely be staring at the young maiden with bodyguards. But today is for fun and I'm not going to allow these big guys ruin my day for me. "So where will you like to visit next My Princess?" Rose asked. "Take me to the herbs seller" I instructed her and she just rolled her eyes in surety. "Obviously. Lets go!" she replied and we followed as she led the way to the herbs seller. We moved from seller to seller and I couldn't keep the excitement to myself as I kept trying various herbs on the back of my palm. I just needed some herbs I intend to use for my beauty products and some of these herbs actually feel really good on my skin. I can't wait to try them with my beauty products that I intend making for myself and all the maidens in the Palace. It was almost sunset and by now the guards were already exhausted from my seemingly unending list of places to visit and so I decided we needed to rest at one of the shops that sell palm wine with dried bush meat and of course they were delighted. We sat at the bush bar and waited for the shop owner to take our orders and when he finally came to take our order, he stopped midway in shock once he realised who I am and quickly rushed towards me, bowing his head in respect as he greeted me. "I'm humbled by your presence but what's the daughter of a King doing in my dirty shop?" he asked in humility. "First, I need you to relax as we are here just to enjoy your famous wine and bush meat. I have heard so much about it" I told him as I flashed him a quick smile. "Just wait here, My Princess. I'm going to give you the best of our fine wine" he told me as he took a bow and headed out to the back. I was about to relax comfortably on my seat until I heard some noise from outside the bush bar. "What's going on out there?" I asked Rose. "Let me check it out" she said as she left the bar towards the direction of the back and immediately, she returned. "What's going on?" I asked her again. "You don't have to worry about the noise. It's coming from the village story teller and the people listening to his story." She responded. "Really! I need to go see for myself" I told them as I stood up to leave. Although, they tried to stop me but I didn't listen as I ran out with haste.
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