Chapter three

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CHAPTER THREE King Erun: I know I have been so hard on my daughter Ivie but it's for a good cause. I made a promise to my late wife, the love of my life, my queen and everything to me; I promised her that I will protect our daughter and that promise I have fulfilled till this moment but what happens when I'm gone?! I'm getting tired and weaker each day, this sickness has eaten deep into me and sooner than later, it will become obvious. Cursed be the day my enemies get to know of my sickness for they will rise up to destroy my household knowing I have no son, no heir! My ancestors what shall I do? My hands began to shake and so I quickly held my hands together and sat on my bed. This has been one of the symptoms but recently I have started coughing out blood also. I took the herbal medicine made by the royal physician to suppress the symptoms and weakness. Few minutes later I was calm. I took my staff of authority and headed to my throne room with my guards. That's where I shall be meeting with the Chiefs of my Kingdom. I already know what the meeting will be all about, they gave me time to pick a bride from one of the Royal Kins men but I haven't given them a reply and they keep making the same request repeatedly but today I'm going to reason with them. They all stood up in respect to me as I approached the Throne. I took my sit and looked at the Chiefs bowing their heads while standing. "You may all sit" I permitted them. "Oba gha to kpere (greetings my king) " One of the Chiefs shouted. "Ise!" they all responded before they sat down except Chief Iyase who was to speak on their behalf. "Greetings to our king, may the wisdom of the gods guide your judgement" "Ise!" the others responded. "My king, we the chiefs of this Kingdom will like to know your decision concerning our last discussion with regards having a bride and producing an heir to the Throne. Or am I not speaking your minds?" he asked the other chiefs and they all responded differently. I watched from my Throne as my Royal Chiefs argued amongst themselves about having an heir to the Throne. They all have one common goal which is that I, their king, should pick a bride for myself but there is much dispute amongst themselves as to which kindred I shall pick a bride from. I understand every of the village chiefs wants the next king to come from their kindred but what they don't know is that I am dying. I've kept my ailment a secret just to protect my daughter for I know they will kill her if they come to know of my disease. As they fought amongst themselves, only the Chief of Egbesama was quiet and his calmness cannot be mistaken to be weakness. Chief of Egbesama village is a snake and he's dangerous. If there's anyone I should watch out for, that would be him. Chief of Egbesama believes that the throne was supposed to be theirs and he and his followers believe I stole their rights and they're are ready to pull me down if and when the opportunity comes. "Enough my chiefs!" I shut them up and the Throne Room became calm. "I've heard you all loud and clear but I won't be taking another wife." They all begin to murmur among themselves. "However," the murmuring died down "I will give my daughter in marriage to the strongest and bravest son of this Kingdom." I watched as the face of Chief Egbesama lightened up, "Yes!" He exclaimed! I know his thoughts right now because every one from Bini kingdom knows his son is the strongest among the warriors and I know his son, Igie is brutal. Princess Ivie might be a woman and have no right of becoming a ruler as the custom condemns but I have practically trained her to be a great woman, full of wisdom and knowledge to enable her survive in this cruel world. If princess Ivie must survive while I'm gone, I need someone to protect her and Chief Egbesama is the most influential chief and the people fear him and for peace to reign in this kingdom Ivie has to marry Igie the son of the chief of Egbesama. At least, that will soften his heart towards me, I thought to myself. I will want a marriage between my daughter Princess Ivie and Igie the son of the Chief of Egbesama. The throne room became quite as no one dared to talk bad or go against the Chief of Egbesama, most times I think they fear him more than me, the King. "My King, thank you for this honour. I shall take the news to my family and the people of Egbesama and we shall prepare for the marriage ceremony and get back to you on the date" said the Chief of Egbesama. "Picking the date of the marriage is not your right!" I reminded him. The royal family shall communicate the date to you and the people of Bini kingdom. Do well to prepare your son for the oat he will be taking with princess Ivie." I continued. "I will do as my king says" he spat out in bitterness. "Oba gha to kpere!" He greeted and every one responded "Ise!" "You all have heard my decision. Go back to your various home and prepare, for there's going to be a royal wedding in the next seven days." They were all surprised at the limited time given for the wedding but I needed to set things up quickly for I know I have a limited time here as well before I join my ancestors. I tried to stand up but my palms started to shake again and I quickly held my palms together to stop them from shaking but not before I saw the Chief of Egbesama looking at my palms. I don't know if he saw them shaking because I couldn't read the expression on his face. I needed to leave the Throne room. I quickly stood up and they all stood up as well. "I guess there's nothing else to be discussed as I believe your reasons for coming were fulfilled. May the gods guide you home" I said "Ise!" they all responded. I left them quickly not wanting anyone to notice anything most especially that snake, the Chief of Egbesama.
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