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Alice's POV: I sank in the sea of those grey eyes before realizing who their owner was so I stand in terror, but my body quickly convulsed from pain and this time I fell to my knees. His voice came from behind me again, " stand up, we need to talk. " The pain in my side was scorching and prevented me from talking, I just kept my moan as I held my side with one hand and the other hand pressed it to my knee and tears filled my eyes. " We don't have the whole day, little one ," he said impatiently. And when I didn't answer again, he grabbed my arm so hard that I screamed in pain and then I burst into tears. He furrowed his eyebrows at me strangely and said, " What is it? " I cried, and Keen then ran into the room and his two brothers followed him. Keen took his hand away from me and said, " What the f**k did you do, Ceasar ?" Then he started checking me as well as Aiden, who had a panic expression on his face He growled angrily, " I didn't do anything, she's crying on her own. " Dimitry gently put his hand on my face and said, " What's the matter, tell me ?" " I can't stand it, " I said in pain as I held my side. Keen noticed my hand position and said, " Did you get hurt ?" I nodded quickly, and it didn't take long for Dimitry to carry me to his car and then to the hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Writer's POV: They got to the emergency room after that and let Alice go with the doctors. Dimitry and Keen waited outside, while Caesar stayed in the company as he insisted to keep Aiden with him. After about an hour. Aiden had blown up Keen's phone from too many calls to ask about Alice, and after his last call, the doctor who had taken care of Alice came out, Keen and Dimitry stood in front of her attentively. she told them to come with her to her office to explain Alice's condition and after they went in she asked " who's her guardian " both of them answered together, " I am ." The doctor reprimanded, " Both of you are her guardians, and you didn't notice that there was a bruise on her right side, it must be caused by a big accident ." Keen and Dimitry looked at each other and then Keen said, " We only knew about it today ." The doctor, " If you were late for another day, she would have had internal bleeding ." Dimitry, " is it that bad ?" The doctor pointed to an x-ray image hanging on the device and said, " This whole area here turned blue, and at the bottom there were a few brown spots, meaning that the bruise from its strength made blood pools in that area, and also because of stress and lack of proper attention to the case, it almost bleed. " Dimitry, " where is she now? " The doctor, " we moved her to a room on the fourth floor, she will remain under observation, and then she can complete her treatment at home ." They both thanked the doctor and then went to Alice's room, the nurse was helping her to rest better and putting the serum on her hand and signs of fatigue clearly appeared on her face. Keen's phone rang and he left the room to answer. The caller was Caesar. He came to the hospital because he couldn't stand Aidan's insistence on coming, so they both came and he asked for the room number. Keen returned to the room again and when Caesar and Aiden came, the nurse had finished what she had done and walked out of the room to leave Alice facing the four of them. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alice's POV: The four of them were looking at me with different looks that were overshadowed by reprimand, and I said with suspicion, " Why are you looking at me like that? " " That bruise was from the accident, right, " Aiden said. I sighed, " It wasn't that bad. " " It wasn't what, it turned brown, Alice, your life was in danger and you don't care, " Dmitry interrupted. " I mean no " " Why didn't you tell us ," said Keen, damn, do they take turns to discipline me, and why is that rude so silent? I said defensively, " I was taking care of the situation. " " Of course ," Aiden said sarcastically. It was my turn this time not to get nervous " I was fine in the morning, before someone told me to go to the archive, and cleaning it almost killed me " and I looked at the rude accusingly He held his hands in front of his chest and said calmly, " I didn't tell you to clean it, I just told you to review the deals ." " But the archive, " said Aiden, with signs of awkwardness on his face, but before he could finish his sentence, that rude stare stopped him. He looked back at me and said, " You could have told me in the morning about your condition ." " I don't want your pity ," I said aggressively. He sneered sarcastically and said, " You have time off until you get better, we'll stop the betting now, if you don't want to lose, of course. " " Not even in your dreams ," I said with calm violence. He looked at me in anger, but I insisted on my stubbornness, so he hit his hand on the edge of the bed and came out of the room, stormy as thunder. why the f**k he is trying to tease me, he will not control me, never. Keen said, " Do you have to piss him off every time you see each other ?" I shrugged and said, " He's just provoking me ." Aiden, " but he didn't do anything, Alice ." I waved my hand disgustedly and said, " only His face is enough ." They laughed at my words and I could not stop myself from laughing despite my pain, we kept talking, and arguing more about the place that I'll stay at after I left the hospital, especially after they knew that my parents are dead and I lived alone, so the three of them insisted that I go with them to their house, but the idea of my being in one house With that rude, it was impossible, and finally we agreed that Keen would bring one of the workers from their house to stay with me until I recover. I agreed easily as I didn't find a problem with that. After my days in the hospital, I went to my house after that and Keen brought a girl named Mia, she is very nice and it seems from her looks that she is very innocent and that Keen trusts her, honestly, I loved her when I saw her, she cared so much for me and did not let me do anything or even move from the bed and she was talking to me A lot until we became friends, and Keen, Dimitry and Aiden also kept visiting me throughout the period that the doctor set for me to rest, I was feeling warm and happy with their presence, I felt like they are my family that I was deprived of all my life, and after this period we were very close to each other, especially Dimitry, We had a lot in common. When my examination was scheduled, I went with Keen and Dimitry, because of course they insisted on that and told me that Aiden was with Caesar and Caesar might agree to bring him or send him with a private driver. I prayed inside me not to make him come, but it seemed that my prayers were not enough, when we arrived at the hospital, I found Caesar and Aiden waiting for us, I buffed bored, but my eyes soon changed to happiness when Aiden came to hug me, oh my God I love him so much. both Keen and Dimitry offered me their hands to lean on, so I smiled and grabbed both of their hands, and Aiden was moving in front of us while he was telling me the details of his day as we used to do lately, and to my surprise, Caesar followed us. When my examination was over, I came out of the examination room attached to the doctor's office with her, as well as the nurse who helps her, Aiden immediately asked her, " How is she ?" She said, " There is a big improvement, but she needs to rest for another two weeks. " After Aiden asks for many details, Caesar suddenly spoke up saying, " prescribe her some vitamins or something, she's too skinny. " I gritted my teeth in exasperation and said, " I'm not skinny ." He said trying to tease me, " Don't you have a mirror ?" This time, I said with apparent anger, " this is out of your business " Keen quickly intervened between us before the situation got worse, and said, " Don't fight, please ." we looked at each other angrily, and after several instructions given to me by the doctor who was literally eating Caesar with her eyes, we got out of the hospital in the same way we entered and when we got to the parking area, he interrupted our laughing, clapping, I looked back, as did the rest, to find Caesar looking at us angrily, or rather at me, and said, " Your plan went well, didn't it? " " Don't start it, Caesar, please ," said Dimitry. " First Aiden and now both of you, was I the next in your line or what ?" he said angrily. " Who do you think you are to talk to me like that? " I shouted angrily. His eyes turned black in anger and said, " Don't play the role of innocence on me, I know your dirty intentions. " His words exceeded the highest of my expectations, and I stared at him in disbelief, and he continued while looking at me with contempt, " Isn't one enough for you, so you want all the four? " I couldn't stand it any longer, and I slapped him with all my strength, then said in a rage, " Don't you dare accuse me of this. " I moved from them to the street outside before he did anything, it seemed from his looks that he was about to kill me, Dimitry tried to stop me and I pushed his hand and shouted at him angrily, " Don't f*****g touch me, I don't want to see any of you again. " I got the first taxi I found in front of me and headed home crying at what that arrogant rude said to me, damn I hate home so f*****g much. I came home to find Mia waiting for me, but I ignored her and went into my room and continued my bout of crying until I fall asleep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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