Into his Arms

1713 Words
Alice's POV: He turned and looked at me with anger blazing in his eyes, my body shivered but I didn't show that to him, Aiden stood between us and said directly, " She's the one who saved me ." He laughed sarcastically and said in disbelief, " I'm supposed to believe this is a coincidence ." I furrowed my eyebrows and said, " What do you mean by that? " He put his hand in his pants pockets and looked at me with a clear accusing look and said, " Who helped you to plan this ?" Dimitry interjects, " Wow, this is a very serious accusation ." I held my hand in front of my chest and said, " I have nothing to do with the accident except that I saved him. Believe it or not, I don't care about what you think ." I swear I saw something flashing in his eyes, maybe it was my signal to leave before he did anything to me, his jaw tightened and his fist curled, and a throbbing vein of anger appeared in his neck " I'm the one who told her to come to the company, she will be my assistant ," said Keen. The rude stare at his brother in disbelief, Aiden quickly said, placing his hand on his shoulder, " I asked him to do it, she saved my life, Caesar. " his features immediately softened when he looked at Aiden, can a monster look at someone kindly, oh I'm wrong his angry looks came back when he looked at me, What's the f**k his problem with me, It's not like I took the forbidden fruit from him. Aiden increased his hand pressure and said, " For me, Caesar, please ." " Okay, " he said, then approached me, I held my breath in fear. He said, " One mistake, and you will see what I will do to you. " Then he returned to his desk and sat on the chair and said, " I expect you will be here at eight tomorrow. If I came and didn't find you, you will be punished, did I make myself clear. " " What? " I said in disbelief, then looked at Keen for help " She will come with me " said Keen, " so there is no need to set time for her " The rude leaned his back on the chair and said, " If she wants to work here, she will be my assistant, she can accept or refuse ." " Then I’ll say no, bye. " I went to the door, but that impudent laugh stopped me, then said, " As I expected, you can't work for my company even for a day. " I gritted my teeth angrily and turned to him and said, " Who do you think you are, to rate me in the first place? " " Caesar ," he said proudly and confidently. " Oh, you mean nobody, " I said, trying to tease him. He looked at me coldly, and with a look I didn't understand, he said, " The door is in front of you. You can run ." Damn this rude, someone should give him a lesson to discipline him, I eyed him with the same look he gave me and said, " Are you betting that you will lose ?" He straightened and said, " I agree, less than a month and you will leave ." I exhaled sarcastically and said, " You can only dream about it. " We looked at each other defiantly while his brothers preferred to remain silent and look at us as if it was a fight between two six-year-olds. Then I left the company and went to my car and when I sat in the car I took a deep breath and hit my head with the steering wheel, oh my God what did I do, I could have f*****g go, why I made this, that stupid arrogance would make my life an unbearable hell I shrieked in anger, then straightened and fixed my hair, he won't beat me, I'll show him, and then I went home. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The next morning I woke up tired again, did my morning routine, and checked my bruise to find it turned bluer, I didn't do anything after I got back yesterday, and I used all my ointments, I frowned, I hate hospitals, I don't want to go to one, I put the ointment again, then got dressed After that, which was a black formal suit and a white shirt, to make my move easier today, I put on black heels, styled my hair in a ponytail, used some make-up to hide the tiredness from my face, then took my bag and left. I arrived at the company ten minutes earlier, I smiled in victory, but my smile vanished when I entered the office and found that arrogant sitting waiting for me. He said, " You're late. " I said " I'm not, I came ten minutes early ." then he said " But you came after me ." I shrugged and said, " not my problem, you said at eight. " He smiled maliciously and then said, " Okay, fine ." Then he put a file in front of me and said, " These are the deals of this year and the previous two years. You should study them well. You will find the files of each deal in the archive. This is your task today ." I felt that something was wrong, the task couldn't be that easy, I asked " just that " He nodded, " Yeah, that's it ." I looked at him suspiciously and took the file and he added, " Sam will tell you where the archive is, you can go ." I nodded to him and then I walked out of the office and headed to Sam. she's that strange-glasses woman I saw the day of the interview. I smiled and said, " Good morning ." She looked at me over her strange glasses and said in her sharp tone, " Good morning. " " Can you tell me where the archive is, please? " I said solemnly. She looked at me strangely again and said, " Second floor ." " Where is it on the second floor? " I asked. She said impatiently, " The second floor is the archive ." I raised my eyebrow and said, " Oh." I took the elevator downstairs and when I got to the second floor the place was dark and there was a guard sleeping, he looks old, I called him a lot but he didn't wake up and his snort filled the place, I used my phone flash to find the light and turned on all the lights, to gasp after that in shock that made me freeze, Holy s**t, what is this? The place was full of dust and files on top of each other on shelves and on the floor and everywhere, it's not an archive it's an animal barn, I hit the floor angrily, I was sure something was wrong I took a deep breath, took off my jacket, and started arranging the files scattered on the floor first. I will show you, you bastard, that's why he was smiling like a maniac cow, Arrh I hate him After hours, literally hours Every bone in my body was groaning in pain, I arranged the whole place until I found those files he told me about, my white shirt turned gray from a lot of dirt in the place and when I finished I looked at my watch to see that I had skipped lunch and only two hours left until the workday end, I scratched my neck Exhausted, then sat at the desk and began reviewing deals one by one. When I finished, I found that the time had passed half an hour ago. I took the files back to where I had arranged them and used the ladder to go up to the top shelf. As I put the files in, a voice suddenly appeared behind me saying, " you're late " I gasped with fright which made me lose my balance, and before I fell to the ground I was picked up by two strong arms and I saw gray eyes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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