
Dear Alpha, Let me break your ego

second chance
enimies to lovers

"get out of my house"

I cried while my eyes shows my great anger at him, how could he..

he twisted his mouth and made himself comfortable in the chair as if I haven't yelled at him a moment ago

I gritted my teeth in anger and said " I said get out"

in a blink I was hitting the wall behind me and he was breathing hard, the fear appeared clearly in my eyes, he closed his eyes as if he is trying to control his anger, he leaned his head a little and I shivered from his cold breathing on my neck, then in a whisper he said " and I said you're mine"

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The Interview
Alice's POV: I was sitting in the waiting room with one leg above the other and shaking it bored, it had been two hours and my turn hadn't come yet, the door opened and another girl came out smiling, which made me burn with curiosity about what is happening inside makes the faces of the girls who come out turn red, I don't know exactly if it was from shyness, or from the powders they put on their faces like clowns, I mean I also put some powders, but not in this exaggerated form. My thoughts were interrupted by the banging of the lady's heels, she is in charge of the interviews, she is so strange woman with those odd glasses and her sharp eyebrows, and her thin lips and she also had a boy cut she said in a sharp tone, "Alessandra Trevelyan, you are next." I sighed with relief, finally, I straightened my formal dress and my long brown hair, and walked towards the room with my CV in my hand. I was filled with confidence, and why not, I studied at the best universities and had experience in a world-renowned company, and I always notice the admiring looks that everyone gave me when they lay their eyes on me, I had that distinctive beauty that every one is taking about, dark blue eyes, full binky lips, bale skin, a perfect body shape what else should woman have to be just perfect. I entered the room and found four men discussing something and they did not notice me. The first one on the right looked like he is the youngest of them, with blonde hair and green eyes, white skin with a straight nose and thin lips, and although his body is thin, he is clearly athletic, On the left are two men alike, apparently twins, both have brown hair, hazel eyes, and a small nose, but one of them has a round face and has a mole under his eye, They also differ in the lips shape, but both are athletic too, and in the middle, the fourth one was completely different from them, with dark brown hair and grey eyes, sharp jaw, straight nose, full lips, corny skin and as it appears from his broad shoulders and his shirt that shows his chest muscles that he trains a lot, I stopped pondering them and cleared my throat to make them notice my entrance, but they didn't. that teased me, but an idea occurred to me, so I stepped inside and closed the door forcefully. the loud sound stopped their discussion and the four of them turned to me. I smiled widely and headed to the chair in front of the desk and sat down and said, "Hello." "Who are you?" said the blonde. Before I could speak, one of the twins grabbed my CV and said, "Alessandra Trevelyan." I said "Alice is enough" He continued, "she is twenty-four, she studied at two different universities, and graduated with an honorary degree, oh cool." The other twin said, "Have you ever worked?" the first twin continued, "she worked for a year in a company ***** " Damn, why didn't he let me talk " Wow, a global company," said the blonde. The second twin said, "Then why did you come to work for us" “Some of my friends recommended this company for me, and you happened to need an assistant .” The first twin interrupted me with a question, I was starting to lose my patience, "Your friends recommend working here, it means that you don't know our company before." I nodded with no, "I came to the kingdom a few days ago, and I've never been here before." "You don't know, Gideon's sons," said the blonde in shock. Is this a royal title or what, I simply said "No" The first twin said, "Are you an alien?" I furrowed my eyebrows strangely and said, "I'm sure I'm human, are you?. " The other twin giggled and then said, "We're Gideon's sons, I'm Keen, and this is my twin Dimitry, on the right is my younger brother Aiden, and in the middle is my older brother Caesar." Oh, it's a person, I thought it was a statue, and the statue spoke, at last, saying, "You are rejected." Damn, what, I said in amazement, "What, why?" "Your years of experience are not enough," he said while leaning back. I sneered sarcastically, s**t, what's that excuse, Is he joking with me and before any one of us could say anything, a man ran into the room and said, "Mr. Caesar, there's a problem." That arrogant said, "What is it, Daniel?" Daniel gave him some papers and said, "The German company sent us a warning that we violated the terms." Caesar rose angrily, startled me, "What?" The other poor man shivered, saying, "As I told you, sir, these are the papers they faxed to us, and they also added that we should check the contract, it seems we forgot it." That arrogant hit the desk hard, oh my God, won't he calm down, My heart would stop in fear, Aiden was the closest to me, so I whispered to him, "What company is this?" He replied with a similar whisper, "It's the company that exports cosmetics to us." I held my hand in front of my chest and said, "What's the matter then?" He said, "Our men told my brother that their ships had docked two weeks ago in the port, but they did not inform us of their arrival until two days ago. My brother thought that their activity was suspicious, This is not the first time they do this, we have noticed this behavior on them several times, and when my brother confirmed their suspicious behavior, he did not receive it from them, and this according to the terms is a breach of the contract." I nodded with understanding and my mind automatically started looking for a way out, until an idea came to me and I said out loud, "I solve it." Everyone looked at me and I said calmly this time with a smile, "I have an idea." “Who allowed you to interfere in the first place?” said that rude, arrogant, garden statue. My smile vanished and I looked at him angrily. Then I took my CV and my bag and was about to walk out of the room before Dimitry grabbed my hand and said, “Wait, please, don’t mind him, you said you have an idea right" I looked at that rude but Keen stood in front of me and blocked him from seeing me and said, "If you have any solution please tell us." I sighed and said, "The solution is very simple." They paid attention to me and I said, "Aiden told me some details, so I know you suspect that they are doing some illegal work, so my solution will not be easy." "What do you mean by that?" said Keen. I put my bag and CV on the desk and then began to explain while moving my hands, "It's a shipment to bring cosmetics, right." "Yeah," said Dimitry. I smiled and then said, "It is known that cosmetics that come from faraway places come to the port with ships that are equipped with certain specifications, such as having huge refrigerators, isn't it?" "Wonderful," said the arrogant, "she explains what we already know." I ignored him and said, "So you can tell your lawyer to sue them for bad products." Daniel, "sorry, miss, but it's not rotten." I said innocently, "Why, didn't the refrigerators lose their power, so they didn't deliver the shipment two weeks ago?" Dimitry understood what I was throwing, he smiled at me, then said, pointing at me, "I loved her." Aiden furrowed his eyebrows and said in confusion, "But I didn't understand anything." Keen put his hand in his pants pocket and said with a smile, "The job is yours." That rude interjection said, "I've already rejected her, Keen." "But she found a solution, brother," said Dimitry. He took out several papers from his pocket, which turned out to be a chequebook, and filled one, then he came forward and put it in my file and said, "For your idea, you can go." I exhaled in apparent anger and pressed my hand to relieve my anger, but I could not stand it, so I grabbed the cheque and threw it in his face, and said, "Arrogant and rude, who do you think you are." His eyes turned black in anger, so I pulled out my bag and CV and walked out of the room before he did anything. Aiden and Dimitry tried to stop me because they thought I left angry, but I ran out of fear, damn it, he's so scary. I took my car home and after I got to my room I fell on the bed and exhaled tiredly, I put my hand on my face and his angry eyes appeared in front of me, so I rose with fear and my body shivered, oh my God, what is this, it does not matter, I will not see him again, I changed my clothes and started emptying the remaining boxes of my things and In the evening I decided to go out for a jog, it's nice here and it's not as hot as California was. I put on gym clothes and put my hair in a messy bun, then I put on a face mask, my MP3, headphones, also my phone and I didn't forget the house keys, then decided to run near the beach. I ran until I got tired and decided to rest a little on one of the seats, but I ended up remembering the past, but I was able to control my tears this time, so I decided to reward myself with some ice cream, I put my mask on again and then got up to go to the ice cream cart, and as I cross the street I heard a car tire rubbing the ground and someone standing in the middle of the road seemed to freeze from shock, so I ran with all my speed and hugged him, pushing the two of us onto the sidewalk away from the car. I felt a burning pain on my right side, but I held myself and got up to check on the person who fell with me. There was blood dripping from his head. He took off his face mask and kept coughing hard while the shock took hold of me, then I cried out "Aiden." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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