flying bullets

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Alice's POV: During the following days Aiden kept visiting me despite what happened and he didn't leave me even after I refused to open my door for him many times, and Keen also refused Mia to leave and insisted that she will stay with me until I completely recovered, I didn't insist too much on her going, she is a very nice and cheerful girl, and by the passage of these two weeks, I was used to having her around the house. At my last consultation appointment, I was surprised to find Keen, Dimitry and Aiden waiting for me in front of my house, they insisted that they will go with me to the doctor to check on my health, so we went together, my heart melted when Aiden showered the doctor with questions asking about my condition until he was sure that I'm fine, I love him so much, he became like my brother he is young but his acts like a man, better than that arrogant one. After we were done at the hospital, Aiden suggested we go get some ice cream, so we went to a restaurant near my house. As we ate, Keen said directly, " Alice, we need to talk ." I eyed him and said " what " He put his spoon down and said, " Dmitriy and I have been talking about what happened recently between you and Caesar. " Before I could say anything, he stopped me with his hand and said, " Before you get angry, we agree with you, my brother is rude and needs someone able to change him ." " Wait, what? " I looked at him surprised. " Don’t you want to make him pay back for what he said? " said Dimitry. " Yeah, but " Dimitry interrupted me, " No, but, I have set up a plan for this, in fact, Aiden helped me with it ." Aiden smiled at me wide, I looked at the three of them suspiciously, " What exactly do you want to do? " " You and I will pretend we are lovers, " said Dimitry. " How will this make him pay back, I don't get it " I said " Caesar has made it very clear that he doesn't like you, right? " Aiden said. I nodded and he continued, " imagine what his reaction will be when he knows that you are his brother's girlfriend, and with or without his consent, he will see you more than he looks at himself in the mirror ." " The only scene that came to my mind is that your brother is pushing me off a tower to get rid of me, " I said impulsively They laughed at my words, and Keen said, " He can't do that, especially with Dimitry. " " Why exactly Dmitriy? " I asked curiously " It's a long story, I will explain it to you, now the important thing is that I will accept nothing but your yes ." I looked at the three of them again thinking, then shrugged and said, " okay, I can give it a shoot, what are we going to do? " The enthusiasm appeared on Aiden's face quickly and began to explain to me what exactly I should do in the becoming days and by the end of the day we had agreed on everything and then they drove me home and left. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The next morning. My room was turned upside down, and Mia was standing next to me half-asleep. I woke her up at five in the morning to choose a suitable dress with me to wear for the day and after suffering from searching, we agreed on a caramel dress that reaches just above my knees and without sleeves, I could not wear heels today because The doctor still won't allow me to, so I put on flats, same color as the dress, and when I finished I went out of the house and texted Dimitry and he told me that they were still home, we agreed that I would go before them and we will meet in front of the elevator as a coincidence. I went into the company and waited as we agreed, and when they arrived, Dimitry texted me that they would enter now, so I quickly stood in front of the elevator. After a minute I heard Dimitry's voice calling my name, I turned smiling sweetly, while Caesar stood looking at me questioning, his eyes became intense when Dimitry hugged me and give me a cheek kiss, I couldn't take my eyes away from him, I was waiting for his reaction in fear, and I didn't wait long to know because he growled in anger saying " what's te f**k? " " What, oh, they're dating ," said Aiden. He turned to Aiden angrily, " What? " Then he looked at us and I took Dimitry's hand in fear, but he only looked at us and then headed to the elevator, I sighed in relief after he left, then I looked at them and said, " That's enough for today, guys ." Keen patted my shoulder and said, " Be brave little one, we're still at the beginning." I took a deep breath and then we went upstairs, and opposite to my expectations I had not run into him all day, I don't know if he intended to avoid me or if he was really busy. Keen and Dimitry taught me the basics I needed to know about work and it was very easy, and when lunch came I was waiting for him to come but he didn't show up either. It surprised me so much but I didn't ask about him, and the rest of the day passed without any sight of him and then Dimitry drove me home. I spent my evening with Mia and I didn't stop thinking about him, he's a very mysterious and strange person, and why all this anger towards me, can he just hate me for no reason, I got a message from Dimitry telling me that he would wait for me tomorrow as well as we did today, I replied him okay then I fell asleep. The next day, Mia was completely asleep on my bed surrounded by all my clothes because I didn't know again what to wear, finally, I chose jeans, a summer shirt and sneakers, and when I went to the company to meet them, Caesar ignored me completely, he didn't even look at me, and this didn't surprise just me, but The rest as well, and the day passed the same routine as yesterday, as well as the next two days, and on the third day Dimitry decided to change the plan and invited us all to lunch in a famous restaurant, belonging to one of Caesar's friends named Jose. Dimitry called him and arranged with him that Jose himself would invite Caesar so that he wouldn't refuse the invitation. For the first time in days, Caesar was surprised by seeing me, but again he did not speak and completely ignored me as usual, Aiden started talking to me on several topics, I completely forgot everything about the rest and we kept laughing until one of Aiden's friends interrupted us, who came with the rest of his companions to the restaurant, so Aiden excused and went to sit with them, Keen talked to me a little about work until he got an important phone call about work and came out to answer, and before I start talking to Dimitry, one of the restaurant workers came and told him that there was someone in the parking area complaining about Dimitry's car, I held Dimitry's hand so that he wouldn't go and leave me alone with Caesar, but he whispered to me that he would come back Soon, and after he was gone, I began to get nervous and I scratched my neck and drank a lot of water, but to Caesar, it was as if he was sitting alone, he hadn't uttered a word since we came here. While we were sitting silently, Jose, the owner of the restaurant, came and greeted Caesar, as well as me. He kept joking with Caesar a little, and suddenly he sat beside me and took my hand in his hands and said with a smile, " My lady, what do you think of my restaurant? " I was very confused and tried to pull my hand, but he was holding it tightly, so I said, " wonderful Of course, thank you for inviting us ." He giggled and said as he push my hair behind my ear, " honey. If I knew you were coming, I'd have attended a special reception ." Damn where is Dimitry now, someone help me please, I shivered when someone put his hand on my shoulder, I turned to find Caesar smiling at me, I looked at him shocked at what he was doing, he grabbed Jose's hand that was holding my hand and said, " Where's your new tattoo you didn't show it to me ?" Jose laughed nervously and rolled up his sleeve to show Caesar the tattoo, so I took the opportunity and told them I was going to check on Dimitry because he was too late, and then I ran outside with my hand on my heart, which was beating fast with fear. When I arrived at the parking, Dimitry was standing with someone who looked like a guard and yelled at him angrily. I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. The man was very confused by my presence and stuttered apologizing to Dimitry and then ran fast even though Dimitry was shouting at him to stop, I stood in front of Dimitry trying to calm him down I said " Calm down, just calm down and tell me what happened. " He said angrily, " Someone smashed my windshield and this i***t was standing here and did nothing. " And when I turned to see the glass, a light flashed in my eyes, so I turned again to avoid the light, I noticed a red dot clearly visible on Dimitry's chest. I yelled at him as I pulled him to the ground, " s**t, get down! " A few seconds later, two bullets went off, destroying the windshield of the car in front of us, Dimitry protected me while I screamed from the sound of shattering glass. The shooting stopped for a few seconds, allowing Dimitry to get out his phone and call Caesar and tell him what happened quickly, While he was talking on the phone, a bullet was fired, smashing the windshield of Dimitry's car directly above us, I screamed in fear, so Dimitry hugged me again, and the phone fell from his hand on the ground, it was calm again, and Dimitry said, " We have to move ." " How are we going to do that ?" I said trembling. He grabbed my hand and said, " I'll be right behind you. we will run as fast as we could behind the cars, just keep your head down, okay. " " Dmitriy, I'm so scared ," I said in horror, he kissed my head, " you will be okay I promise. " He grabbed my hand and said, " Ready. " I nodded " go go go " he shouted as he pushed me in front of him, we ran behind the cars and the shooting didn't stop for a second until we had to hide between two cars again and the glass around us was smashed too and I'm still screaming in terror as Dimitry surrounds me, oh my God, they will kill us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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