The Elevator Scene

2120 Words
The gunshot stopped and Alice was still holding Dimitry so tightly and she was crying and trembling while Dimitry was cursing his luck that he didn't notice the trap he had been put in, and he knew he had to move now before the car they were hiding behind exploded from the many bullets hitting it, he grabbed Alice's face and said " We have to move now, okay? " " How are we going to do that if we move now, they might be able to kill us ," she said. " see that truck in front of us ," said Dimitry. she nodded, and he continued, " We'll pass under it okay, a few minutes, and my brothers and their men will be here , but we have to move now because that car won't handle any more bullets ." Dimitry helped her crawl out from under the truck and he was behind her until they crossed to the other side, then they quickly got up and Dimitry hugged her again, minutes passed like years for both of them until they heard the sound of many cars coming to their place, then the sound of many people's footsteps, Followed by Caesar's voice calling out their names, Dimitry sighed in relief, then pulled Alice out of his embrace and said while gently placing his hand on her face, " see, they're here, it's all right now. " He almost moved from behind the truck and he was shot in the shoulder, so Alice screamed loudly as they both turned back again, they sat on the ground and she pressed her trembling hands on his wound to stop his bleeding as possible as she could. A car stopped in front of the truck they were hiding behind, and Keen quickly got out of it and helped Dimitry get into the car, Alice's feet were no longer able to carry her and she could not go behind them, Keen shouted for her several times to come to him but before he got out of the car to get her Caesar signaled him to go quickly, he closed the door and drive away. Caesar went to Alice, who was looking at her hand which was covered in blood and trembling with terror. He grabbed her face and prevented her from looking at her hand and said, " Look at me, you're fine, it's okay " " He was hit, oh my God, they killed him ," she said between her sobs. Her condition was so bad, he didn't know what to do, so he pulled her into his arms, and she burst into tears, and when he wanted to help her stand up for them to get into the next car, she couldn't bear and faint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caesar took Alice to the Pack doctor to check on her, as well as the condition of his brother, whose body began to recover quickly as if he had never been injured after the doctor took the bullet out of his shoulder without any damage, but he had to put a splint on the order of Caesar because he couldn't explain his being a werewolf to Alice in this situation. Two hours later, Alice woke up and looked at the place around her strangely, but Mia noticed that she is awake and called the doctor, he entered the room and Aiden behind him, after she regained her memories, she got up and asked about Dimitry, but the doctor told her that it was only a superficial wound, but she insisted on seeing him, and the doctor hardly checks her out before Aiden helps her go to Dimitry's room. She sighed with relief when she saw that he was fine, and they both hugged and said, " Oh my God, you're fine ." Dimitry chuckled nervously and said, " Don't worry, it's a small scratch. " Then he tossed her hair and said, " Thanks to my first rescuer, of course ." Alice smiled at him, then said with a worried expression, " Who wanted to do this to you ?" But Caesar's voice interrupted her, who said, " it's out of your business little one ." " Here comes the spoiler ," she whispered. " I heard you ," he said, trying to tease her. She shrugged indifferently, " That's better. " He muttered, " such a kid. " " I heard you ," she said angrily. He said while he was trying to imitate her, " That's better. " Dimitry interjected, " Won't you stop quarreling? ." They both said, " No ." " By the way, thank you ," said Alice suddenly, looking everywhere except for Caesar's face. He said, " what, I didn't hear you ." " Thank you, you hear it now, " she said loudly. He smiled triumphantly at her, then said, " That's good ." She murmured, " rude and arrogant ." Then they quarrel again and Dimitry tries to stop them, but he can't. After Alice was reassured about Dimitry's condition for the hundredth time, Keen drove her home with Mia, and said goodbye to her until they meet tomorrow at the company because she refused to take a day off despite everything she had been through today. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The next morning, Alice put on a blue formal suit, left her hair loose, and was content with lipstick and eyeliner, as usual. She did not spend much time getting dressed, as today she will return as an apprentice with Caesar, as they had agreed together yesterday. Alice arrived at the company and then went to the elevator , she was surprised that Caesar was standing inside. He moved a little as a sign that she could enter too. She said, " Good morning ." He replied with a nod and did not speak. As the door closed, Alice rolled her eyes in boredom, then looked at him and said directly, " Why do you hate me so much, what did I do to you? " The elevator moved and Caesar did not speak, so she shoved him in the arm, he looked at her warningly, and she held her arms in front of her chest and said, " At least give me a convincing answer. " He sighed and said briefly, " I just don't like women ." She gasped and said, " Oh my God, are you gay? " Then she put her hand on her mouth, he looked at her while he was cursing, she giggled and then said, " I didn't expect this. " Then she pointed at him and said, " Looking at this many muscles, this was surprising ." He looked at her angrily and said, " Haha, very funny, I'm not gay, little one. " She giggled again and said, " Yeah, yeah, as you say ." He hit the elevator stop button hard, then turned to her and trapped her between his hands and the wall behind her and said, " Do you want me to prove this to you? " Alice held her breath from his sudden proximity, and her heartbeat increased, while his eyes sinks into hers and he was approaching her unconsciously, until she closed her eyes and turned her face to the other side, Caesar regained control of himself and cleared his throat, then moved away from her and put the elevator start button again. Alice's cheeks blushed completely from what happened a while ago and she couldn't look at him again, nor talk to him, and she remained silent until the elevator reached the right floor. Caesar walked into the office first, Alice followed him cautiously, then he sat on his desk and said, " Sam will give you a file for today's deal, study it well and try to find the flaw in the contract they sent before we go to sign it together ." " No archive today, right? " said Alice, smiling broadly. Caesar couldn't help but smile, then said, " No archive today ." She nodded and ran to Sam hurriedly, while Caesar was looking at her with a smile, but quickly turned himself from what he was doing and then focused on the work. The day passed without any events to remember except for some looks that they were stealing at each other without any one noticing, and after work was over, Alice decided to go visit Dimitry and check on him, Mia gave her the address of the house last night, so she didn't need to ask for Caesar's help to go there. Alice arrived in her car to what looked like a large palace, the guard recognized her immediately and opened the door for her. She got inside and she was looking around in admiration. She had never seen a palace of this beauty before. It was similar to the old palaces in the faction novels. She asked one of the guards who got to know her too about Dimitry's place, and he told her that he was in the gym, she furrowed her eyebrows strangely, how could he goes to the gym when he has a shoulder injury. One of the guards brought her to the gym attached to the palace and left her to return to his place of guard, so she began to check the place around her first before pushing the door and going inside. she heard their voices inside so she followed it and then stood completely shocked when she saw Dimitry and Keen training topless, and Dimitry's body completely intact without any trace of the bullet which hit him yesterday, and her question did not last long, Dimitry spoke of himself when he stopped to drink water and said, " I have to tell Alice the truth, I don't want to lie to her about my injury, and I also don't want to wear that splint again ." Keen replied, " What are you going to say to her then, oh sorry Alice, I have a quick recovery because I'm a werewolf, and so are my brothers ." Alice gasped in shock, causing them to turn to her and said, " You are what ?" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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