Her life in danger

1857 Words
Dimitry asked anxiously, noticing what was happened to Alice " Alice, what's wrong with you ?" causing Keen to turn to see what was going on. Alice was breathing heavily as her eyes turned around and the memories started to run in her mind like flames, Keen put his hand on her shoulder to make her pay attention to them but she pushed his hand hard and yelled at him to get away from her, Keen and Dimitry looked at each other anxiously and wondering, they both didn't understand what suddenly happened to her. Sam interrupted them again asking for Keen and Dimitry to come to Caesar's office quickly, Keen told Dimitry to stay with her and he was going to cover him, Dimitry nodded and moved toward Alice cautiously as he tried to talk to her to make her calm down a bit, while her body started trembling as she breathed harder and put her hand on her hair as if she was hiding from something she was afraid of. Keen went to Caesar's office who was bringing some papers and giving them to Sam as well as some other orders, and when he saw Keen he said angrily, " Where have you been all this time and where is Dimitry ?" Keen got nervous as he said, " Alice is not feeling well so Dimitry is with her now. " Caesar angrily hit the papers on the desk and said loudly, " There is no time for him to play with his girlfriend, we have work to do, and William is about to be here. I told you she's useless, now she's holding him too ." " Caesar, this isn't a game, " Keen said with justification. " She's really sick. You haven't seen her face ." " Okay I will see it then ," Caesar said as he moved from in front of Keen to Alice's office, while Keen was trying to stop him from going because she has no power to fight him, but he was determined to go and Keen couldn't stop him. Caesar opened the door of Alice's office violently and was about to yell at them, but he was shocked when he saw Alice, who was sitting on the floor and crying hard while putting her hand on her ear and her body trembling, while Dimitry was trying to stop her from what she was doing but he couldn't. he said to Dimitry, " What happened, what's wrong with her? " Dimitry " I don't really know, she hasn't stopped crying and shivering like that, and I don't know what to do ." Caesar approached them and called her name several times, but she did not stop what she was doing, so he pulled her hand to force her to look at him and said, " Look at me ." she looked at him in despair, and her sobs increased, then he said, " Talk to me ." " Help me. " She only said this word and kept repeating it, and they still did not understand what had happened to her. Caesar pulled her into a hug and she held him tightly. She remained like this for a while until she calmed down and stopped crying. Caesar turned to Dimitry and told him to take her home, he immediately hold her and helped her to walk until they reached the elevator, then to the car, and then headed to her apartment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . While Alice and Dimitry were heading to Alice's, Dimitry was trying to talk to her to get her out of that bad mood, but she was completely exhausted and gave him simple answers to his questions until they arrived, and Dimitry insisted to go upstairs with her, so Alice took his hand and leaned on him until they went up. they found the apartment door a little open, Dimitry looked at the door strangely and said, " Mia's home, right? " Alice nodded and said, " Why is the door open then? " Dimitry sensed something wrong and said, " Wait for me here. " " What is it? " Alice began to wake a little, Dimitry said, " Don’t worry. " Then he pushed the door with his hand a little lightly and looked inside cautiously, to hear moaning coming from inside, " What is that sound? " Alice said from behind him. He said, " Don’t come, Alice, wait for me here, please. " But Alice didn't listen to him and said worriedly as she pushed the door, " I want to know what that sound is ." she gasped loudly in shock when she saw her apartment turned upside down and there were so many broken things, Dimitry grabbed her quickly before she lose her balance, and she said in horror, " Oh my God, what happened here ?" " Stay behind me and don't touch anything ," Dimitry said with an order. Alice didn't hesitate to hold him by his clothes in fear, and then Dimitry followed the sound of moaning to find it coming from the room on the left they came in to find Mia lying on the floor and blood covering her, Alice screamed her name as she ran to her, Dimitry yelled at her not to move her while he called the ambulance to come quickly to come to take Mia to the hospital. After they arrived, Alice went with her while Dimitry followed them in his car after telling Keen and Caesar what had happened. Alice didn't let go of Mia's hand until she entered the emergency room and then stood waiting outside with Dimitry and did not stop crying because she was concern about Mia, and after a while Caesar came with Keen to the hospital. Caesar was the first to ask and said, " Where is she? " Dimitry " In operations, she had several broken ribs and had internal bleeding that they were trying to stop it. " Keen leaned over to Alice and said, patting her hair, " It's okay, she'll be fine. " But she couldn't control herself and burst into tears as Keen hugged her and patted her hair to calm down, while Caesar took Dimitry to the other side of the hall away from Alice and said, " Didn't you find anything there ?" Dimitry took out a small piece of paper from his pocket on which someone wrote a note and Caesar read it, " You won't find her next time ." Caesar furrowed his eyebrows angrily, " How did they know it was her? " Dimitry " I don't know, but since they thought Mia was Alice and did that, I don't think they knew her face ." Caesar looked at Alice, who was still sobbing in Keen's arms, " How is she? " Dimitry looked at her and said, " Totally collapsed, I still don't know what happened to her earlier, and now what happened with Mia, it's too much for her to deal with " Caesar looked at her silently. " What are we going to do now ?" Dimitry said. Caesar, " You're going to take her to the palace now, until we find a solution. " Dimitry " you know she wouldn't agree to that ." Caesar looked at him sternly and said, " This is not a trip to ask for her opinion. The price is her life. You will take her to the palace, even if by force, this is not a joke ." Dimitry, " but ," Caesar interrupted him, " If you don't, I will ." Then he moved to Alice and Dimitry behind him, Caesar stood in front of Alice and extended his hand to her, saying, " Come on, you'll come with me ." She looked at him strangely, " Where ?" " You can't stay here any longer. You'll come with me ." Then he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of Keen's arms. Before anyone could speak, he was dragging her behind him. Keen and Dimitry moved as if they were about to go after them, but they hold still until Alice and Caesar left. Keen said, " Mia's accident wasn't expected, but I think it was a stronger motive than what you had planned. " " Shall I go and stop him from taking her ?" said Dimitry. Keen " No, not this time. If you do, he will back off. " Keen then took out his phone and called Aiden, and when he answered he said, " Aiden told Sophia to prepare the room next to Caesar's room. " " Why ," said Aiden, " is any of Caesar's friends will come? " " No, it's Alice ," said Dimitry. " Oh My God, Really, how, what happened ?" Aiden shouted excitedly. Keen " We'll explain to you later, run fast, they're on their way ." Aiden, " you got it ." Keen then hung up the phone and went with Dimitry after that to see the doctor who took care of Mia's condition, to help them take her to their hospital, so that they could take care of with people they trusted and so that she will be safer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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