Action Queen

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The blonde stood in front of Alice looking at her with contempt, while Alice looked at her strangely, looking at the hour when she broke into her house. Alice held her hand in front of her chest and looked at her from top to toe in a way that provoked the blonde and said, " Who are you to break into my house like that? " " Silvia Gideon ," the blonde sneered sarcastically, then said arrogantly. Alice furrowed her eyebrows strangely, she had never heard her name before, she continued, " you know who I am then ." Alice simply said, " No, I've never heard of you ." Silvia gritted her teeth in anger and grabbed Alice by the hair, then said, " Did I teach you a lesson to behave ?" Mia quickly intervened when Alice screamed because Silvia was pulling her hair, but she couldn't push her away. Alice was trying to pull her hand away, but she was holding her hair tightly. " I don't know who your husband is, leave me, are you crazy ?" She pressed her hand into her hair, " You think you'll be able to lie to me? I saw you in company with him in the morning ." This time, with Mia's help, Alice was able to push Silvia away from her. " Speak like a human and tell me who you mean or I'll call the police ," Alice said angrily, while brushing her hair away from her face. " I'm talking about Caesar Gideon, " Silvia said, putting her hand on her waist. Alice giggled nervously and said, " That arrogant rude. " Silvia wanted to attack her again, but Mia stood between them. " Don't you dare talk about him that way ," Silvia said angrily. " I talk as I want ," said Alice, trying to tease her. " It's not you who's going to tell me how to talk ." Then she grabbed her phone and called the police while Mia was still holding Silvia so she wouldn't reach Alice again. After Alice called the police and told them that someone had attacked her in her house, Silvia went crazy and grabbed Alice's shoulder and tried to hit her until she got several scratches on her hands and neck, minutes passed and two policemen came to Alice's house, They managed to catch Silvia and handcuff her and then went to the police station, followed by Alice and Mia, who had been trying to call Keen often but his phone was off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . They arrived at the police station and Silvia was still making a fuss that they would regret and that they did not know who she is and vowed to Alice that she would see what she will do to her when the handcuffs on her hand were removed, while Alice and Mia sat in front of the policeman and Alice told him what happened in detail, and Mia confirmed Alice's words despite her fear of what Keen will do when he finds out what happened. The policeman looked at Alice with clear admiration, and he brought a first-aid kit and tried to bandage her wounds on her hand, and in the meantime, Caesar was entering the police station, the other policeman called him because Silvia told him that he was her guardian. Caesar's eyes became hard when he entered the police station and found the policeman holding Alice's hand and putting bandages on it, he approached them and said seriously, as he gave his ID to the policeman, " Caesar Gideon ." Alice turned, cursing her luck, because Caesar was the one who came and not one of his brothers. Caesar gave her an angry look before turning his eyes back to the policeman who welcomed him and told him to sit on the chair next to Alice The policeman explained to him what had happened, so Caesar asked him to leave him to talk to Alice privately. After the policeman left them to go get Silvia, Caesar said to Alice with an angry whisper, " I'm tired of you and your childish behavior. " She exhaled sarcastically and said with similar anger, " Is it my fault that your wife came to my house to beat me and threaten me ?" Caesar furrowed his eyebrows and said, " She's not my wife ." Alice " I don't care about your family matters " Then she raised her hand to show him the scratches on her and her neck and said, " Look what she did to me, should I wait until she kills me so that I don't be childish ." A look of concern appeared in Caesar's eyes, which quickly disappeared as he examined the scratches on her neck and hand. Then he said, " Why didn't you call me instead of the police ?" She shrugged, " Mia called Keen and his phone was off ." Caesar pulled Alice's phone off her lab, dialled his number, and said, " Save it too ." Alice looked at him confused but she didn't say anything, after that the policeman brought Silvia, who was still threatening the policeman, but Caesar gave her a look that silenced her, then resolved the situation between them and sent Silvia with the driver to the house while he drove Alice and Mia to her home himself despite her objection. Alice walked into the house, still not understanding Caesar's actions, and muttered, " He's really a strange person, I don't really understand him ." " What is it? " Mia said. Alice " His behavior changes like the weather, sometimes he hates me and sometimes he worries about me, sometimes he doesn't want me near him, and now he asks me to save his phone number to call him if I get in trouble, I don't really get it " Mia patted her on the shoulder and then said, " He doesn't really hate you, believe me. He went through many things that made him lose trust in people. When you know him closely, you'll understand what I mean. " Alice swam in her thoughts at what Mia had said and then they both went to their rooms to go to sleep after such a long, hard day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The next day Alice was sitting in her office finishing some work assigned to her by Caesar when Keen walked in, followed by Dimitry, and then Dimitry said, " Welcome, Action Queen ." Alice giggled at his word, leaving what was in her hand, and Keen said, " Alice at the police station, I was burning to see this ." Alice " It's all thanks to you guys, since I met you and I feel like my life has turned into a Hollywood movie ." They both laughed, and Alice said, " Who is Silvia Gideon anyway ?" Dimitry " She's our cousin, she's a little deranged, but we can handle her ." Alice raised her bandaged hand and said sarcastically, " Yes, I saw that ." " We're so sorry ," said Dimitry, patting her hand with regret. Alice smiled at them and said, " It's okay, it's not your fault ." " We want to thank you in the first place ," said Keen, " because you accepted our truth, and did not see us as monsters ." Alice tapped him lightly on the shoulder and said, " You are my friends, idiots, this was a little shocking and a little fanciful but it's a fact that can't be changed, so I can do nothing but accept it. " They both smiled at her gratefully, Sam interrupted them with a knock on the door and then said, " Mr. Keen, Mr. Dimitry Mr. Caesar is looking for you for the next meeting ." " Oh, I forgot about that ," said Keen. " Okay, Sam. Tell him that we're coming ." " what meeting, he didn't tell me " said Alice. Dmitriy exhaled annoyed and said, " It's a complicated deal that has been going on for months and hasn't ended, I almost choked on it ." Alice " why, what is the matter " Keen " that old man, William Miller, he's not satisfied with anything, not even Caesar's decisions, but we are compelled to cooperate with him. " the name came down on her like a thunderbolt, her face turned pale, her ears started buzzing, and she didn't hear anything from what Keen or Dimitry was saying, as if she had been dragged into another world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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