Tour In Gideon's Palace

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Caesar was dragging Alice behind him to his car and she kept asking him what was going on or where they were going, but he didn't answer her. When they got to his car, she pulled her hand from his, but he didn't leave her hand, so he turned to her and said, " I told you, we'll move first, and then we'll talk. " " I'm not moving until you tell me what's going on, or at least where we're going, I'm not your pet to drag me behind you like that ," she said excitedly. He furrowed his eyebrows and said slightly angrily, " No time for your emotions now, kitten, we have to go ." Then he opened the car door and made her sit in the seat next to the driver, while she buffed in anger and held her hand in front of her chest while looking at him with hatred. And after Caesar got in too, and they drove off, Alice couldn't stop her stubbornness and kept repeating, " Tell me where we're going. " Finally he said shouting, " To our palace, now shut up and let me watch the road ." She shivered from his high tone, but she didn't stop talking and said, " Why are we going to the palace, I don't want to go " He stared at her angrily, then looked back at the road and said, " I really don't know how you passed your school years with all this stupidity ." She punched him on the shoulder and was about to argue with him, but he stopped her and said, " Be quiet for a while, please ." she noticed that he was looking at the mirror a lot, so she looked at where he was looking to find a black car following them " Hold tight " . Caesar said it, and she did as what he said without discussion, and he drove at a high speed while overtaking the cars in front of him, but after several minutes he found that the car had disappeared from behind him, so he returned to a normal speed and they were near the palace already, He did not speak to Alice again and she was satisfied with silence until they arrived, and when the car reached the palace, Alice saw that Aiden was waiting for them, and when she got out of the car, Aiden quickly approached her and hugged her, Caesar signaled to him to take her inside and he remained out making several calls. After Alice entered the palace, Aiden told her that they had prepared a room for her upstairs, and she went up with him to see the room. The room was large in size, but its furniture was simple and modern, and it had a large balcony overlooking the back garden, and the room was attached to a private bathroom as well as a dressing room, Alice looked at the room with obvious astonishment, then lay on the bed and Aiden sat next to her. Aiden kept telling her about the arrangements of the room and how he prepared it, and when she didn't answer him. He looked at her to find that she had fallen asleep, he covered her. Then went downstairs to find Caesar in his office. He entered the office and then said, " what's up, brother. " Caesar left what was in his hand and looked at him and said, " Hey, where is she? " Aiden " Oh, Alice, she fell asleep, she must be so tired after all that happened today. " Caesar put his hand under his chin and said, " and you know what happened ?" Aiden got nervous and said, " Of course, my brothers told me ." " Aiden, " Caesar stressed the letters of his name as he called him. " Tyler told me what happened ," Aiden said submissively, " I know you're not going to tell me. " Then he straightened his clothes and said proudly, " so I have my own sources too ." Caesar couldn't help but smile at him, then said cautiously, " you have to stay out of this, do you understand. " Aiden saluted his brother, then said, " Sir, yes, sir. " Caesar laughed at him and said, " Now go, I have to work ." Aiden went to his room while Caesar kept thinking about what happened, and also about the car that was following them, and it was only one hour until Keen and Dimitry came to his office and share the information they had and what each of them did, and then everyone headed to his room. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The next morning Alice awoke to find the room was full of sunlight. She furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance at the light. Then Aiden's voice woke her up saying, " Wake up, lazy, it's midday ." She covered her face and said in a drowsy voice, " A little more, I'm so tired. " But Aiden didn't leave her and jumped on the bed beside her, then said, " Come on, Alice, it's one o'clock and you're still asleep. " She opened her eyes in shock, " What? " He said while showing her the hour on his phone, " You have been sleeping for about fourteen hours ." She got out of bed and said, " Why didn't you wake me up early? " He shrugged, " Caesar's orders ." She was about to go to the bathroom but stood in the middle and messed her hair saying, " My things aren't here ." Aiden " Oh, Sophia brought you some clothes, you'll find them in the bathroom, and I'll wait for you downstairs to eat together. " Alice smiled at him and he headed downstairs and she headed to the bathroom. After she finished, she went downstairs to be directed by one of the staff to the dining room where Aiden was waiting for her. After they had eaten, Aiden offered to give her a tour around the palace, and she agreed immediately because she had been fascinated by the palace and wanted to see all of it. The first floor had the staff’s rooms and Caesar’s office, and the dining room where they sat, there was a large table that was sufficient for all the family members. Next to that room was another room for sitting, and it was exactly as she imagined it had chairs and sofas it looks like it's covered in gold, as if they brought it from the royal eras, but it also in a modern form, and there was a Crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and long windows that filled the room with sunlight, in addition to a large door behind it, a corridor that leads to the kitchen, to facilitate the movement of workers, and in the middle of the hall outside a staircase that leads to the upper floors, the second floor had several rooms, including Aiden's and his brothers rooms and three other rooms, one of them where Alice slept yesterday and the two were closed, and she was surprised that her room was beside Caesar’s room, as for the third and fourth floors were filled with rooms for other family members, and there was a special annex on the western side of the palace with rooms dedicated to visitors from outside the family, as on the other side was the gym that Alice saw before, and she saw the whole garden, it had a large swimming pool and a basketball court, and there was a place designated for parking cars. Finally, Alice noticed what looked like a small house far from them, Aiden told her that it was Caesar's, and that no one was allowed to go to it, even him or his brothers, Alice didn't care about the house and preferred not to ask about it again, and then she and Aiden sat in the garden, tired of walking around the whole palace, and then Alice asked about Mia and how is she, Aiden told her that she had been taken to the family hospital so that she could be safer, and told her that she could visit her soon when Caesar would allow it, and while they were talking a voice came from behind them saying, " You again ." Alice recognized who the voice owner was, and she said while clenching her teeth in anger, " as if the sky hates me, as it wasn't enough for them so they sent that melon head too. " Aiden couldn't hold back his laughter and said, " Hi melon head, I mean Silvia ." she said in an angry high pitch, " What did you say now? " " Oh, my God ," said Alice scornfully. " her voice is so annoying, it sounds like a choking pig. " Silvia grabbed Alice by the arm hard, to make her stand up and face her, then said " say it again ," . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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