Sneaking glances

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Alice and Silvia stood looking at each other angrily while Silvia grabbed Alice's arm tightly. Aiden tried to interfere between them, but Silvia put her hand in front of him to stop him, saying, " I don't want to hurt you, kid, stay out of it ." But Aiden was adamant and tried to grab Silvia's hand away from Alice. " Leave us a little, Aiden, please, " Alice said to him gently, not showing the pain she was feeling because of Silvia's fist. " But, " before he could continue, Alice interrupted him with a smile, " it’s a girls’ talk, it won’t last long, don’t worry ." Aiden looked at her hesitantly, not wanting to leave her with Silvia alone, but she encouraged him with her eyes to go, and after he was gone, she turned to look at Silvia with great anger and said coldly, " Would you take your hand away, wolf? " Silvia was shaken, her fist loosened slightly from the surprise, and she said in shock, " Who told you that ?" Alice pulled her arm from Silvia's hand and said, " Who do you think? " Silvia gritted her teeth angrily. " you liar " Alice sat on the chair again, shrugged her shoulders and said, " Ask him yourself. " Silvia's eyes glowed as she looked at Alice with malice, and before her fangs and claws came out, Caesar's voice stopped her from behind, " Don't you even think about that ." Alice got up from her seat and ran to get behind Caesar quickly she was terrified that Silvia will harm her, Silvia tried to grab her from behind him, but Caesar wrapped Alice with one hand and the other hand pushed Silvia back, she looked at him in shock, " you stand with her against me? " " I won't let you hurt her ," Caesar said angrily. Silvia snorted, " It was her who started first. " Caesar " with words, Silvia, not with claws and fangs ." Alice came out from behind him suddenly and said, accusingly pointing at Silvia, " Liar, I didn't start it, Aiden saw that too, she pulled me hard by the arm first ." Caesar, " Where did he go? " Alice: " I told him to go inside, she clearly threatened him, I couldn't let him stand between us. " Caesar looked at Silvia angrily, " you did what? " Silvia tensed up and took a step back, frightened by Caesar's gaze. " Not as you understood it, I swear. I told him to stay away because he was defending her, and I didn't want to hurt him ." " go to your house, Silvia, we will talk about this later " Caesar said threateningly. " Caesar I, " but he shouted at her, " Move ." They were both startled by his voice, Sylvia moved quickly to her car, while Alice stood in front of him, secretly praying so that all his anger would not be poured out on her, but against her expectations, Caesar said calmly, " Did she do something to you? " " Excuse me, what ?" Alice said in disbelief. " I mean Silvia, " Caesar repeated. " Oh, nothing, don't worry ." she laughed nervously, Caesar raised his eyebrows and said, " I warned you about Silvia before, and now I'm warning you again because she's a fiery wolf and she gets angry easily, so don't try to tease her again ." Alice blushed, " Did you hear what happened? " He smirked and said, " What do you exactly mean ?" She stammered trying to find an appropriate answer, but Dimitry's voice interrupted them, saying, " Hey Alley. " Alice sighed in relief and went to Dimitry and hugged him, Caesar looked at them, a look that Dimitry understood, but Alice did not see him, then he left them and headed inside, while Alice and Dimitry remained in the garden for a while, they talked a little, then she went with him to the hospital to visit Mia, and after she was assured that Mia is a little fine She went with Dimitry and some of the guards to her house to get her clothes and things, and then they returned to the palace. Alice was arranging her things in the room and then began to remember what happened today and Caesar's looks at her and his defense, she smiled automatically and said to herself, " He's not really a monster, he's sometimes nice. " But she paid attention to what she was saying and rebuke herself about what she was doing, then returned to arrange her things, and after she finished, she went to the balcony to sit a little and enjoy the fresh air, but the atmosphere was calm and comfortable, so she fell asleep on the sofa on the balcony. Caesar was sitting in his room doing some work, and he heard Alice's balcony door open then closed, and he heard her steps moving until she sat on the sofa, he was fully focused with her movement, so he heard her humming with a melody of a song, then calmed down after that, he left what was in his hand and went out to the balcony to find her sleeping quietly, he couldn't stop himself from contemplating her while she was sleeping, as it was difficult for him to do that while she looked at him with her ocean eyes, which he finally admitted to himself that he felt like he was drowning inside it. The air stirred her hair, and she furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance, but she did not wake up. Caesar sighed from his conflicting feelings, and her question that she asked him in the elevator pumped into his mind, why did he hate her so much, does he really hate her? Questions piled up inside his mind but he couldn't find an answer to any of them, and he didn't feel himself when he jumped onto her balcony lightly as not to wake her, then he carried her quietly, and took her inside to put her on her bed, then covered her well and before he touched her face, the fact that she and Dimitry were dating hit him, he furrowed his eyebrows angrily at himself and then went out to the room like lightning, and jumped off the balcony while he turned into his wolf and ran into the woods with all his speed. Keen and Dimitry were watching what was happening without Caesar noticing them, and Keen said, " We have to tell him it was a hoax ." Dimitry, " don't rush brother, let's leave him like this for a bit. " Keen " If we leave him any longer, he will back off, Dimitry, didn't see how he looks at her. " Dimitry looked at him thoughtfully, then said, " I have an idea ." keen " what " Dimitry smiled wide and said, " Don't you think it's time for our favorite little wolf to come back? " Keen " You don't mean that right ." Dimitry " Come on, Keen, if we're sure that Caesar has fallen for her, we'll have to see if Alice's feelings are moved too ." Keen, " but you will blow things up in this way " Dimitry shrugged, " It will be okay with some action ." Keen looked at where Caesar's wolf ran and then at Alice's balcony and said, " Let's try then ." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The next morning Alice insisted to go with them to work, and took no time to convince them, she went with Dimitry in his car, and before she could tell that everything was back to normal, Caesar was back to ignore her again, he even gave her the orders with Sam, Alice spent her morning wondering why he came back to ignore her, what did she do, and it was almost midday when she noticed that the time for lunch had come, she came out of her office hoping to see him and ask him why he changed his way with her, and as she wished, she saw him leaving his office, but she was stopped by someone shouting his name, she and Caesar turned to the voice's owner, to saw A girl jumped into Caesar's arms and then wrapped her feet around his waist and he greeted her with a loud laugh while embracing her in return. Alice was shocked by the scene, while the girl pulled her face away from Caesar, but did not leave him, and said with a smile, " I miss you so much ." " Me too, Kira " Caesar said with a laugh. While Alice looked at them in disbelief, she only said, " What the f**k. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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