His Favourite Little Wolf

2058 Words
Alice stood looking at them in astonishment, while Kira was still holding Caesar, Alice kept looking at them until Dimitry put his hand on her shoulder and said, " Hey, Alice, I've been talking to you for a while ." She raised an eyebrow in surprise and said, " Oh, really. " Then she giggled nervously, " Sorry, the scene in front of me totally grabbed my attention ." Dimitry looked at where Caesar and Kira were, then said understandingly, " Ahaa, don't be surprised after that, they've been like this all the time ." " Who is she? " she said curiously. Dimitry smiled and said, " My brother's favourite little wolf ." Then he turned to them and said in a loud voice, " Ayyy Kira. " Caesar put Kira down and she ran to Dimitry and hugged him too, and then said, " Di, I miss you ." And before she heard his reply, she returned to Caesar and pulled him by the hand to join them, and he followed her with a laugh. Kira said excitedly, " Where's Kai, and the little Dm Dm ?" Keen's voice interrupted them, " Oh my God, Kira's here ." Kira shouted loudly, " My Kai ." Alice was getting more and more amazement by the time and when Kira finally noticed her, she suddenly calmed down and then said while pointing at Alice, " Who is she? " Dimitry put his hand on Alice's back and said, " Alice ," and before he could finish, Kira interrupted him as she walked up to Alice and grabbed locks of her hair. " Wow, her hair is so beautiful " " She's my girlfriend, " Dimitry added. She suddenly let her hair down and looked at Dimitry, furrowing her eyebrows. " Nooo ," she said. Then she turned to Alice and pinch her cheek lightly and said, " she's pretty, but she doesn't suit you ." Alice was offended without knowing why, so she said, " Excuse me, what? " Kira smiled and said, " Oh, she's talking. " Alice sneered sarcastically while Kira took Caesar's hand and said, " Come on, Zoro, I'm hungry ." Alice looked at her with animosity while Kira didn't care and didn't look at her again and headed out with Caesar after Caesar told Sam to cancel all his appointments for the day, and that Keen will take care of the work that can't be postponed. After that, the day passed with a lot of effort on Alice, she was making a lot of mistakes because she couldn't focus on work, and by the end of the day she was totally exhausted, she went with Dimitry in his car to the palace and when they got inside, Kira and Aiden laughter filled the place, Kira saw her and said " Why do you look like the mountain's old man " This was enough to stir Alice's nerves, but she did not talk to her and excused herself to went up to her room, then went to the shower, perhaps the hot water would help her relax, and after she finished she came out of the bathroom with only a towel to find Kira sitting on her bed, she quivers and then said, " What are you doing here, Please get out of my room ." Kira chuckled sarcastically, then said, " No one cares to see you with a towel, grandma, then this was my room in the first place, so shiw, find yourself another room ." Alice sighed angrily and went to the changing room and changed her clothes and then headed to the garden. She kept moving back and forth, perhaps her anger at Kira would subside a little, as she did not want to clash with her either so as not to anger Caesar again after what happened with Silvia. Alice was overwhelmed with disappointment, as she had been in the garden for about two hours and no one noticed her, and she began to have some thoughts that frustrated her even more. Alice sighed desperately, and a loud scream came from the palace after that, so she panicked and ran inside and as she headed for the stairs she saw Caesar, but he ignored her and headed up quickly, as the others had come out of their rooms to see where the screaming came from, the sound was coming from Alice's room in which Kira was sitting right now. Caesar entered first and the others came in behind him to find Kira sitting on the floor in the dressing room holding her foot in pain, and on the ground in front of her a small electric taser. Alice gritted her teeth angrily because she knew that Kira had messed with her things, Caesar bowed to her and said, " What happened? " " That stupid thing, " Kira said in pain. " It hit my leg so hard I can hardly feel it ." " Where did you get it from ?" said Caesar. She nodded to Alice and said, " It belongs to her. " Caesar looked at Alice. She didn't understand what his look meant, so she said, " What, I've been living alone, surely I have something like this to protect myself ." " Why are all misfortunes connected to you in the end ?" said Caesar, slightly angry. Alice was shocked by his words she said, " This is my fault now, because she messed with my things, and hurt herself. " Caesar, " if it wasn't with you, this wouldn't have happened ." Alice sighed in disbelief as Caesar picked Kira out of the room, Keen was about to say something but she said, " Don't say anything, I'm tired enough to argue about this ridiculous situation ." He kept quiet for a while, then said while holding a strand of her hair, " I was just going to ask, where have you been with that wet hair? " Alice sighed tiredly as if she just remember it, so Aiden came up to her and hugged her and said, " Please don't be sad ." Alice hugged him back and said, " It's okay, if he's not rude, he won't be Caesar. " They laughed at her words, then Dmitriy took her by the hand and began to help her to dry her hair with the dryer, and when she knew that Kira would not return to the room, she quickly went to sleep and the others went to their rooms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the next morning Alice went down earlier than usual to the dining room, but before she get in, she heard Kira and Caesar's voices inside, so she preferred to go to work without seeing them, then took her car and left. After an hour, Dimitry went downstairs and did not find Alice. He asked about her. Sophia, who happened to be in the room, replied that she was gone about an hour ago. Dimitry was worried about her and took out his phone to call her, but she did not answer. He called Sam and she told him that Alice had entered an early meeting with some of the workers and certainly left her phone in her office, after that he was assured and sat down to eat his breakfast before he go. Everyone went to work after that even Kira went with them, and sat with Caesar in his office while Aiden went to Alice's office and sat waiting for her. Alice immersed herself in work, so she ended her meetings only at lunchtime, she sighed annoyingly when she had to go to Caesar to tell him everything she had done, and what made her more pissed was that she knew from Sam that Kira was with him. she took a deep breath before entering Caesar's office, and found him sitting with Kira on the sofa, in front of them were many pictures they were cutting and editing. She put the files on his desk and then came back and stood in front of him and formally told him everything she had done during the day, and while they were talking, Kira was trying to get some colour out of the box, so she opened it hard and most of it spread on Alice's clothes and on her face too. Alice gasped in shock then closed her eyes, trying to control her anger, but she couldn't so she quickly got out of the room and head to her office. Aiden gasped when he saw her and said, " Oh my God, what happened ?" " Kira decided to play on my clothes today because your brother's paper wasn't enough, " said Alice with an angry sarcasm. " Kira did that to you, and what did Caesar say? " She tossed her hair and grumbled, " I didn't wait to find out. my anger towards him, for now, is enough ." Aiden patted her shoulder and said, " Wait a minute, I'll get you something to wear. " Aiden went out while Alice stand in the middle of the room massaging her neck where she felt the pain, Kira entered the room and sat on Alice's desk chair while Alice looked at her pissed " Don't expect an apology or something ," said Kira indifferently. " You're old enough to know it was a coincidence, better pour your anger out on your bad luck, " she said, Alice sneered sarcastically. " I really can't bear it ." Then she walked out of the room she hit on Caesar, who said, " Where are you going? " " To the bottom of Hell ," she said angrily as she skipped him. She went to the stairs and went to the roof. She shivered from the cold weather, but her anger was greater. She put her hand on her mouth and kept screaming until she calmed down a little. Then she sat on the ground after that and closed her eyes and said to herself, " We will not kill anyone today, okay. " Then she laughed nervously and said, " Let's consider her a child, we would not be angry with a child, right ." Then she gasped so hard when cold water fell on her, she looked behind her to find Kira standing in front of her smiling wide, then she said, " Water cleans everything right. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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