4. You’ve got to be kidding

1166 Words
“That’s wonderful mom. i’m so excited!” I cheered sarcastically. “Less sarcasm please, I think it’ll be good for you El” She winked. “Ew mom no, me with some uptight, rich Berlin guy? I don’t think so.” I said while crossing my arms. “You need to start being positive Ella, the world is full of unexpected surprises and you need to be ready for it” She exclaimed. “Fine mom, i’ll try to be excited about it okay?” I rubbed my temples. “Oh yay” she clapped “I love you sweetie try to get some sleep.” She stood up and kissed my forehead “I love you too mom” I stood up and walked upstairs. She shouted from the bottom of the stairs “Oh and sweetie wear something nice tomorrow please!” “Okay!” I shouted back. Just how I wanted to spend my Saturday, going to some neighbors stupid dinner party. I changed into my pajama’s I guess I can’t really complain, I haven’t seen my mom this happy in a long time. And she seems really excited about this new job, I can suck it up for a dinner party. I yawned today’s been one hell of a day. I turned my lights off and pulled my covers down climbing into my favorite place in the world. My bed. I covered up and instantly felt my body relax. I closed my eyes and within 3 minutes I was out. The Next Day…. I turned off the shower water and rung my hair out. I grabbed my light pink towel off of the rack and wrapped it around my body. Why am I even nervous? Just because it’s a guy from my school doesn’t mean I know him. I’m a mess. I walked out of the bathroom and to my room. The whole time i’ve been thinking about what to wear. “Wear something nice” I said out loud with finger quotes. What am I supposed to wear that’s considered nice for rich people standards.. I grabbed my light blue ripped skinny jeans out of my closet and put them on. I noticed a baby blue cropped tank top and grabbed it. I put it on and looked in the mirror. This could work. I fixed my hair and put some mascara on. I heard my text tone and picked my phone up. It was a text from Brax. “Hey x” “Hey what’s up?” I responded “You busy tonight?” The next text read. How is she gonna ask if i’m busy when she ditched me.. “Sadly, I have to go to some stupid dinner party :(“ I replied. “Since when has Ella Jensen gone to dinner parties?” She asked. “Since my mom got offered a new job, it’s at her bosses house I guess” I replied “Damn.. I wanted to hang tonight” She said “I’m sorry babe :(“ “Wait a sec, i’m mad at you why the hell did you ditch me today!?!” I sent a double text and watched as the text bubble popped up from her typing. “I’m so sorry I promise it wasn’t on purpose. My dad called me flipping out about my little brother so I rushed home as usual.” She said “I’m sorry Brax, I didn’t know he was still acting that way.. He’s a jerk.” I replied “Tell me something I don’t know.. Anyways let’s change the subject :)” She said “OMG, I forgot to tell you, so apparently my moms new boss has a son who goes to Berlin” I replied “OMGGG OMGG who?!?” She texted “That’s the thing, I have no idea! I’m nervous.” I replied “GIRL, you are HOT no need to be nervous :)” She said I giggled “I love you I gtg.” I sent it she responded twice “I LOVE YOU MORE” “YOU BETTER LET ME KNOW ASAP.” “Duh” I replied back I set my phone down on my vanity and finished getting ready. I heard my mom yell from downstairs “El! You ready?!” I put my shoes on grabbed my phone and ran downstairs. My mom was standing at the bottom and looked nervous. “Does this look okay on me? Or do I look stupid.. You’re the young one here so give your mama some fashion advice.” She giggled. “You look beautiful mom.” “Aw, thanks sweetie. Now let’s go before we’re late!” She said and ran out the front door. I chased after her. We decided to just walk because it was way closer than I thought. I followed my mom until she stopped and looked at a house. “This is it 314!” She said as she walked up the little pathway. “This is their house!? It’s huge!” I exclaimed. “It is pretty big, i’ll agree with you on that one. But they are rich sweetie so it makes sense.” She said. We finally made it to their front door and my mom knocked twice. “Oh you must be Linda! Welcome to our home.” A women wearing a beautiful expensive looking red dress answered the door. She had long blonde hair with lots of volume. “That’s me, thank you so much for inviting us over. This is my daughter Ella.” My mom said. “Well hello there Ella” The women smiled. “Hi, your house is… very nice” I smiled “Why thank you dear, come in come in! Dinner is going to get cold.” The women said as she walked into the house and we followed behind her. I looked around in amazement. The floor was shiny marble and in front of me was a grand staircase with a big shiny chandelier hanging from the ceiling. “Come on El” My mom hurried me and I snapped out of it and followed them. We walked into the huge dining room. The table was big enough to seat at least 10 people. I wasn’t really focused on the people in the room I was stuck looking at the house and how nice it was. “The dinner guest have arrived.” The women said sweetly. “Great to see you again sir, thank you for having us over.” My mom greeted. I finally looked at the dining table and my stomach dropped… No way. “It’s so wonderful to see you again Linda, we’re so excited to have you joining the law firm.” The man at the table said. My eyes stayed wide and I was frozen. “Thank you so much Mr. Gray! I’m very excited to start.” My mom said enthusiasticly
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