3. Another snooty rich kid

1138 Words
“Miss. Jensen is there a problem?” Mrs.Chester asked. “Nope not at all, I apologize.” I replied. “Well okay then please take your seat next to Mr. Gray you’ve disrupted the class enough with your lateness.” She said in a bitchy tone as usual. I rolled my eyes as I walked down the row to my seat. I didn’t even look at him as I plopped down I immediately started taking notes so I could avoid him as much as possible. “Pst” I heard quietly I ignored him and continued taking notes. “Pst hey” I sighed and turned to him. “What. What do you want you know some of us actually want good grades” I turned back and angerily continued my notes pushing hard with the pen “Wow that was kind of harsh Jensen, it isn’t nice to assume you know.” He teased. I put my note pad down “That has to be a joke right? You’re almost as smart as Brianna and that’s saying something” I crossed my arms. “Brianna has the attention span of a gold fish, i’m not as dumb as you think I am” He crossed his arms and looked away. “Mr. Gray , Miss. Jensen is there something that you both would like to share with the class? Ya know since it’s so important that you two are disrupting it.” Mrs. Chester. crossed her arms and stared at us. “No, i’m sorry” I replied. Ashton laughed and I went back to taking notes. The end of class bell rang. “Okay class please remember to read pages 245 through 350 and write a small essay on whether you believe it is fiction or non fiction work. Have a good day!” 5 minutes later. I walked past Ashton and his little group of friends and ignored the stares. I noticed Liam taking pictures for the yearbook. I snuck up behind him and yelled “Boo!” He jumped and almost dropped his camera but caught it before it hit the ground. I laughed “Ella you scared the s**t out of me” He scolded and crossed his arms “I was taking pictures for the yearbook, but anyways what’s up?” He asked. “Have you seen Braxton anywhere she never misses our after school hang outs” I put my hands on my hips. “I haven’t seen her since you left for English” He said. I put my finger to my chin. “Odd, oh well i’m sure she’ll pop up.” “She better be at our next one or else!” Liam exclaimed. “i’ll just text her when I get home” I said. “Do you need a ride home? Ya know since Braxton was your ride and kinda just ditched you?” He asked while giggling. “She would never ditch me on purpose Liam.” I said defensively. Or would she.. “I’ll just walk home, it’s nice today anyways” I said. “Don’t get kidnapped or else i’ll have to find two new best friends” He said. I giggled “I won’t get kidnapped Liam” “You never know El, people are weirdo’s” He said. “I love you Liam, I have to start walking or else i’ll never make it” I started walking away and heard him shout “I love you too! If someone tries just kick them in the balls!” I giggled. 30 minutes later. I opened the door to my house as fast as possible. I didn’t pay attention to how damn hot it was outside and just walked for 30 minutes. I ran inside and instantly felt relief with the ac. “Mom?” I called out. No reply. So tired, so hungry. I dragged myself into the kitchen and noticed a note on the fridge. “El, another late night at work. Pizza is in fridge love u -mom” I sighed i’ve had pizza for the past week. It’s okay El you’re used to this.. I decided to clean up so she wouldn’t have to deal with it when she got home. I started with the dishes. My mom and I moved to this part of town about a year ago. She managed to keep me in the same school and everything so that I could stay with Brax and Liam. My dad disappeared when I was 4 with no explanation. But my moms been busting her ass since then, just to help us get by but this job is killing her and she won’t admit it. 2 hours later. I was only going to tidy up but I got a little carried away. I was wiping down the kitchen table when my mom walked in. She slipped off her shoes and set her keys and purse down. “Oh good, you are home” She said with a smile. “Mom? What are you doing home so early? Oh no did something happen?” I started getting worried “No honey, nothing happened” She giggled. She clapped her hands together “I quit my job” She squealed excitedly. My jaw dropped. I started breathing heavily “You what?” “We’re gonna be homeless!” I put my hands on my head. My mom just stood there laughing. “Mom how could you laugh at a time like this” I pointed at her “I’m gonna have to get a job, maybe even two I need to help i’m gonna go start applying-“ I started walking away but she grabbed my arm and pulled me back. “El, calm down take a deep breath.” “How can I calm down! What about my tuition?” I took deep breaths as she walked me over to the couch and we both sat down. “El honey listen, I got a job offer. It’s such a good opportunity and way better pay!” I covered my mouth with excitement “Really? Oh my gosh mom that’s amazing!” I clapped my hands. She nodded her head. “Mhm, so you were worried for nothing. Anyways tomorrow we’ve been invited to dinner at my new bosses house with his family just to welcome me! Isn’t that sweet? Turns out they live right next to us too!” I facepalmed “Do I HAVE to go?” She put her hand on her hip “Ella Jensen, yes you have to go. Plus I believe they have a son around your age, actually I think he goes to Berlin as well!” She said. I rolled my eyes “Oh great.” Another snooty rich kid.
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