
Rivals to Lovers

opposites attract
friends with benefits

Ella Jensen was just a typical senior in high school, that was until her best friend turned on her and everything fell apart. She attends Berlin Academy a well known prestigious school. And though she grew up in this school, she still had many bullies including the most popular guy in school Ashton Gray.. But, he has a secret. Will his secret be revealed? Will an accidental one night stand at a party make her fall for him? Or will they stay rivals until the very end.

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1. Berlin Academy
“Ella! Sweetie are you awake?” I moaned and groggily turned over in my bed. I distantly heard my moms voice but chose to ignore it instead. “Ella Grace Jensen! Braxton is down here waiting for you!” My mom yelled from downstairs . I sighed and opened my eyes, I looked over at the alarm clock next to my bed it read 7:30. s**t i’m gonna be late. I tiredly sat up and swung my legs over the bed. I stared at my school uniform that was draped neatly over my vanity chair in front of me. I gave myself the same pep talk I do everyday and got out of bed. I walked over to my vanity and grabbed my school uniform. I go to a prestigious school. Berlin Academy to be specific, so, that’s pretty fun. Not. Obviously i’m being sarcastic my school is the worst. The only thing worse than my school are the snobs that attend it. Our school colors are burgundy red and white couldn’t they have picked something cuter? I lifted my tank top over my head and flung it onto the bed. I grabbed my white button up shirt and slipped my arms inside buttoning it up while letting out a sigh. My hair is pretty long so I always have to bunch it up in a pony tail to pull it out of my collar. I grabbed the red vest that goes over top of my white shirt and slipped it on buttoning it up along with the bow tie in the collar of the shirt. I shimmied out of my pajama pants and threw them on the bed right next to my tank top. I grabbed the burgundy plaid skirt and slipped it on doing the two buttons on the side. God every morning I feel like I lose 10 pounds with this routine. Lastly I grabbed my white knee high socks and slipped them on. I finally let out a deep breath and sat down at my vanity. I looked in the mirror noticing the bags under my eyes, this is why you don’t stay up studying Ella. I hurriedly put some concealer under my eyes and slapped on some mascara. I brushed out my long straight dark brown hair and looked myself in the mirror. Good enough I sighed. I sprayed myself with some perfume and then stood up grabbing my flats slipping them on I’ve never really been confident it’s kinda hard to be when all of the girls in my school are perfect I mean most of them are like 5’5 or even shorter with perfect bodies . I’m about 5’8 so my dating life has always been a little awkward. I mean I don’t think any girl wants a boyfriend who’s shorter than her. I grabbed my book bag, flung it onto my shoulder and ran downstairs. I overheard my mom talking to Brax as I was walking down the stairs. “I’m sorry dear, I’m sure she’ll be down in just a minute” My mom said. “It’s okay Mrs. Jensen” I heard Brax reply. I slightly rolled my eyes. My mom always acts like i’m never on time to anything and i’m always keeping people waiting. “Ella!” My mom shouted again. She didn’t notice that I was almost to the bottom of the steps and then she saw me. “Oh, sorry there you are good morning honey” She exclaimed. Brax threw her arm up and waved excitedly. “Good morning” I yawned. “Oh yeah mom-“ I started trying to ask her a question that I had just remembered but she cut me off “Anyways dear, i’m going to be late for work you girls have a good day at school okay?” She kissed me on the head “I love you honey” “I love you too mom” I said defeated. She grabbed her purse and ran out of the door as fast as she could. Brax walked over to me and yelled out while looking at the door “bye mom!” We both giggled and she noticed that I seemed upset. “You okay?” She asked me. “i’m always okay.” I told her with a confident smile and shrug. “Well, we have a wonderful day of school ahead of us” She clapped excitedly “Yay” I said in the most sarcastic tone I could muster. I rolled my eyes. “Let’s go!” Brax said as she ran out my front door to her car. She drove a light blue punch buggy. She got it for her 16th birthday. As for me I still didn’t have a car so Brax has come to my house to pick me up for school ever since she got it. I followed her and ran over to her car. I swung open the passenger side door and slid in throwing my book bag in the back seat. She buckled her seat belt and turned to me. “You ready?” She said in the same upbeat tone she always has. “How are you always so happy?” I said sarcastically. “How are you always so negative?” She asked “Just drive” I face palmed “Right away, your majesty” she giggled. She put her hands on the wheel and pulled out of my driveway. It took about 15 minutes to get to our school because we had to use the highway. Which is another reason i’m super happy I don’t have to ride the bus. If you couldn’t tell by now Brax and I are pretty close. I met her when we were five and she’s been my best friend ever since. Now she is a little bit crazy but I love her regardless and she’s always been there for me when I need her. We pulled into the schools parking lot and I swear I gagged. “Oh stop being dramatic” She said I rolled my eyes as we both got out of the car. We always had an extra 10 minutes before classes actually started and since it’s 8 am we already missed home room anyways. We walked in school Braxton bubbly as always and then there was me, polar opposites. We made it to the lockers I opened mine and she opened hers. I put my text books in the locker and closed it. “Something about being here just makes me miserable” I said. Braxton closed her locker and stared at me with a brow raised. “I think that’s just you Ella” She giggled and I lightly smacked her shoulder. We talked for a little bit and then the 2nd bell rang. We walked to math together.

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