5. Why am I like this?

1354 Words
The man smiled and took a sip of his water. My mom looked over at me “El? Sweetie you okay?” She mumbled. I snapped out of it and looked at her “Oh yeah i’m fine” I smiled. I could tell by the look on Ashton’s face that he was surprised to see me as well. We all had a seat at the table, I looked at the amazing food in front of me and my stomach growled. “Let’s eat!” Mrs. Gray said. After dinner… Mr and Mrs. Gray walked into the living room as my mom followed them. I sure as hell wasn’t staying in the dining room alone with Ashton so I ran after them. I noticed that Ashton had also followed along. “Oh Linda, it’s been just wonderful having you and your daughter over for dinner.” Mrs. Gray said “Dinner was amazing! El and I really appreciate you having us over” My mom smiled and nudged my shoulder. Dinner was so awkward, I wish I would’ve known the “son” would be Ashton. I thought to myself. “Isn’t that right el?” My mom asked. I was in a full blown staring contest with Ashton. We both had our arms crossed and scowls on our faces. “El?” My mom nudged me again and brought me out of my head. “Huh, oh yes dinner was amazing Mrs. Gray.” I smiled awkwardly Ashton laughed at me. I felt my anger come rushing back but bit my tongue. This is my mom’s new boss and I don’t want her to miss and opportunity just because I don’t like their son. “Why thank you darling.” Mrs. Gray said while tucking a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear. “Ya know” Mrs. Gray put her finger to her chin. “The night doesn’t have to be over Linda” She said. My eyes widened and so did Ashton’s “Would you like to stay and have some wine?” Mrs. Gray asked. “Oh i’d love to!” My mom replied. I knew she’d say yes. Dammit. “Amazing!” She turned to Ashton and smiled. “Ashton, why don’t you show Ella your room? You two haven’t been very chatty.” His eyes widened. You could see by his facial expressions that he did not want to do that. Mrs. Gray crossed her arms. “Is there a problem with that?” She scolded. He rubbed his neck awkwardly “Of course not mom, I’d love to.” “That’s what I thought” She pointed in triumph “Follow us Linda.” She smiled. Mrs. Gray walked into the kitchen and Mr. Gray followed. I looked over to my mom with help me written all over my face. She turned to me and put her hands on my shoulders. “El, please do this for me” She whispered. I can see how much she wants this so I nodded with a smile. She kissed my cheek “Have fun you two! No fooling around” She pointed to Ashton “I’m serious.” She squinted her eyes at him and he put his hands up in defense while I giggled. She ran after Mr and Mrs Gray. I stood there with my arms crossed staring at him. He looked up and smiled at me. It shocked me because usually he’s an asshole. He put his hands in his pockets and shrugged “So, I guess i’ll show you my room?” I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Let’s just get this over with, I don’t want to spend anymore time with you then I have to.” He winked “Don’t be so hostile El” I wanted to gag. “Follow me” He said. He led me up the grand staircase and at the top was a long hallway with like 6 doors on each side. I looked straight down the long hallway and noticed a single door by itself. We kept on walking and ended up in front of the solo door. He opened it up and walked inside. I followed him in and looked around. My eyes widened “Welp, welcome to my room” He opened his arms “It’s different than I expected.” I said smugly. I expected more of a mess or like naked girl posters all over the walls. But instead it was just a pretty basic room, except for the fact that it’s huge because he’s rich. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He raised a brow and crossed his arms. Why is he being so nice to me, I feel like i’m in a parallel universe. “I know you don’t like me but you don’t have to ignore me” He said with a wink. “I’m sorry Ashton, I’m just in my own head. I do it a lot without realizing.” I said. He shrugged “Do you maybe wanna talk about it?” He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. Okay now i’m weirded out there is no way this is the same Ashton Gray I go to school with. “I don’t want to bother you with my problems” I looked down at the ground. “El, you aren’t bothering me, I offered plus if we’re going to be stuck in a room together we might as well talk right?” There’s the Ashton I know.. I rolled my eyes. He walked over to his bed and plopped down. He rested on his arms that were placed behind him on the bed. “We’ll come here, let’s chat then” For some reason that gave me a tingle in my stomach.. god i’m so dirty minded but helloooo earth to El this is also your arch enemy remember? “I’m coming, I’m coming” I giggled and walked over sitting next to him. I tried to sit farther away so it wasn’t weird. “So uh” I fidgeted with my hands awkwardly. He laughed “I’m waiting on you Jensen” God I hate when he calls me Jensen. He dramatically put his hands on his knees and leaned in. “Well go on, i’m ready to hear what’s bothering you.” He said. Honestly i’m amazed he isn’t on his phone getting nudes from all the girls at school like Brianna.. Oh I forgot to mention that, yeah that b***h Brianna is Ashton’s ex. No surprise there though. “Gettin a little close there.” I moved back. He laughed “Am I making you uncomfortable?” He looked me in my eyes. I could hardly handle direct eye contact but as soon as I looked into his blue eyes I felt like I was in a trance. “N-no you aren’t” I shook myself out of it and crossed my arms. He moved back to how he was sitting before. “I’m just messing with you, but seriously what’s on your mind” My eyes trailed down his body as I lost my train of thought. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find Ashton attractive.. Honestly I always have but he’s always turned me off with the way he acted towards me. My eyes trailed to his tattoo’s, don’t even get me started on those i’ve never seen them fully but I know he has to be covered.. I snapped out of it and realized he was texting on his phone. “Ahem?” I said. He set it down “Oh, are you finally ready to talk? because I asked you and you just started weirdly staring at me” He laughed I felt my face heat up oh god I really hope i’m not blushing. I looked away and took a deep breath before he could notice “Yes, jeez you’re so impatient” I said in annoyed tone. “Am not” He stuck his tongue out. “Are too” I giggled.
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