16. The party's tomorrow

821 Words
"Here they are" I stated grabbing a white halo off of the wall. "Ou look Liam the wings come with it." I said with a smile. "Weren't you just saying women have to buy everything seperate?" He raised a brow with a smirk as I slapped him with the wings. "Oh hush, lets go check out" I said. He nodded as we walked to the check out. "Do you have heels?" He asked. I put my finger to my chin for a second and then remembered my mom had bought me a sparkly silver pair of heels for my birthday last year. "Actually I do, my mom bought them for me hoping i'd wear them but obviously that's not my style." I said. "Well tomorrow night is the night you wear them" He said. "Wait tomorrow night? Is the party tomorrow?" I asked. He nodded. "Yup, which means i'll come pick you up at 12:00 am" He said. "So we aren't the first ones there?" I asked with a laugh. "Exactly, we can't look like total nerds. Plus if we show up at 12 then everybody will already have had an hour of drinking" He said pointing triumpthantly. I laughed and set our items on the counter. "Just the wings, halo and devil costume for you?" The man said. "Yes please" I said with a smile. Liam looked around at all of the small items they had at the checkout. "50.67 is your total" The man said. "Wow that's expensive" I replied but respectfully pulled my card out anyways. I put it in the chip reader as the man laughed at what I'd said. "Yeah but by looks of it you can afford it just fine." He smiled. I looked down at my uniform and looked back up smiling. I giggled and pulled my card out once it dinged. I put it back into my wallet and took the bag from him. "Have a nice day sir." I said as Liam and I walked out of the store. I crossed my arms as we were walking. "Did you hear what the hell he said?" I asked Liam. "What? That you should be able to afford it because you attend Berlin?" He asked. "Yes that exactly, that isn't something you just assume. I mean there are grants and stuff yanno?" I said. Liam laughed. "Don't let him bother you el, let's just go home." He said. I sighed "You're right." We made our way to the mall exit and walked out. We walked across the street to the parking area and to his car. He unlocked it and I opened the back door putting my bags on the seat. I shut it and hopped in the passenger seat. "I kept your bag seperate" I said as I looked over at Liam who had just gotten in. He started the car and put it in reverse. "Oh thanks el" He said. "No problem, hey do you think you can drop me off at home?" I asked. "You don't wanna hang for a little?" He said sadly. Just then I heard my text tone and picked up my phone. It was a message from Ashton that read. "Hey, did I do something? I noticed you got a ride with Liam.. Hope everything is okay." My eyes widened and I locked my phone putting it down. "Actually, yeah I do wanna hang for a bit." I smiled. "Everything okay?" He asked. I nodded "Yeah it was my mom, she wanted me to be home but that was her saying she will be coming home late" I lied. 'Oh okay perfect then, my mom is gonna be so happy to see you it's been awhile" He said. I smiled at the thought of Liam's mom, she is a sweet lady who has always treated me like part of the family. Not to mention she is always making sure I eat. "It has been awhile, i'm sorry.." I said. "For what?" He asked. "I stopped coming over as much, and I just feel like a shitty friend." "El, shut up you aren't a shitty friend. Life just got busy is all. I promise my mom understands." He smiled. That warmed my heart... I picked up my phone and typed in my passcode. I clicked on my mom and I's texts and messaged her. "Hey going to Liam's for a little to hang out if you need me, I didn't get kidnapped. Love you" I pressed send and set my phone back down. I looked out the window as Liam turned up the radio blaring rock music. I heard my phone go off again and lifted it up. It was a text from my mom that read "Okay sweetie, be safe I love you." I smiled at her response and set my phone down again. I stared out the window and watched as we drove down Liam's road.
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