17. Night before the big party

1544 Words
We finally made it to Liam's house. I looked out the window and noticed nothing had changed, it's been a long time since I came over to hang at Liam's since we were usually at my house or Braxton's. "It's the exact same" I looked over at Liam with a smile. "Yup" He laughed. I heard the gravel in his driveway crunching under the tires of his car as we pulled up to the garage. He put it in park and turned it off. He opened his door and got out. I hopped out also and opened the back door to grab our bags. "Let me carry those, if not my mom is gonna think i'm not a gentlemen" He laughed. I laughed with him "No way" I stuck my tongue out at him and ran toward his door. "Hey! No fair" He ran after me. He ended up taking the bags from me and stuck his tongue out "I win haha" He smiled and opened the front door. "Yeah yeah whatever mr gentlemen" I bowed. I followed him as he walked inside. "Hey mom i'm home!" He shouted while taking off his shoes. I remembered Mrs. James is very peticular about cleanliness. So I removed my shoes as well. "Welcome home, I hope you're hungry because I made stuffed peppers." She entered the little hallway we were standing in by the front door. "It smells amazing mom." Liam smiled. "Oh El, hello dear how are you?" She said with a warm smile. "I'm good how have you been?" I asked. "Oh you know just surviving each day and watching after this knucklehead." She chuckled while ruffling Liam's hair. I giggled. "Mom stoppp" He said while shooing her hand away. She sighed "Liam you will always be my little boy no matter how grown you get." She pinched his cheek and I noticed a defeated look on Liam's face. "Anyways, el would you like to stay for dinner?" She asked while turning toward me. "I'd love to if it isn't too much trouble." I smiled. "Of course it isn't! You are pretty much the daughter i've never had" She said with a smile. "That's very sweet of you, i'm sorry I haven't visited in so long." I said with my head down. "Oh not a problem honey. Things happen" She replied. I nodded as a thank you. "Alright mom, well please let us know when dinner is ready we gotta go upstairs and work on a school project." Liam said. "Okay sweetie, i'll call you guys when it's ready." She smiled and walked back into the kitchen. Liam sighed "Sorry" He mumbled. I smakced his arm "Your mom is the best don't apologize" I laughed. "She is pretty awesome huh?" He smiled. "Let's go upstairs" He said as he started making his way up the steps. I followed him to his room. He opened his bedroom door and plopped the bags down on the floor. He walked over and jumped on his bed. "So now what?" I asked. "Well, the party is tomorrow and we already have costumes so now we just gotta go over small details." He smiled. "Oh yeah? I didn't know so much planning went into attending some stupid high school party." I laughed/ He jumped up and posed pointing his finger to the ceiling like he was some knight. "What! Of course it does! Ella Jensen you listen and you listen good! This party will define the rest of our senior year. This party holds the key." He said motiviationally. I gave him a weird look and then burst out in laughter. "You look ridiculous!" I pointed while laughing. He stopped posing and sat down quickly. "Oh shut up" He said defeated and embarrassed. I continued laughing and tried to catch my breath. "Sorry sorry that was hilarious." I smiled. "Yeah yeah sure" He teased while sticking his tongue out. I heard my text tone go off and pulled my phone out of my pocket. My heart dropped when I read the name on the screen. Ashton.. I read the message. "Hey el, are we still on for tonight to party plan? I hope you're okay." I sighed and thought about what to text back. "Who are you texting?" Liam asked and tried sneaking a peak as I pulled my phone away. "None of your business" I laughed. "Hey no fair" He sat back and sighed. I laughed and finally decided to text back. I had to come up with some lie... "I'm so sorry I can't tonight, Liam and I had a project I completely forgot about.. I also can't go to the party because my mom needs my help tomorrow" I sent it hoping it would be believable. I felt anxious thinking about the party.. Especially after telling him I won't be there what happens if he sees me.. I impatiently waited for a response. "You look like you saw a ghost, whats wrong?" Liam asked while hanging upside down on his bed while looking at his phone. I looked up "Huh? Oh nothing i'm fine." I smiled. "Mhm suree" He said while he squinted his eyes. "Really I promise i'm fine." I tried to assure him. I heard my text tone and hurrdily picked up my phone. "Damn, that's fine don't worry about it. We'll find something else thats fun to do some other time." He replied and I felt relieved. I'm still worried about seeing him at the party though.. "Alright phone down" Liam said. I laughed "Okay okay" I clicked the side button to turn off my screen and put it in my pcoket. "So, are we leaving from your house? You're the only one with a car" I said. He sat upright and put his finger to his chin. "You've got a point, how about I sneak out and then i'll come pick you up?" He said. "That works." I smiled. "Perfect, that was pretty easy to figure out now I don't know what we're gonna do" He said. "Kids dinner is ready!" We heard Liam's mom shout from downstairs. "There's something, let's go i'm starving!" Liam said excitedly as he ran down the stairs. "Hey wait for me!" I yelled as I ran after him. We walked into the dining room and took a seat at the table. "Mrs. James do you need any help?" I asked. "No no dear that's okay you just sit there and relax you're a guest." She responded from the kitchen. It's funny, I don't feel like a guest here.. This has always been like a second home to me, when I'd fight with my mom or things got bad i'd come here.. She walked into the dining room and set our plates down. "Enjoy you two" She smiled. "Mom sit down and eat, I can finish the chores" Liam said. "Are you sure?" She said. "Of course sit down please?" He said. I smiled, Liam and his mom have always been super close.. It was sweet. "If you insist" She said as she sat down with her plate of food. We all began eating, I missed her cooking so bad. I usually only get pizza so home cooked meals are amazing. I can't blame my mom though, she just doesn't have the time. "This taste amazing, thank you" I said while taking another bite. "Thank you dear" She smiled. "So el, any lucky men in your life lately? You know you're growing up to be such a wonderful young lady" She asked. I nearly choked as I swallowed my food. I felt my face flush. "Mom don't ask that" Liam said. "Oh Liam, hush i'm sure el doesn't mind. Do you el?" "Not at all..But uh, no not really, i'm more focused on studying and grades right now." I replied and took a sip of water. "That's our el, always focusing on success." She smiled and took a bite of food. "How about you Liam?" She asked next. I noticed his face get red as he spit his drink. "Mom stop asking that" He said. She giggled. "I just want to know if my baby boy has a potential girlfriend is all" She pouted. I noticed Liam look at me and looked back toward his mom. "No i'm doing the same thing as el, I don't have time" He replied. "Oh i'm never gonna get grandchildren" She pouted some more and Liam spit out his drink again "Mom! You're embarrassing me and I'm only in highschool" He face palmed. She giggled "You've gotta start somewhere son!" "I'm sure you will Mrs. James. There are plenty of girls who want Liam" I said to push his buttons. His eyes widened "What?! Who!" He asked. "Oh my really? Are they nice girls?" She pinched Liam's cheek. He looked at me with a help me face as I laughed. "They are!" I said with excitement "I'm sure he will bring one home someday" I smiled "Oh Ella that is so good to hear. Thank you for watching out for Liam" She smiled. "Of course, someone has to keep him straight" I said. "Oh god" Liam put his face in his hands and sighed. "You two are ridiculous. We both laughed.
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