15. Fate

1525 Words
“El?” Liam said pulling me out of my zone. “Why would you want to go to that” I laughed “Listen, I know I sound absolutely insane but hear me out. This is OUR senior year. Our last year in school and if we don’t make the best out of it we’ll regret it.” He said. I looked at him and noticed how serious he was. “And you think Brianna’s halloween party is a good way to “Make the best of it”” I said with air quotes. “Yes I do” He stood there holding his composure and serious face. I sighed “Liam.. I just-“ I said before I was cut off. “Ella, this is something we’d never do which is exactly why we have to do it. Plus it’s a costume party so we can dress up it’ll be fun come on” He said. This sounds exactly like what Ash said to try and convince me the first time. I can’t tell Liam that I was planning to go to it already.. “Okay fine, I guess you’re right” I said. “Yes!” He jumped excitedly. I laughed and pushed his shoulder playfully. He stood next to me and hooked my arm in his. Before I knew it he was dragging me down the hallway and out of the front doors of the school. “Liam slow down where are we going?” I said. “To my house to figure out our costumes duh” He replied with a laugh. We made it to his car, a bright red subaru. He threw his book bag in his back seat and hopped in. “Well? Let’s go” He said. I smiled and hopped in the passenger seat. He started driving out of the parking lot. I noticed Ash as we were driving past and it seemed like time slowed for a swift second as we locked eyes. I quickly looked away. “Okay so what are we gonna be?” I asked Liam trying to get excited about it. After all he is my best friend so at least I didn’t lose everything. “Matching costumes?” He said. I gave him a weird look and he gave me one back. “Nah you’re right that’s stupid.” He said as we both laughed. “I was thinking about going as a nun” I said. He raised an eyebrow “Are you serious right now?” He asked. I looked at him “Well yeah, as a gag yanno because halloween is usually a time where girls dress as slutty as possible” I said with a laugh. “Exactly el, which is why you should also dress like a slut” He said. I widened my eyes “I can’t believe you just said that, do I seem like the type of person to do that?” I asked seriously. “Of course not, which is why you should. Think of it this way. For our last year in school we should both do things that we’d never ever do.” He said. He does kind of have a point.. Dammit. I thought. “I guess you’re right” I said with an eye roll. “That’s the spirit now think bigger” He said. I looked out the window trying to think of an idea for a costume. “I got it!” I said as I looked over at him. He pulled into the malls parking lot and put the car in park. He looked over at me. “Let’s hear it” He said. “What about an angel?” I asked. He rolled his eyes “El, what’s up with you and all of this goody goody costumes come on-“ He said before I interrupted him. “Now hold on hear me out” I said. “A slutty angel” A big smile formed on my face as we both laughed. “That’s perfect, oh I can be a devil!” He said. “That’s actually not bad, technically it isn’t matching” I rebutted. “Exactly, well, now that we have ideas let’s go buy some s**t” He laughed as he got out of the car. I got out after him and shut the door. I followed him as we walked into the mall. “Yanno I don’t think i’ve ever been to the mall in my school uniform” I laughed. He looked down at his outfit. “Oh s**t, I don’t think I have either” He laughed. “Oh well it makes us look rich” I said as I made a money sign with my fingers. He laughed. We continued walking through the mall and I noticed Spencer’s. “Let’s start there” I pointed. He looked at me as if he was thinking the same thing and we both walked inside. “Hello welcome to spencer’s, anything I can help you find today?” The employee greeted us. “Oh no we’re fine thank you” I said. “Let me know if you change your mind” She said as she walked away. Of course I knew of Spencer’s but I’d never set foot in one before.. “Sooo where are the clothes?” I asked Liam quietly. “Follow me” He said as we walked to the back of the store. I looked to my right and noticed vibrators on the wall. I gasped and looked away. “Oh my god Liam” I said. He laughed and looked at me as he was looking through shirts. “What?” He said. I pointed the wall while looking away from it and he laughed harder. “You’ve never been in here have you el” He said. “No.. I mean I’ve heard that they sell slutty clothes like lingerie but I didn’t know there would be s*x toys” I replied. “Stop being a baby” He laughed. He noticed something and walked over to it. “Hey el check this out.” He said. I walked over to him and saw what he was looking at. It was a white lacy body suit. It covered the boobs and the p***y. The sides were cut out and there was a strip of materiel running down the stomach with diamonds in a line. “It’s a little bit..” I said. “Revealing?” He asked. “Exactly” I said. He smiled “Perfect then” He grabbed it and handed it to me. I blushed and grabbed it off of him. “Now you just need wings, a halo and maybe some heels.” He said. “How are you so good at this?” I asked. “I like fashion” He laughed. “Fair, and true.” I said. I noticed a short white skirt that obviously showed off the ass. I grabbed it “Hey I can add this to, It’s still revealing but it’ll make me more comfortable” I said. “That’ll be perfect let’s get it” He said. “Alright now we have to find you a devil costume” I said as I put my finger to my chin. I walked over to the men’s clothes rack and realized they had nothing for Liam. “These are all garbage” I said. He was also looking and laughed “Let’s try spirit halloween, we can get your wings and halo there for sure” He said. “Good idea” I said as we made our way to check out. I put my items on the counter as the women started ringing them up “Halloween party huh? Don’t have too much fun” She winked. I giggled awkwardly “Yeah we won’t don’t worry” She smiled. “34.65” She said. I handed her the money and she gave me my changed. She put my items in the bag and handed it over. “Have a great day you two and have fun” She waved. I smiled and we walked out. I carried my bag as I followed Liam to spirit halloween. We walked inside and noticed all of the decorations they had out on the floor. “Look over there” I pointed in the direction of the men’s section “I see a devils costume” I ran over and Liam followed. “Oh yeah” He picked it up. “Guys are lucky, they can just pick up one package and it has all of the stuff they need, it’s like girls have to buy everything separately” I crossed my arms. He laughed “Yeah it’s pretty nice” He said. I playfully smacked his arm. “Let’s go find you a halo and wings” He said. I nodded as we walked to the women’s section. Against the wall I noticed devil horns and figured the wings and halo’s had to be near. As we got closer I saw them.
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