12. What a b***h

1226 Words
“You know i’m still here for you el” Liam said with a sad look on his face. I forced a side smile “I know Liam, thank you” I said as I rested my hand on his shoulder. I gave him a sad smile as I turned around and walked to my math class. I had math with Braxton which I wasn’t looking forward to at all. I just can’t believe this happened.. For as long as i’ve known Brax she is the one person I never thought i’d lose. I took a deep breath and put my hand on the door knob as I stood in front of the classroom door. I hesitated before turning it and stepping inside. I scanned the classroom and noticed Brax had switched seats, instead of sitting next to me she was now sitting next to Chloe.. I looked away from her and walked to my seat. I set my book down on the table and stared straight ahead. “Mrs. Jensen we are on page 10” Mr. Cole said bringing me out of me trance. I nodded and opened my book turning it to page 10. “Alright class, please look over the page and then solve the questions on the sheet in front of you, it’s important for next Friday’’s quiz.” He said. I raised my hand “Mr. Cole I don’t have a question sheet” I said. I heard sly giggling. Brax and Chloe were whispering back and forth as they stared at me. I glanced at them and then rolled my eyes. “Not a problem Ella” He grabbed one off of his desk and walked over to me. He set it down and smiled “There ya go” He said. “Thank you” I said as he walked back up toward the front of the classroom. I grabbed my back pack to look for a pencil and a note fell out. I raised a brow and grabbed it off of the floor. What is this? I thought to myself as I opened it. When I read the words on the paper I felt my heart sink. “Stay away from Ashton -Braxton “ I crumbled it up and shoved it back in my bag. I grabbed my pencil and began to fill out the sheet. I ignored the giggles that continued from Braxton and Chloe. “Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Smith, Is there something you’d both like to share with the class?” Mr. Cole said while staring at them. Braxton twirled her hair around her finger “Nope, sorry Mr. Cole. Won’t happen again” She winked. He sighed “Okay well please just focus on your work.” He replied. I nearly gagged hearing Braxton flirt with the teacher she’d never do that before Brianna got a hold of her.. I felt my phone vibrate and quietly took it out of my pocket. I hid it under the desk as I checked the notification. “How is math class? Cuz Science is boringggg” From Ashton. I caught myself smiling and stopped immediately. “It’s Math, you tell me. I’d much rather be in Science” I replied “Lol, I guess you’re right. Wait don’t you have Math with Braxton?” He asked. I sighed as I began typing my response. “Yup, and it’s just wonderful. She switched seats to sit next to Chloe and they’ve been staring at me and giggling for the past 10 minutes.. She’s also being weird with Mr. Cole which is gross right?” I asked. “What do you mean weird? If you mean what I think you mean then i’m not surprised because Bri has always flirted with every male teacher to get what she wants, just try to ignore them” “That’s disgusting, and they have the audacity to call me a skank, also wow Ash thanks for the amazing advice” I replied sarcastically “Woah calm down jensen, always so hostile “ He replied. I rolled my eyes “I wonder why” I said. “Hey i’m not that bad, anyways changing the subject can I talk to you after class?” He asked I raised a brow at his question “I told you I want to remain not friends at school Ash.” I can’t have people knowing i’m getting closer with him especially now.. “Nobody will see us, just meet me in the gym under the bleachers” He replied. “Yeah that doesn’t sound sketchy at all” I said. “Just trust me, I gtg” He replied. I clicked my side button to turn off my phone and silently slipped it back into my book bag and continued my paper. 15 minutes later.. I finally heard my favorite sound, the bell rang signaling class was over and all of the students stood up and ran out of the classroom as fast as possible. It was a Friday so everyone was even more excited. I stood up gathering my things and noticed Chloe and Braxton giggling some more. I’ve had enough. I threw my book bag down on the chair and turned toward them. They both looked at me “You know, if either of you has a problem you can tell me instead of giggling and being childish” I said bluntly as I crossed my arms. Brax narrowed her eyes as she stared at me. She walked over to me with Chloe following behind her. “Fine, you wanna know what our problem is? We don’t like you plain and simple” Brax said. I laughed “You’re pathetic, I can’t believe I used to call you my best friend..” I said with a sad tone. “It was just a lapse of judgement El, this is who i’ve always been. You just never knew it” She said. “Well it’s great to know that our whole friendship was fake.” I said. She laughed in my face.. “And guess what else.” I said “I don’t really care what else you have to say Ella, you’re a nobody compared to me, always have been always will be.” She rebutted. I looked her up and down “I don’t remember asking if you cared Brax. What I was going to say is you’re a fake, you can pretend this is you as hard as you want but we can all see that you are trying way too hard to maintain it.” I smiled. She widened her eyes and crossed her arms. “You’re just jealous” She said. “Yeah you’re so jealous of Braxton it’s so noticeable” Chloe squealed. I turned and grabbed my book bag I stood up and gave her one last look. I flipped her off and as I walked out of the classroom I kept it up with my head held high. “f**k you Ella Jensen” I heard brax say as the door shut. “God what a b***h” I mumbled under my breath. It’s been 3 days that we haven’t been friends, it’s crazy to think about how much can change in 3 days. I walked down the hallway toward my locker with my head down.
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