11. Best friend turned enemy

1491 Words

The next morning.. “Ella grace get up!” I felt my mom shaking my leg. “Mmmmm leave me alone” I mumbled. “Ella, i’ve been trying to wake you for an hour! I’m going to be late for my first day get your ass up now” She said. I opened my eyes and the sun burned so I squinted. “I’m up” I groaned. “Geez, usually you aren’t this hard to wake up what time did you go to sleep last night?” She asked. My eyes widened a bit “Uh, midnight” I lied through my teeth. “Hm, whatever you say. How are you getting to school? Braxton didn’t show up today..?” She asked “Oh yeah she had something to do, i’ll find a way” I smiled “Okay well I have to go to work I love you sweetie have a good day at school” She kissed my forehead and walked out. I let out a huge sigh and fell flat on my back. I rubbed my face “f**

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