13. Secret photo’s

1200 Words
I opened my locker and shoved my math book inside. I didn’t have any other classes for the rest of the day since it’s Friday. Something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye so I turned my head to look at my open locker door. I looked at the pictures of Brax and I through the years that I had decorated with. I felt a sadness as I stared at them but shook myself out of it pretty quickly. She doesn’t care about you anymore El, you need to get over it.. I sighed and grabbed all of the pictures of us. I put them in a pile a set them in the corner of my locker. I grabbed the door of my locker and shut it. “Boo” Liam was standing on the other side of my opened locker. I screamed and then covered my mouth. “Liam! what is wrong with you” I slapped his arm. He laughed “hey payback is a b***h” He put his hands in his pockets. I rolled my eyes. “I guess I deserved it” I said. “I’m glad you are admitting it, anyways you had your head in your locker for awhile, you okay?” He asked. “Yeah, pft i’m totally fine. I was just doing some uh.. rearranging is all” I said. He raised a brow “you, are such a bad liar come on what’s wrong tell me” He said. I sighed “Fine fine, I was uh taking down the pictures of Brax and I..” I said sadly. I noticed his expression change to a sad one as well. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back “It’s hard el, trust me I know exactly how you feel. You and Brax were my only friends literally ever.” He pulled himself back and kept his hands on my shoulders while looking at me. “But at least you and I still have each other. Right?” He smiled. I smiled back at him. I held out my pinkie “always and forever” I said. He held out his and intertwined it with mine “always and forever” He repeated. The bell rang in the hallway drawing Liam and I’s attention. “You got class?” I asked. He nodded “History” He rolled his eyes “Boringggg” He added. I laughed “You better get going or you’ll be late” I scolded him. “Yeah yeah mom i’m going, alright I love you!” He yelled as he ran away. I waved, “I love you too” I mumbled. I let out a sigh and then my eyes widened. s**t I have to go meet ash. I turned the other way and ran down the hall. I stopped in my tracks when I noticed all of the halloween decorations the school was putting out. There’s been so much going on that I didn’t even realize it was almost Halloween.. I continued walking and noticed Chloe standing on a ladder with Bri below it. “Just a little higher Chloe” She said. “Bri I- I don’t think I can reach higher!” Chloe said as she struggled to push the banner higher. “Perfect right there” Bri said. She turned when she noticed me and gave me a fake smile. “Ah Ella, I see you’re admiring the halloween decorations” She said. I rolled my eyes “Yup totally they look great” I said sarcastically “Oh I know they do, you don’t have to tell me.” She said. “Okay then” I said annoyed as I turned to walk away from them. “It is quite sad though” I turned around “What are you talking about?” I said. “Oh sorry El, I was just trying to tell Chloe about how sad it is that you don’t have any plans for halloween.” She made a fake pouty face. “I don’t have any because I don’t want them, I also don’t owe you any explanations” I said and walked away listening to Brianna s**t talk me more to Chloe. God she has to be the most stuck up self centered b***h in the world. I don’t know how Ash dealt with her. I finally made my way to the gym and walked inside making sure the coast was clear. “Ash?” I whisper yelled. “Over here” I heard him say. I walked over and noticed him sitting underneath the one set of bleachers. “This is hilarious” I said as I crouched down and crawled under. “Well, I had to talk to you and I didn’t know where else to do it” He said. “You couldn’t have texted me?” I asked. “Well, I guess I could’ve but there’s no fun in that. Plus then I wouldn’t get to see you” He said. I stopped myself from blushing.. “Oh shut up romeo. What did you want to talk about?” I asked. He gave me a look and took a deep breath “So do you have any plans for halloween?” He asked. I laughed and he looked at me with a raised brow. “Oh you’re serious, no I don’t” I said. “Okay well hear me out then, I know you aren’t going to like this idea but Brianna is having a costume party and it’s gonna be fun.. I want you to come” He said. I laughed in his face. “Okay okay let me get this straight, You want me to go to a costume party that I wasn’t even invited to, that’s being thrown by a person I hate?” I asked. He rolled his eyes “Stop being so uptight Jensen, live a little. This is our senior year when is the last time you went to a party?” He asked. My eyes widened as he made me think about it. “Um… well 5th grade?” I said. “I know you aren’t talking about our school party” He said. I looked away as he laughed. “That’s amazing, but, also very sad, come on El” He said “It’ll be fun” “Even if I did want to go there’s no way Brianna would let me in, She hates me remember?” I said “El, it’s a costume party. Plus there is going to be a ton of people there and she’ll be too drunk to even realize who you are” He rebutted. “You’ve got a point, fine i’ll go” I rolled my eyes. “Woo! I got Ella Jensen to go to a party” He said as he laughed I playfully punched his shoulder. “Did you get it?” Chloe whispered as she looked over Braxton’s shoulder. “Got just what I needed” Brax whispered back after clicking the button on her phone to take a picture.
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