12. What a b***h

1226 Words

“You know i’m still here for you el” Liam said with a sad look on his face. I forced a side smile “I know Liam, thank you” I said as I rested my hand on his shoulder. I gave him a sad smile as I turned around and walked to my math class. I had math with Braxton which I wasn’t looking forward to at all. I just can’t believe this happened.. For as long as i’ve known Brax she is the one person I never thought i’d lose. I took a deep breath and put my hand on the door knob as I stood in front of the classroom door. I hesitated before turning it and stepping inside. I scanned the classroom and noticed Brax had switched seats, instead of sitting next to me she was now sitting next to Chloe.. I looked away from her and walked to my seat. I set my book down on the table and stared straight ahead

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